Quieted the apt-get installs to reduce terminal output chaos.
Changed the rvm GPG key server to remove the expired key warning
when the rvm public key is used to verify the rvm download. Command
used conforms to that specified by rvm.io.
Ruby and bundler versions are read from Vagrant's gemspec and used
with rvm to download the latest Ruby version that complies with
the version constraint. Exact bundler version is installed according
to gemspec.
Rubygems is upgraded to latest version through rvm.
This fixes the following issues when using the provided Vagrantfile
that can be used to develop Vagrant.
* use -s for curl
* set a hostname
* set the config.ssh.shell in the development Vagrantfile
==> default: stdin: is not a tty
* export the DEBIAN_FRONTEND variable
==> default: dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin: No such file or
* import the mpapis public key to verify downloaded release
==> default: -su: rvm: command not found
* use official Ubuntu Trusty box
New release '14.04.2 LTS' available.