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2023-11-29 21:50:26 +00:00
exception Runtime_error of string
module Op = struct
let add v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| Value.Int x, Value.Int y -> Value.Int (Int64.add x y)
| _, _ -> raise (Runtime_error "cannot add non integer values")
let sub v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| Value.Int x, Value.Int y -> Value.Int (Int64.sub x y)
| _, _ -> raise (Runtime_error "cannot sub non integer values")
let mul v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| Value.Int x, Value.Int y -> Value.Int (Int64.mul x y)
| _, _ -> raise (Runtime_error "cannot mul non integer values")
let is_true = function
| Value.True -> true
| _ -> false
type frame = {
regs : Value.t array;
mutable pc : Code.ins list;
let make_frame prog =
regs = Array.make (Code.frame_size prog) Value.Nil;
pc = Code.instructions Code.(prog.entrypoint);
let return_value fr = fr.regs.(0)
let eval fr = function
| Code.Cst_nil -> Value.Nil
| Code.Cst_true -> Value.Nil
| Code.Cst_false -> Value.Nil
| Code.Cst_int n -> Value.Int n
| Code.Reg i -> fr.regs.(i)
let exec fr = function
| Code.MOV (l, r) -> fr.regs.(l) <- eval fr r
| Code.ADD (l, r) -> fr.regs.(l) <- Op.add fr.regs.(l) (eval fr r)
| Code.SUB (l, r) -> fr.regs.(l) <- Op.add fr.regs.(l) (eval fr r)
| Code.MUL (l, r) -> fr.regs.(l) <- Op.mul fr.regs.(l) (eval fr r)
2023-11-29 22:56:42 +00:00
| Code.CON (l, vt) -> fr.regs.(l) <- Value.make_obj vt
2023-11-29 21:50:26 +00:00
| Code.RET -> fr.pc <- []
| Code.JMP l -> fr.pc <- Code.instructions l
| Code.BRT (v, l1, l2) ->
if Value.equal (eval fr v) True then fr.pc <- Code.instructions l1
else fr.pc <- Code.instructions l2
let rec run fr =
match fr.pc with
| [] -> return_value fr
| is :: rest ->
fr.pc <- rest;
exec fr is;
run fr
let run_program pr = run (make_frame pr)