completely redo bytecode format and decoder
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,94 +12,98 @@ module Bc = struct
output_string t.out (Buffer.contents t.buf);
Buffer.clear t.buf
let write_16 t x =
assert (Int64.to_int x land 3 = 1);
Buffer.add_int16_le t.buf (Int64.to_int x)
let wr_u8 t xs =
List.iter (Buffer.add_uint8 t.buf) xs
let write_32 t x =
assert (Int64.to_int x land 3 = 2);
Buffer.add_int32_le t.buf (Int64.to_int32 x)
let wr_u16 t xs =
List.iter (Buffer.add_uint16_le t.buf) xs
let write_48 _t x =
assert (x land 3 = 3);
failwith "..."
let ( << ) = Int64.shift_left
let ( |+ ) = Int64.logor
let _0 =
let _1 =
let rep_uint i =
assert (0 <= i && i < 0x400);
Int64.of_int i
let rep_sint i =
assert (-0x200 <= i && i < 0x200);
Int64.of_int (i land 0x3ff)
let rep_s24 i =
assert (-0x800000 <= i && i < 0x800000);
Int64.of_int (i land 0xffffff)
let wr_i32 t xs =
List.iter (Buffer.add_int32_le t.buf)
( Int32.of_int xs)
type r = [`R of int]
type v = [r | `K of int]
type l = [`SubI of r * int | `SubR of r * r]
type i = [r | `O of int]
type l = [`L of r * i]
let rep_v : [< v] -> int64 = function
| `R i -> (rep_uint i) |+ (_0 << 10)
| `K i -> (rep_uint i) |+ (_1 << 10)
let reg v =
match v with
| `R i -> assert (0 <= i && i <= 0xff); i
let rep_r : [< r] -> int64 =
let cst i =
assert (0 <= i && i <= 0xff); i
let rep_l : l -> int64 = function
| `SubI (a, i) -> (rep_r a) |+ (rep_sint i << 10) |+ (_0 << 20)
| `SubR (a, i) -> (rep_r a) |+ (rep_r i << 10) |+ (_1 << 20)
let arg v b0 =
match v with
| #r as v -> b0, reg v
| `K i -> (b0 lor 0x80), cst i
let write_v i t a =
assert (i >= 0 && i <= 32 && (i land 7 = 5));
write_16 t (Int64.of_int i |+ (rep_v a << 5))
let ofs v =
assert ((-0x80) <= v && v <= 0x7f);
v land 0xff
let write_rv i t a b =
assert (i >= 0 && i <= 255 && (i land 7 = 2));
write_32 t (Int64.of_int i |+ (rep_r a << 8) |+ (rep_v b << 18))
let loc v b0 =
match v with
| `L (r, (#r as i)) -> b0, reg r lor (reg i lsl 8)
| `L (r, `O i) -> (b0 lor 0x40), reg r lor (ofs i lsl 8)
let write_o i t o =
write_32 t (Int64.of_int i |+ (rep_s24 o << 8))
let wr_ins_v b0 t (a : v) =
let b0, b1 = arg a b0 in
wr_u8 t [b0; b1]
let write_opr i t a b =
let wr_ins_rv b0 b1 t (a : r) (b : v) =
let b2 = reg a in
let b0, b3 = arg b b0 in
wr_u8 t [b0; b1; b2; b3]
let wr_ins_rl b0 t (a : r) (b : l) =
let b1 = reg a in
let b0, s2 = loc b b0 in
wr_u8 t [b0; b1]; wr_u16 t [s2]
let wr_ins_lv b0 t (b : l) (a : v) =
let b0, b1 = arg a b0 in
let b0, s2 = loc b b0 in
wr_u8 t [b0; b1]; wr_u16 t [s2]
let wr_op o t a b =
assert (o >= 0x0 && o <= 0xf);
wr_ins_rv 0x07 o t a b
let wr_cb c t a b =
assert (c >= 0xa && c <= 0xf);
wr_ins_rv 0x17 c t a b
let mov t a b =
match a, b with
| (#r as a), (#v as b) -> write_rv i t a b
| (#r as a), (#l as b) -> let _ = (a,b) in failwith "..."
| (#r as a), (#v as b) -> wr_ins_rv 0x01 0x00 t a b
| (#r as a), (#l as b) -> wr_ins_rl 0x03 t a b
| (#l as a), (#v as b) -> wr_ins_lv 0x05 t a b
| #l, #l -> failwith "'mov L, L' mode unsupported"
let write_cbr i t a b =
write_rv (i lor 8) t a b
let jmp t d =
let b0 = 0xff in
let w0 = b0 lor (d lsl 8) in
wr_i32 t [w0]
let ret = write_v 0x05
let btr = write_v 0x0d
let jmp = write_o 0x06
let mov = write_opr 0x02
let con = write_opr 0x12
let add = write_opr 0x22
let sub = write_opr 0x32
let mul = write_opr 0x42
let div = write_opr 0x52
let mod_= write_opr 0x62
let neg_= write_opr 0x72
let not_= write_opr 0x82
(* let ? = write_opr 0x92 *)
let ceq = write_opr 0xa2
let beq = write_cbr 0xa2
let cne = write_opr 0xb2
let bne = write_cbr 0xb2
let clt = write_opr 0xc2
let blt = write_cbr 0xc2
let cge = write_opr 0xd2
let bge = write_cbr 0xd2
let cgt = write_opr 0xe2
let bgt = write_cbr 0xe2
let cle = write_opr 0xf2
let ble = write_cbr 0xf2
let ret = wr_ins_v 0x00
let btr = wr_ins_v 0x04
let bfl = wr_ins_v 0x14
let con = wr_op 0x0
let not_= wr_op 0x1
let neg = wr_op 0x2
let add = wr_op 0x3
let sub = wr_op 0x4
let mul = wr_op 0x5
let div = wr_op 0x6
let mod_= wr_op 0x7
let ceq = wr_op 0xa let beq = wr_cb 0xa
let cne = wr_op 0xb let bne = wr_cb 0xb
let clt = wr_op 0xc let blt = wr_cb 0xc
let cge = wr_op 0xd let bge = wr_cb 0xd
let cgt = wr_op 0xe let bgt = wr_cb 0xe
let cle = wr_op 0xf let ble = wr_cb 0xf
let bc = Bc.make stdout
@ -111,10 +115,10 @@ let () =
Bc.bgt bc (`R 0) (`R 1); (* 4 *)
|||| bc (+9 (* L3 *)); (* 6 *)
|||| bc (+3 (* L2 *)); (* 8 *)
Bc.ret bc (`R 0); (* L1: 10 *)
|||| bc (`R 0) (`K 2); (* L2: 11 *)
Bc.ret bc (`R 1); (* L1: 10 *)
Bc.add bc (`R 1) (`K 2); (* L2: 11 *)
|||| bc (-3 (* L1 *)); (* 13 *)
|||| bc (`R 0) (`K 3); (* L3: 15 *)
Bc.mul bc (`R 1) (`R 1); (* L3: 15 *)
|||| bc (-7 (* L1 *)); (* 17 *)
@ -4,179 +4,178 @@ use super::opcodes::*;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum DecodeError {
#[error("data truncated (len < {0})")]
#[error("invalid len: {0}")]
#[error("not enough data (len < {0})")]
#[error("invalid instruction: {0:x}")]
#[error("invalid operator: {0:x}")]
#[error("invalid operation: {0:x}")]
#[error("invalid operand: {0:x}")]
fn read_u8(bs: &[u8], i: usize) -> Result<u8, DecodeError> {
if bs.len() < i + 1 {
return Err(DecodeError::DataTrunc(i + 1));
fn read_u16(bs: &[u8], i: usize) -> Result<u32, DecodeError> {
if bs.len() < i + 2 {
return Err(DecodeError::DataTrunc(i + 2));
Ok(u16::from_le_bytes(bs[i..i + 2].try_into().unwrap()) as u32)
fn read_u32(bs: &[u8], i: usize) -> Result<u32, DecodeError> {
if bs.len() < i + 4 {
return Err(DecodeError::DataTrunc(i + 4));
Ok(u32::from_le_bytes(bs[i..i + 4].try_into().unwrap()))
fn decode_opr(b: u8) -> Result<Opr, DecodeError> {
match b {
0x02 => Ok(Opr::MOV),
0x12 => Ok(Opr::CON),
0x22 => Ok(Opr::ADD),
0x32 => Ok(Opr::SUB),
0x42 => Ok(Opr::MUL),
0x52 => Ok(Opr::DIV),
0x62 => Ok(Opr::MOD),
0x72 => Ok(Opr::NEG),
0x82 => Ok(Opr::NOT),
0xa2 => Ok(Opr::Cmp(Cmp::EQ)),
0xb2 => Ok(Opr::Cmp(Cmp::NE)),
0xc2 => Ok(Opr::Cmp(Cmp::LT)),
0xd2 => Ok(Opr::Cmp(Cmp::GE)),
0xe2 => Ok(Opr::Cmp(Cmp::GT)),
0xf2 => Ok(Opr::Cmp(Cmp::LE)),
_ => Err(DecodeError::Opr(b)),
fn decode_reg(w: u32, k: u32) -> Result<Reg, DecodeError> {
Ok(Reg(((w >> k) & 0x3ff) as u16))
fn decode_const(w: u32, k: u32) -> Result<ConstIdx, DecodeError> {
if w & (0x400 << k) == 0 {
return Err(DecodeError::Arg(w));
Ok(ConstIdx(((w >> k) & 0x3ff) as u16))
fn decode_argv(w: u32, k: u32) -> Result<ArgV, DecodeError> {
if w & (0x400 << k) != 0 {
decode_const(w, k).map(ArgV::K)
} else {
decode_reg(w, k).map(ArgV::R)
/// Decode a single instruction from the bytecode, returning the instruction and its size
/// (in bytes).
pub fn decode_one(bs: &[u8]) -> Result<(Ins, usize), DecodeError> {
let b0 = read_u8(bs, 0)?;
let byte0 = byte(bs, 0)?;
let ins;
match b0 & 0b111 {
0b010 => {
let i;
if b0 & 0b1000 != 0 {
match decode_opr(b0 & !0b1000)? {
Opr::Cmp(cmp) => {
i = InsRV::Br(cmp);
_ => return Err(DecodeError::Opr(b0)),
} else {
i = InsRV::Op(decode_opr(b0)?);
let w = read_u32(bs, 0)?;
let a = decode_reg(w, 8)?;
let b = decode_argv(w, 18)?;
ins = Ins::RV(i, a, b);
let len = (byte0 & 1) as usize * 2 + 2;
let ins = match byte0 & 0x3f {
0x00 => {
let a = arg(byte(bs, 1)?, byte0);
0b011 => {
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
match b0 {
0x3 => {
let (i, a, b) = todo!("LV");
ins = Ins::LV(i, a, b);
_ => {
let (i, a, b) = todo!("RL");
ins = Ins::RL(i, a, b);
0x04 => {
let a = arg(byte(bs, 1)?, byte0);
0b101 => {
let i = match b0 & 0b11111 {
0x05 => InsV::RET,
0x0d => InsV::BTR,
_ => return Err(DecodeError::Ins(b0)),
let w = read_u16(bs, 0)?;
let a = decode_argv(w as u32, 8)?;
ins = Ins::V(i, a);
0x14 => {
let a = arg(byte(bs, 1)?, byte0);
0b110 => {
let i = match b0 {
0x06 => InsO::JMP,
_ => return Err(DecodeError::Ins(b0)),
let w = read_u32(bs, 0)?;
let o = (w as i32) >> 8;
ins = Ins::O(i, o);
0x01 => {
let a = Reg(byte(bs, 2)?);
let b = arg(byte(bs, 3)?, byte0);
Ins::MOV(InsMov::RV(a, b))
_ => return Err(DecodeError::Ins(b0)),
let len = match b0 & 0b11 {
0 => return Err(DecodeError::Len(0)),
x => (x * 2) as usize,
0x03 => {
let a = Reg(byte(bs, 1)?);
let b = loc(byte(bs, 2)?, byte(bs, 3)?, byte0);
Ins::MOV(InsMov::RL(a, b))
0x05 => {
let a = arg(byte(bs, 1)?, byte0);
let b = loc(byte(bs, 2)?, byte(bs, 3)?, byte0);
Ins::MOV(InsMov::LV(b, a))
0x07 => {
let opr = opr(byte(bs, 1)?)?;
let a = Reg(byte(bs, 2)?);
let b = arg(byte(bs, 3)?, byte0);
Ins::MOV(InsMov::Op(opr, a, b))
0x17 => {
let cnd = cnd(byte(bs, 1)?)?;
let a = Reg(byte(bs, 2)?);
let b = arg(byte(bs, 3)?, byte0);
Ins::Br(InsBr::BCnd(cnd, a, b))
0x89 => {
let a = Reg(byte(bs, 1)?);
let b = Reg(byte(bs, 2)?);
let c = Cst(byte(bs, 3)?);
Ins::LOC(InsLoc(a, b, c))
0x3f => {
let d = i32_le(bs)? >> 8;
_ if (byte0 & 0xf == 0xd) => {
let a = Reg(byte(bs, 1)?);
let b = loc(byte(bs, 2)?, byte(bs, 3)?, 0x0d);
let n = byte0 >> 4;
Ins::CAL(InsCal(a, b, n))
_ => return Err(DecodeError::Ins(byte0)),
Ok((ins, len))
/// Iterator adapter for [`decode_one`].
pub struct Decode<'a>(&'a [u8]);
/// Decode all instructions from bytecode data.
pub fn decode(bs: &[u8]) -> Decode<'_> {
fn byte(bs: &[u8], i: usize) -> Result<u8, DecodeError> {
bs.get(i).copied().ok_or(DecodeError::Trunc(i + 1))
impl Decode<'_> {
pub fn inner(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn i32_le(bs: &[u8]) -> Result<i32, DecodeError> {
let slice = bs.get(..4).ok_or(DecodeError::Trunc(4))?;
fn arg(b: u8, byte0: u8) -> Arg {
if byte0 & 0x80 == 0 {
} else {
impl Iterator for Decode<'_> {
fn ofs(b: u8) -> i8 {
b as i8
fn loc(b: u8, c: u8, byte0: u8) -> Loc {
if byte0 & 0x40 == 0 {
Loc::R(Reg(b), Reg(c))
} else {
Loc::O(Reg(b), ofs(c))
fn opr(b: u8) -> Result<Opr, DecodeError> {
match b {
0x0 => Ok(Opr::CON),
0x1 => Ok(Opr::NOT),
0x2 => Ok(Opr::NEG),
0x3 => Ok(Opr::ADD),
0x4 => Ok(Opr::SUB),
0x5 => Ok(Opr::MUL),
0x6 => Ok(Opr::DIV),
0x7 => Ok(Opr::MOD),
// 0x8
// 0x9
_ => cnd(b).map(Opr::Cmp),
fn cnd(b: u8) -> Result<Cnd, DecodeError> {
match b {
0xa => Ok(Cnd::EQ),
0xb => Ok(Cnd::NE),
0xc => Ok(Cnd::LT),
0xd => Ok(Cnd::GE),
0xe => Ok(Cnd::GT),
0xf => Ok(Cnd::LE),
_ => Err(DecodeError::Opr(b)),
/// Iterator adapter for [`decode_one`].
pub struct Decode<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(T, usize);
/// Decode all instructions from bytecode data.
pub fn decode<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(bs: T) -> Decode<T> {
Decode(bs, 0)
impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> Decode<T> {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
pub fn position(&self) -> usize {
impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> Iterator for Decode<T> {
type Item = Result<Ins, DecodeError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let bs = self.0;
if bs.is_empty() {
let bs = self.0.as_ref();
let pos = &mut self.1;
if *pos >= bs.len() {
return None;
Some(decode_one(bs).map(|(ins, len)| {
self.0 = &bs[len..];
.map(|(ins, len)| {
*pos += len;
.map_err(|err| match err {
DecodeError::Trunc(i) => DecodeError::Trunc(i + *pos),
_ => err,
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
pub mod decode;
pub mod opcodes;
pub mod decode;
pub use decode::{decode, DecodeError};
pub use opcodes::Ins;
@ -7,16 +7,17 @@ use spicei::*;
enum Error {
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
Decode(#[from] DecodeError),
#[error("decode error at position {1}")]
Decode(#[source] DecodeError, usize),
fn entry() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut bytes = vec![];
BufReader::new(std::io::stdin()).read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;
for ins in decode(&bytes) {
let ins = ins?;
let mut decode = decode(&bytes);
while let Some(ins) = {
let ins = ins.map_err(|err| Error::Decode(err, decode.position()))?;
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut src = err.source();
while let Some(err) = src {
println!("- {err}");
println!("from: {err}");
src = err.source();
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use std::fmt;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Reg(pub u16);
pub struct Reg(pub u8);
impl fmt::Display for Reg {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
@ -12,108 +12,102 @@ impl fmt::Display for Reg {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct ConstIdx(pub u16);
pub struct Cst(pub u8);
impl fmt::Display for ConstIdx {
impl fmt::Display for Cst {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "K{}", self.0)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ArgV {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Arg {
impl fmt::Display for ArgV {
impl fmt::Display for Arg {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
match *self {
Self::R(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::K(k) => k.fmt(f),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ArgL {
SubI(Reg, i16),
SubR(Reg, Reg),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Loc {
R(Reg, Reg),
O(Reg, i8),
impl fmt::Display for ArgL {
impl fmt::Display for Loc {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::SubI(r, l) => write!(f, "{r}[{l}]"),
Self::SubR(r, l) => write!(f, "{r}[{l}]"),
match *self {
Self::R(r, l) => write!(f, "{r}[{l}]"),
Self::O(r, l) => write!(f, "{r}[{l}]"),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Ins {
V(InsV, ArgV),
RV(InsRV, Reg, ArgV),
O(InsO, i32),
RL(InsRL, Reg, ArgL),
LV(InsLV, ArgL, ArgV),
RRK(InsRRK, Reg, Reg, ConstIdx),
impl fmt::Display for Ins {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::O(InsO::JMP, o) => write!(f, "jmp {o:+}"),
Self::V(InsV::RET, v) => write!(f, "ret {v}"),
Self::V(InsV::BTR, v) => write!(f, "btr {v}"),
Self::RV(InsRV::Op(opr), r, v) => write!(f, "{opr} {r}, {v}"),
Self::RV(InsRV::Br(cmp), r, v) => write!(f, "b{cmp} {r}, {v}"),
Self::RL(InsRL::Get(opr), r, l) => write!(f, "{opr} {r}, {l}"),
Self::RL(InsRL::CAL(n), r, l) => write!(f, "cal {r}, {l}({r},...{n})"),
Self::RL(InsRL::RETCAL(n), r, l) => write!(f, "ret cal {l}({r},...{n})"),
Self::LV(InsLV::Set(opr), l, v) => write!(f, "{opr} {l}, {v}"),
Self::RRK(InsRRK::LOC, r, v, k) => write!(f, "loc {r}, {v}, {k}"),
use Ins::*;
use InsBr::*;
use InsMov::*;
match *self {
MOV(Op(opr, a, b)) => write!(f, "{opr} {a}, {b}"),
MOV(RV(a, b)) => write!(f, "mov {a}, {b}"),
MOV(RL(a, b)) => write!(f, "mov {a}, {b}"),
MOV(LV(a, b)) => write!(f, "mov {a}, {b}"),
LOC(InsLoc(a, b, k)) => write!(f, "loc {a}, {b}, {}", Arg::K(k)),
CAL(InsCal(a, b, n)) => write!(f, "cal {a}, {b}({a},...{n})"),
JMP(InsJmp(d)) => write!(f, "jmp {d:+}"),
RET(v) => write!(f, "ret {v}"),
Br(BTR(v)) => write!(f, "btr {v}"),
Br(BFL(v)) => write!(f, "btr {v}"),
Br(BCnd(cnd, a, b)) => write!(f, "b{cnd} {a}, {b}"),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsV {
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsMov {
Op(Opr, Reg, Arg),
RV(Reg, Arg),
RL(Reg, Loc),
LV(Loc, Arg),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsRV {
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsBr {
BCnd(Cnd, Reg, Arg),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsO {
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct InsLoc(pub Reg, pub Reg, pub Cst);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsRL {
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct InsCal(pub Reg, pub Loc, pub u8);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsLV {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum InsRRK {
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct InsJmp(pub i32);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Opr {
@ -122,13 +116,12 @@ pub enum Opr {
impl fmt::Display for Opr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::MOV => write!(f, "mov"),
Self::CON => write!(f, "con"),
Self::NOT => write!(f, "not"),
Self::NEG => write!(f, "neg"),
@ -143,7 +136,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Opr {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Cmp {
pub enum Cnd {
@ -152,7 +145,7 @@ pub enum Cmp {
impl fmt::Display for Cmp {
impl fmt::Display for Cnd {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::EQ => write!(f, "eq"),
Reference in New Issue