move modules around
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ let () =
let syn = Spice.parse "val x = 3 val y = x + 1" in
let ir = Spice.compile syn in
|||| "%a\n" Spice.Ir.pp_entrypoint ir
let lir = Spice.compile syn in
|||| "%a\n" Spice.Lir.pp_entrypoint lir
with Spice.Error msg -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "%s" msg)
@ -1,20 +1,3 @@
(name spice)
(libraries fmt))
(modules parser)
(flags --unused-tokens))
(modules lexer))
; (menhir
; (modules parser))
; (ocamllex lexer)
; (library
; (name json_parser)
; (modules parser lexer json)
; (libraries core))
(libraries fmt spice_syntax spice_lower))
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name spice_lower)
(libraries spice_syntax fmt))
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
module Syn = Spice_syntax.Ast
module Id = struct
type t = {
name : string;
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
module Env = Map.Make (String)
module Syn = Spice_syntax.Ast
type binding =
| Var_arg of Ir.arg
| Var_ele of Ir.arg *
| Var_fun of Ir.arg *
| Var_arg of Lir.arg
| Var_ele of Lir.arg *
| Var_fun of Lir.arg *
let ( @@@ ) f g x = f (g x)
let fcf_mthd_name = "call"
let anf modl =
let to_anf modl =
let next_uid = ref 0 in
let gen_id name =
let uid = !next_uid in
incr next_uid;
Ir.Id.{ name; uid }
Lir.Id.{ name; uid }
let lift_rhs name rhs =
let tmp = gen_id name in
let ctx rest = Ir.Let (tmp, rhs, rest) in
Ir.Arg tmp, ctx
let ctx rest = Lir.Let (tmp, rhs, rest) in
Lir.Arg tmp, ctx
let rec lower_exp env = function
| Syn.Literal l -> lift_rhs "lit" (Ir.Literal l)
| Syn.Literal l -> lift_rhs "lit" (Lir.Literal l)
| Syn.Path p -> lower_path env p
| Syn.Call (fn, args) ->
let (ob_v, ob_ctx), mthd =
@ -42,14 +43,14 @@ let anf modl =
([], ob_ctx)
let fn_e = Ir.Ele (ob_v, mthd) in
let fn_e = Lir.Ele (ob_v, mthd) in
let arg_vs = List.rev arg_vs_rev in
let v, call_ctx = lift_rhs mthd (Ir.Call (fn_e, arg_vs)) in
let v, call_ctx = lift_rhs mthd (Lir.Call (fn_e, arg_vs)) in
v, ctx @@@ call_ctx
| Syn.Binop (op, e1, e2) ->
let v1, v1_ctx = lower_exp env e1 in
let v2, v2_ctx = lower_exp env e2 in
let v, op_ctx = lift_rhs "op" (Ir.Binop (op, v1, v2)) in
let v, op_ctx = lift_rhs "op" (Lir.Binop (op, v1, v2)) in
v, v1_ctx @@@ v2_ctx @@@ op_ctx
| Syn.If (e1, e2, e3) ->
let v1, v1_ctx = lower_exp env e1 in
@ -58,12 +59,12 @@ let anf modl =
let jn = gen_id "jn" in
let rv = gen_id "rv" in
let ctx rest =
let cont = Ir.{ params = [ rv ]; body = rest } in
let e2 = v2_ctx (Ir.Jump (jn, [ v2 ])) in
let e3 = v3_ctx (Ir.Jump (jn, [ v3 ])) in
v1_ctx (Ir.Let (jn, Cont cont, If (v1, e2, e3)))
let cont = Lir.{ params = [ rv ]; body = rest } in
let e2 = v2_ctx (Lir.Jump (jn, [ v2 ])) in
let e3 = v3_ctx (Lir.Jump (jn, [ v3 ])) in
v1_ctx (Lir.Let (jn, Cont cont, If (v1, e2, e3)))
Ir.Arg rv, ctx
Lir.Arg rv, ctx
| Syn.Obj items -> lower_obj env items
(* | Syn.Fun (xs, e) -> () *)
(* | Syn.Scope items -> () *)
@ -72,19 +73,19 @@ let anf modl =
| Syn.Var x -> (
match Env.find x env with
| Var_arg v -> v,
| Var_ele (ob, el) -> lift_rhs x (Ir.Get (Ele (ob, el)))
| Var_ele (ob, el) -> lift_rhs x (Lir.Get (Ele (ob, el)))
| Var_fun (ob, el) ->
(* TODO: special treatment for known FCF's? *)
lift_rhs x (Ir.Get (Ele (ob, el)))
lift_rhs x (Lir.Get (Ele (ob, el)))
| exception Not_found -> failwith (Fmt.str "undefined variable %S" x))
| Syn.Ele (ob, el) ->
let ob_v, ob_ctx = lower_exp env ob in
let el_v, el_ctx = lift_rhs el (Ir.Get (Ele (ob_v, el))) in
let el_v, el_ctx = lift_rhs el (Lir.Get (Ele (ob_v, el))) in
el_v, ob_ctx @@@ el_ctx
and lower_obj env items =
(* TODO: detect duplicate item names *)
let ob = gen_id "ob" in
let ob_v = Ir.Arg ob in
let ob_v = Lir.Arg ob in
(* TODO: get last expression in block *)
let env, slots, mthds, inits =
@ -123,8 +124,8 @@ let anf modl =
let body_v, body_ctx = lower_exp env' body in
let body = body_ctx (Ir.Ret body_v) in
Ir.{ name; defn = { params; body } })
let body = body_ctx (Lir.Ret body_v) in
Lir.{ name; defn = { params; body } })
(* inits was built in reverse order, so make sure to *prepend* contexts
@ -137,17 +138,17 @@ let anf modl =
ctx @@@ ctx'
| `Val (name, rhs) ->
let rhs_v, rhs_ctx = lower_exp env rhs in
let set_ctx rest = Ir.Set (Ele (ob_v, name), rhs_v, rest) in
let set_ctx rest = Lir.Set (Ele (ob_v, name), rhs_v, rest) in
rhs_ctx @@@ set_ctx @@@ ctx'
| `Obj (name, body) ->
let ob_v, ob_ctx = lower_obj env body in
let set_ctx rest = Ir.Set (Ele (ob_v, name), ob_v, rest) in
let set_ctx rest = Lir.Set (Ele (ob_v, name), ob_v, rest) in
ob_ctx @@@ set_ctx @@@ ctx')
let slots = List.rev slots in
let ob_ctx rest = Ir.Let (ob, Obj { mthds; slots }, rest) in
let ob_ctx rest = Lir.Let (ob, Obj { mthds; slots }, rest) in
ob_v, ob_ctx @@@ init_ctx
@ -168,5 +169,5 @@ let anf modl =
let ret_v, ctx = lower_obj std_env modl.Syn.items in
let params = [ std ] in
let body = ctx (Ir.Ret ret_v) in
Ir.{ params; body }
let body = ctx (Lir.Ret ret_v) in
Lir.{ params; body }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Syn = Syn
module Ir = Ir
module Syn = Spice_syntax.Ast
module Lir = Spice_lower.Lir
exception Error of string
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ let failf f = Fmt.kstr (fun s -> raise (Error s)) f
let parse input =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string input ~with_positions:true in
try Parser.modl lexbuf with
| Parser.Error -> failf "syntax error"
| Lexer.Error msg -> failf "syntax error: %s" msg
try Spice_syntax.Parser.modl lexbuf with
| Spice_syntax.Parser.Error -> failf "syntax error"
| Spice_syntax.Lexer.Error msg -> failf "syntax error: %s" msg
let compile syn =
try Anf_pass.anf syn with Failure msg -> failf "compilation error: %s" msg
try Spice_lower.Normalize.to_anf syn
with Failure msg -> failf "compilation error: %s" msg
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(name spice_syntax)
(libraries fmt))
(modules parser)
(flags --unused-tokens))
(modules lexer))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%token <int64> Int
%token <> Name
%token <Syn.binop> Binop
%token <> Name
%token <Ast.binop> Binop
%token LP "(" RP ")"
%token LC "{" RC "}"
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
%token Kw_else "else"
%token EOF
%start <Syn.modl> modl
%start <Ast.modl> modl
open Syn
open Ast
let infix_base e0 = (e0, [])
let infix_app (e0, ops) op e2 = (e0, (op, e2) :: ops)
Reference in New Issue