deny referencing variables outside of captured scope

This commit is contained in:
tali 2023-12-13 18:16:04 -05:00
parent 21bc2c3cb3
commit 752d36d855
3 changed files with 44 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ let () =
Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Debug);
let ast = parse "val two = 2 fun twice(x) x*two val r = twice(8)" in
let ast = parse "
val two = 2
val zero = 0
fun twice(x) x*two+zero
" in
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "[AST] %a" Ast.pp_modl ast);
let prog = compile ast in
Logs.debug (fun m -> Code.dump (m "[BC] %s") prog.main);

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@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ let rec compile_lambda (lam : Ir.lambda) =
let reg_of_id = Hashtbl.create 128 in
let set_reg id r =
if Hashtbl.mem reg_of_id id then failwith "BUG: id reassigned";
if Hashtbl.mem reg_of_id id then
Fmt.failwith "BUG: '%a' reassigned" Ir.pp_id id;
Hashtbl.add reg_of_id id r
let get_reg id =
try Hashtbl.find reg_of_id id with
Not_found -> failwith "BUG: id unassigned"
Not_found -> Fmt.failwith "BUG: '%a' unassigned" Ir.pp_id id
let rec emit_exp sp = function

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@ -7,7 +7,17 @@ let compile_error f =
Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) f
type imm = Value.t
type id = Id of int [@@unboxed]
type id = Id of int * string
(* type id = Id of int [@@unboxed] *)
let make_id_dispenser () =
let i = ref (-1) in
fun x -> (incr i; Id (!i, x))
(* fun _ -> (incr i; Id !i) *)
let pp_id ppf (Id (n, x)) = ppf "%s_%d" x n
(* let pp_id ppf (Id n) = ppf "_%d" n *)
type uop =
| Not
@ -52,14 +62,11 @@ and lambda = {
(* lower *)
let make_id_dispenser () =
let i = ref (-1) in fun () -> (incr i; Id !i)
module Env = struct
type t =
| Obj of {
self : id;
elems : string list;
elems : (string, string) Hashtbl.t;
| Fun of {
args : (string * id) list;
@ -73,9 +80,7 @@ module Env = struct
List.assoc name args, None
| Obj { self; elems } ->
if not (List.mem name elems) then
raise Not_found;
self, Some name
self, Some (Hashtbl.find elems name)
| Cons (e1, e2) ->
try find name e1 with
@ -142,7 +147,7 @@ let lower ~lib (modl : Ast.modl) =
match path with
| Ast.Ele (obj, fld) ->
let rhs = lower_exp env obj in
let lhs = new_id () in
let lhs = new_id "get" in
Let (lhs, rhs, k (`Get (lhs, fld)))
| Ast.Var name ->
@ -150,26 +155,32 @@ let lower ~lib (modl : Ast.modl) =
| id, None -> k (`Var id)
| obj, Some fld -> k (`Get (obj, fld))
| exception Not_found ->
compile_error "unbound variable %S" name
compile_error "%S not in scope" name
and lower_block ?(is_scope = false) env items =
(* collect names of bindings to form the new environment; also check if a scope ends
with an expression, if not then it is an error *)
let elems, ends_with_exp =
let elems = Hashtbl.create 32 in
let ends_with_exp =
(fun (elems, _) -> function
| Ast.Item_exp _ -> elems, true
(fun _ -> function
| Ast.Item_exp _ -> true
| Ast.Item_val (name, _)
| Ast.Item_obj (name, _)
| Ast.Item_fun (name, _, _) -> name :: elems, false)
([], false)
| Ast.Item_fun (name, _, _) ->
if Hashtbl.mem elems name then
compile_error "multiple definitions of %S" name;
Hashtbl.add elems name name;
if is_scope && not ends_with_exp then
compile_error "scope does not end in expression";
let self = new_id () in
let env = Env.Cons (Obj { self; elems }, env) in
let self = new_id "obj" in
let env' = Env.Obj { self; elems } in
let env = Env.Cons (env', env) in
let funs_r, vals_r, inits_r =
@ -190,7 +201,7 @@ let lower ~lib (modl : Ast.modl) =
fns, name :: vls, init :: ins
| Ast.Item_fun (name, args, body) ->
let fn = (name, lower_lambda self env args body) in
let fn = (name, lower_lambda self env' args body) in
fn :: fns, vls, ins)
([], [], [])
@ -216,7 +227,7 @@ let lower ~lib (modl : Ast.modl) =
and lower_lambda self env args body =
let args = (fun a -> a, new_id ()) args in
let args = (fun a -> a, new_id a) args in
let env = Env.Cons (Fun { args }, env) in
(* TODO: closure conversion *)
let body = lower_exp env body in
@ -224,8 +235,11 @@ let lower ~lib (modl : Ast.modl) =
{ self; args; body }
let self = new_id () in
let env = Env.Obj { self; elems = fst lib } in
let self = new_id "lib" in
let elems = Hashtbl.create 128 in
List.iter (fun (name, _) -> Hashtbl.add elems name name) lib;
let env = Env.Obj { self; elems } in
let args = [] in
let body = lower_block env modl.items in
{ self; args; body }