ocaml encoder POC
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
module Bc = struct
[@@@warning "-32"]
type t = {
buf : Buffer.t;
out : out_channel;
let make out =
{ buf = Buffer.create 256; out }
let flush t =
output_string t.out (Buffer.contents t.buf);
Buffer.clear t.buf
let write_16 t x =
assert (Int64.to_int x land 3 = 1);
Buffer.add_int16_le t.buf (Int64.to_int x)
let write_32 t x =
assert (Int64.to_int x land 3 = 2);
Buffer.add_int32_le t.buf (Int64.to_int32 x)
let write_48 _t x =
assert (x land 3 = 3);
failwith "..."
let ( << ) = Int64.shift_left
let ( |+ ) = Int64.logor
let _0 = Int64.zero
let _1 = Int64.one
let rep_uint i =
assert (0 <= i && i < 0x400);
Int64.of_int i
let rep_sint i =
assert (-0x200 <= i && i < 0x200);
Int64.of_int (i land 0x3ff)
let rep_s24 i =
assert (-0x800000 <= i && i < 0x800000);
Int64.of_int (i land 0xffffff)
type r = [`R of int]
type v = [r | `K of int]
type l = [`SubI of r * int | `SubR of r * r]
let rep_v : [< v] -> int64 = function
| `R i -> (rep_uint i) |+ (_0 << 10)
| `K i -> (rep_uint i) |+ (_1 << 10)
let rep_r : [< r] -> int64 =
let rep_l : l -> int64 = function
| `SubI (a, i) -> (rep_r a) |+ (rep_sint i << 10) |+ (_0 << 20)
| `SubR (a, i) -> (rep_r a) |+ (rep_r i << 10) |+ (_1 << 20)
let write_v i t a =
assert (i >= 0 && i <= 32 && (i land 7 = 5));
write_16 t (Int64.of_int i |+ (rep_v a << 5))
let write_rv i t a b =
assert (i >= 0 && i <= 255 && (i land 7 = 2));
write_32 t (Int64.of_int i |+ (rep_r a << 8) |+ (rep_v b << 18))
let write_o i t o =
write_32 t (Int64.of_int i |+ (rep_s24 o << 8))
let write_opr i t a b =
match a, b with
| (#r as a), (#v as b) -> write_rv i t a b
| (#r as a), (#l as b) -> let _ = (a,b) in failwith "..."
let write_cbr i t a b =
write_rv (i lor 8) t a b
let ret = write_v 0x05
let btr = write_v 0x0d
let jmp = write_o 0x06
let mov = write_opr 0x02
let con = write_opr 0x12
let add = write_opr 0x22
let sub = write_opr 0x32
let mul = write_opr 0x42
let div = write_opr 0x52
let mod_= write_opr 0x62
let neg_= write_opr 0x72
let not_= write_opr 0x82
(* let ? = write_opr 0x92 *)
let ceq = write_opr 0xa2
let beq = write_cbr 0xa2
let cne = write_opr 0xb2
let bne = write_cbr 0xb2
let clt = write_opr 0xc2
let blt = write_cbr 0xc2
let cge = write_opr 0xd2
let bge = write_cbr 0xd2
let cgt = write_opr 0xe2
let bgt = write_cbr 0xe2
let cle = write_opr 0xf2
let ble = write_cbr 0xf2
let bc = Bc.make stdout
let () =
Bc.mov bc (`R 0) (`K 0); (* 0 *)
Bc.mov bc (`R 1) (`K 1); (* 2 *)
Bc.bgt bc (`R 0) (`R 1); (* 4 *)
Bc.jmp bc (+9 (* L3 *)); (* 6 *)
Bc.jmp bc (+3 (* L2 *)); (* 8 *)
Bc.ret bc (`R 0); (* L1: 10 *)
Bc.mov bc (`R 0) (`K 2); (* L2: 11 *)
Bc.jmp bc (-3 (* L1 *)); (* 13 *)
Bc.mov bc (`R 0) (`K 3); (* L3: 15 *)
Bc.jmp bc (-7 (* L1 *)); (* 17 *)
let () =
Bc.flush bc
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