refactor interpreter to use bytecode graph

This commit is contained in:
tali 2023-12-23 14:12:35 -05:00
parent 31da3529a5
commit f3954e6ca5
4 changed files with 317 additions and 497 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
module Ast = Spice_syntax.Ast
module Code = Spice_runtime.Code
module Value = Spice_runtime.Value
open Spice_runtime.Code
open B.Infix
exception Error of string
let compile_error f =
Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) f
let off (`R i) k = `R (i + k)
let suc r = off r 1
let add (`R i) k = `R (i + k)
let suc r = add r 1
let undef_method =
(fun _ -> failwith "BUG: method undefined")
let rec compile_lambda ?clos_map (lam : Ir.lambda) =
let entrypoint = Code.make_block () in
let currb = ref entrypoint in
let emit i = Code.extend !currb i in
let enter b = currb := b in
let reg_of_id = Hashtbl.create 128 in
let set_reg id r =
if Hashtbl.mem reg_of_id id then
@ -31,81 +27,73 @@ let rec compile_lambda ?clos_map (lam : Ir.lambda) =
Not_found -> Fmt.failwith "BUG: '%a' unassigned" Ir.pp_id id
let rec emit_exp_v sp = function
let rec emit_exp_v sp : Ir.exp -> B.t * arg = function
| Ir.Lit v ->
`Cst v
B.empty, `Cst v
| Ir.Var id ->
(get_reg id :> Code.arg)
B.empty, (get_reg id :> arg)
| Ir.Let (id, rhs, bdy) ->
emit_exp_s sp rhs;
set_reg id sp;
emit_exp_v (suc sp) bdy
let bc1 = emit_exp_s sp rhs in
let bc2, v = emit_exp_v (suc sp) bdy in
(bc1 +> bc2), v
| Ir.Seq (e1, e2) ->
emit_exp_v sp e1 |> ignore;
emit_exp_v sp e2
let bc1, _ = emit_exp_v sp e1 in
let bc2, v = emit_exp_v sp e2 in
(bc1 +> bc2), v
| ir ->
emit_exp_s sp ir;
(sp :> Code.arg)
emit_exp_s sp ir, (sp :> arg)
and emit_exp_s sp : Ir.exp -> unit = function
and emit_exp_s sp : Ir.exp -> B.t = function
| Ir.Get path ->
let loc = emit_path sp path in
emit (Get (sp, loc))
let bc1, loc = emit_path sp path in
bc1 +> B.get sp loc
| Ir.Set (path, rhs) ->
let loc = emit_path sp path in
let rv = emit_exp_v (suc sp) rhs in
emit (Set (loc, rv))
let bc1, loc = emit_path sp path in
let bc2, rv = emit_exp_v (suc sp) rhs in
bc1 +> bc2 +> B.set loc rv
| Ir.Seq (e1, e2) ->
emit_exp_v sp e1 |> ignore;
emit_exp_s sp e2
let bc1, _ = emit_exp_v sp e1 in
let bc2 = emit_exp_s sp e2 in
bc1 +> bc2
| Ir.If (e0, e1, e2) ->
let b1 = Code.make_block () in
let b2 = Code.make_block () in
let b3 = Code.make_block () in
let c = emit_exp_v sp e0 in
emit (Btr (c, b1, b2));
enter b1; emit_exp_s sp e1; emit (Jmp b3);
enter b2; emit_exp_s sp e2; emit (Jmp b3);
enter b3
let bc0, v0 = emit_exp_v sp e0 in
let bc1 = emit_exp_s sp e1 in
let bc2 = emit_exp_s sp e2 in
bc0 +> B.if_ v0 bc1 bc2
| Ir.Uop (op, e1) ->
let v1 = emit_exp_v sp e1 in
let op = match op with Not -> Code.NOT in
emit (Opr (op, sp, v1))
let op = match op with Not -> B.not_ in
let bc1, v1 = emit_exp_v sp e1 in
bc1 +> op sp v1
| Ir.Bop (op, e1, e2) ->
let op = match op with
| Add -> Code.ADD
| Sub -> Code.SUB
| Mul -> Code.MUL
| Div -> Code.DIV
| Mod -> Code.MOD
| Eql -> Code.Cmp EQ
| Grt -> Code.Cmp GT
| Lst -> Code.Cmp LT
| Add -> B.add
| Sub -> B.sub
| Mul -> B.mul
| Div -> B.div
| Mod -> B.mod_
| Eql -> B.ceq
| Grt -> B.cgt
| Lst -> B.clt
emit_exp_s sp e1;
let v2 = emit_exp_v (suc sp) e2 in
emit (Opr (op, sp, v2))
let bc1 = emit_exp_s sp e1 in
let bc2, v2 = emit_exp_v (suc sp) e2 in
bc1 +> bc2 +> op sp v2
| Ir.Call (fn, args) ->
let fn = emit_path sp fn in
let args_r, _ =
(fun (args, sp) arg ->
emit_exp_s sp arg;
sp :: args, suc sp)
([], suc sp)
emit (Cal (sp, fn, List.rev args_r))
let bc0, fn = emit_path sp fn in
let argvs = List.mapi (fun i _ -> add sp (i + 1)) args in
let bc1 = B.concat (List.map2 emit_exp_s argvs args) in
bc0 +> bc1 +> sp fn argvs
| Ir.Obj { vals; funs; clos } ->
(* assign each captured id to a slot *)
@ -130,18 +118,21 @@ let rec compile_lambda ?clos_map (lam : Ir.lambda) =
let mthds = Array.make (List.length funs) undef_method in
(fun i (name, lambda) ->
let funct = compile_lambda lambda ~clos_map in
Hashtbl.add elems name (Value.Method i);
mthds.(i) <- Code.Function (compile_lambda lambda ~clos_map))
mthds.(i) <- Function funct)
(* construct object and save captured id's *)
let vtb : Code.vtable = { n_slots; elems; mthds } in
emit (Con (sp, vtb));
(fun cap_id clos_ofs ->
let cap_v = (get_reg cap_id :> Code.arg) in
emit (Set ((sp, clos_ofs), cap_v)))
let bc0 = B.con sp { n_slots; mthds; elems } in
(* Hashtbl.iter *)
(* clos_map *)
(fun cap_id clos_ofs bc ->
bc +> B.set (sp, clos_ofs)
(get_reg cap_id :> arg))
| Ir.Open id ->
let clos = get_reg lam.self in
@ -149,18 +140,19 @@ let rec compile_lambda ?clos_map (lam : Ir.lambda) =
with Not_found -> failwith "BUG: %S not captured"
| Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "BUG: no captured variables"
emit (Get (sp, (clos, ofs)))
B.get sp (clos, ofs)
| ir ->
let rv = emit_exp_v sp ir in
if rv <> (sp :> Code.arg) then
emit (Mov (sp, rv))
let bc, rv = emit_exp_v sp ir in
if rv = (sp :> arg) then
bc +> sp rv
and emit_path sp (obj, fld) =
and emit_path sp (obj, fld) : B.t * loc =
let obj = get_reg obj in
let loc = sp in
emit (Loc (loc, obj, fld));
obj, (loc :> Code.ofs)
B.loc loc obj fld, (obj, (loc :> ofs))
@ -173,9 +165,10 @@ let rec compile_lambda ?clos_map (lam : Ir.lambda) =
(`R 1)
let rv = emit_exp_v sp lam.body in
emit (Ret rv);
let bc, rv = emit_exp_v sp lam.body in
let ep = bc |> B.ret rv in
(List.length lam.args)

View File

@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
module Value = Spice_runtime.Value
(* instruction operand types, etc. *)
type reg = [`R of int]
type cst = [`Cst of Value.t]
type arg = [reg | cst]
type ofs = [reg | `Ofs of int]
type loc = reg * ofs
type opr = NOT | NEG | ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD | Cmp of cnd
and cnd = EQ | LT | GT (* | NE | LE | GE *)
type vtable =
(* instruction types (suffix denotes number of successors) *)
type i0 =
| Ret of arg
type i1 =
| Mov of reg * arg
| Opr of opr * reg * arg
| Get of reg * loc
| Set of loc * arg
| Con of reg * vtable
| Loc of reg * reg * string
| Cal of reg * loc * reg list
type i2 =
| IfT of arg
| IfC of cnd * reg * arg
(* bytecode graph nodes *)
type t = {
mutable edge : edge;
mutable label : string option;
mutable preds : int;
and edge =
| I0 of i0
| I1 of i1 * t
| I2 of i2 * t * t
let make edge = {
label = None;
preds = 0;
(* helper module for constructing and combining bytecode graphs *)
module B = struct
type nonrec bcg = t
type t = { build : bcg -> bcg } [@@unboxed]
let empty =
{build =}
let append t1 t2 =
{build = fun b -> ( b)}
let concat ts =
let ts_r = List.rev ts in
{build = fun b -> List.fold_left (fun b t -> b) b ts_r}
(* let fix (f : t -> t) : t = *)
(* let _ = f in failwith "TODO: B.fix" *)
module Infix = struct
let ( +> ) = append
module Private = struct
let i0 (i : i0) (b : t) : bcg = (make (I0 i))
let i1 (i : i1) : t =
{build = fun t -> make (I1 (i, t))}
let i2 (i : i2) (b1 : t) (b2 : t) : t =
{build = fun b -> make (I2 (i, b, b))}
open Private
let nil = `Cst Value.Nil
let int64 x = `Cst (Value.Int x)
let int x = int64 (Int64.of_int x)
let mov dst src = i1 (Mov (dst, src))
let opr op dst src = i1 (Opr (op, dst, src))
let get dst loc = i1 (Get (dst, loc))
let set loc src = i1 (Set (loc, src))
let con dst vtb = i1 (Con (dst, vtb))
let loc dst src nam = i1 (Loc (dst, src, nam))
let cal dst fn args =
(* TODO: check if fn,args well formed *)
i1 (Cal (dst, fn, args))
let ret v = i0 (Ret v)
let if_ = function
| #arg as x -> i2 (IfT x)
| `Cmp (c, x, y) -> i2 (IfC (c, x, y))
let add = opr ADD
let sub = opr SUB
let mul = opr MUL
let div = opr DIV
let mod_= opr MOD
let not_= opr NOT
let neg = opr NEG
let ceq = opr (Cmp EQ)
let cgt = opr (Cmp GT)
let clt = opr (Cmp LT)
(* pretty printer *)
let pp_reg ppf (`R i) = ppf "R%d" i
let pp_arg ppf = function
| #reg as r -> pp_reg ppf r
| `Cst v -> Value.pp ppf v
let pp_loc ppf = function
| (r, (#reg as i)) -> ppf "%a[%a]" pp_reg r pp_reg i
| (r, `Ofs ofs) -> ppf "%a[%d]" pp_reg r ofs
let pp_vtable ppf VTABLE = ppf "{}"
let string_of_cnd ~prefix = function
| EQ -> prefix ^ "eq"
| GT -> prefix ^ "gt"
| LT -> prefix ^ "lt"
let string_of_opr = function
| NOT -> "not"
| NEG -> "neg"
| ADD -> "add"
| SUB -> "sub"
| MUL -> "mul"
| DIV -> "div"
| MOD -> "mod"
| Cmp c -> string_of_cnd c ~prefix:"c"
let pp_i0 ppf = function
| Ret a -> ppf "ret %a" pp_arg a
let pp_i1 ppf = function
| Mov (a, b) -> ppf "mov %a, %a" pp_reg a pp_arg b
| Opr (o, a, b) -> ppf "%s %a, %a" (string_of_opr o) pp_reg a pp_arg b
| Get (a, b) -> ppf "mov %a, %a" pp_reg a pp_loc b
| Set (a, b) -> ppf "mov %a, %a" pp_loc a pp_arg b
| Loc (a, b, nam) -> ppf "loc %a, %a.<%s>" pp_reg a pp_reg b nam
| Con (a, vtb) -> ppf "con %a, %a" pp_reg a pp_vtable vtb
| Cal (r, f, args) -> ppf "cal %a, %a(" pp_reg r pp_loc f;
List.iteri (fun i a -> if i > 0 then ppf ","; pp_reg ppf a) args; ppf ")"
let pp_i2 ppf = function
| IfT v -> ppf "btr %a" pp_arg v
| IfC (c, a, b) ->
let name = string_of_cnd c ~prefix:"b" in ppf "%s %a, %a" name pp_reg a pp_arg b
let generate_labels ep =
let nl = ref 0 in
let rec go t require =
t.preds <- t.preds + 1;
if t.label = None && (t.preds > 1 || require) then begin
t.label <- Some (Fmt.str "L%d" !nl);
incr nl
if t.preds = 1 then begin
match t.edge with
| I0 _ -> ()
| I1 (_, t1) -> go t1 false
| I2 (_, t1, t2) -> go t1 false; go t2 true
ep.label <- Some "EP";
go ep false
let dump println ep =
let printf ?l fmt =
let margin = match l with
| None -> ""
| Some l -> l ^ ":"
Fmt.kstr println ("%-8s" ^^ fmt) margin
let rec pr t =
if t.preds = 0 then
pr_jmp t
else begin
t.preds <- 0;
match t.edge with
| I0 i ->
printf ?l:t.label "%a" pp_i0 i
| I1 (i, t1) ->
printf ?l:t.label "%a" pp_i1 i;
pr t1
| I2 (i, t1, t2) ->
printf ?l:t.label "%a" pp_i2 i;
pr_jmp t2;
pr t1;
maybe_pr t2
and pr_jmp t =
printf "jmp %s" (Option.get t.label)
and maybe_pr t =
if t.preds > 0 then
pr t
generate_labels ep;
pr ep

View File

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
module Ast = Spice_syntax.Ast
type imm = Value.t
type vtable = Value.vtable
(* instruction operand types, etc. *)
type reg = [`R of int]
type cst = [`Cst of Value.t]
@ -10,119 +7,177 @@ type ofs = [reg | `Ofs of int]
type loc = reg * ofs
type opr = NOT | NEG | ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD | Cmp of cnd
and cnd = EQ | LT | GT
(* and cnd = EQ | NE | LT | GE | GT | LE *)
and cnd = EQ | LT | GT (* | NE | LE | GE *)
type ins =
(* instruction types (suffix denotes number of successors) *)
type i0 =
| Ret of arg
type i1 =
| Mov of reg * arg
| Opr of opr * reg * arg
| Get of reg * loc
| Set of loc * arg
| Con of reg * vtable
| Con of reg * Value.vtable
| Loc of reg * reg * string
| Cal of reg * loc * reg list
| Btr of arg * block * block
| Jmp of block
| Ret of arg
and block =
{ mutable ins_list_rev : ins list }
type i2 =
| IfT of arg
| IfC of cnd * reg * arg
let arg_regs = function
| #reg as r -> [r]
| #cst -> []
(* bytecode graph nodes *)
let loc_regs = function
| (r1, (#reg as r2)) -> [r1; r2]
| (r1, #ofs) -> [r1]
type t = {
mutable edge : edge;
mutable label : string option;
mutable preds : int;
let registers = function
| Ret v
| Btr (v, _, _) -> arg_regs v
| Mov (r, v)
| Opr (_, r, v) -> r :: arg_regs v
| Get (r, l) -> r :: loc_regs l
| Set (l, v) -> arg_regs v @ loc_regs l
| Con (r, _) -> [r]
| Loc (r1, r2, _) -> [r1; r2]
| Cal (r, l, rs) -> loc_regs l @ r :: rs
| Jmp _ -> []
and edge =
| I0 of i0
| I1 of i1 * t
| I2 of i2 * t * t
let make_block () =
{ ins_list_rev = [] }
let make edge = {
label = None;
preds = 0;
let extend b ins =
b.ins_list_rev <- ins :: b.ins_list_rev
let sucs = function
| I0 _ -> []
| I1 (_, t) -> [t]
| I2 (_, t1, t2) -> [t1; t2]
let instructions b =
List.rev b.ins_list_rev
let registers e =
let arg = function #reg as r -> [r] | _ -> [] in
let loc (r, o) = r :: arg o in
match e with
| I0 (Ret a) -> arg a
| I1 (Mov (a, b), _) -> a :: arg b
| I1 (Opr (_, a, b), _) -> a :: arg b
| I1 (Get (a, b), _) -> a :: loc b
| I1 (Set (a, b), _) -> loc a @ arg b
| I1 (Con (a, _), _) -> [a]
| I1 (Loc (a, b, _), _) -> [a; b]
| I1 (Cal (a, f, bs), _) -> a :: loc f @ bs
| I2 (IfT a, _, _) -> arg a
| I2 (IfC (_, a, b), _, _) -> a :: arg b
let iter_blocks_df f b0 =
let queue = ref [ b0 ] in
let visited = ref !queue in
let enqueue b =
if not (List.memq b !visited) then (
queue := !queue @ [b];
visited := b :: !visited)
let preorder t0 =
let rec go t =
t.preds <- t.preds + 1;
if t.preds = 1 then
t :: List.flatten ( go (sucs t.edge))
let rec loop () =
match !queue with
| [] -> ()
| b :: rest ->
queue := rest;
f b;
(* NOTE: only [List.hd b.ins_list_rev] should be a branching instruction, so iterating
the whole list is pointless. but just to be safe ... *)
| Jmp b1 -> enqueue b1
| Btr (_, b1, b2) -> enqueue b1; enqueue b2
| _ -> ())
loop ()
loop () (fun t -> t.preds <- 0; t) (go t0)
(* functions *)
type funct =
{ n_args : int;
frame_size : int;
entry : block }
type funct = {
n_args : int;
frame_size : int;
entry : t
type Value.mthd +=
type Value.mthd +=
| Function of funct
let make_funct n_args entry =
let frame_size =
let fsize = ref (n_args + 1) in
(fun b ->
fsize :=
List.rev_map registers b.ins_list_rev
|> List.flatten
|> List.fold_left (fun fs (`R i) -> max fs (i + 1))
!fsize (fun t -> registers t.edge) (preorder entry)
|> List.flatten
|> List.fold_left
(fun fs (`R i) -> max fs (i + 1))
(n_args + 1)
{ n_args; frame_size; entry }
(* helper module for constructing and combining bytecode graphs *)
(* pretty printing *)
module B = struct
type nonrec bcg = t
type t = { build : bcg -> bcg } [@@unboxed]
let empty =
{build =}
let append t1 t2 =
{build = fun b -> ( b)}
let concat ts =
let ts_r = List.rev ts in
{build = fun b -> List.fold_left (fun b t -> b) b ts_r}
(* let fix (f : t -> t) : t = *)
(* let _ = f in failwith "TODO: B.fix" *)
module Infix = struct
let ( +> ) = append
module Private = struct
let i0 (i : i0) (b : t) : bcg = (make (I0 i))
let i1 (i : i1) : t =
{build = fun t -> make (I1 (i, t))}
let i2 (i : i2) (b1 : t) (b2 : t) : t =
{build = fun b -> make (I2 (i, b, b))}
open Private
let nil = `Cst Value.Nil
let int64 x = `Cst (Value.Int x)
let int x = int64 (Int64.of_int x)
let mov dst src = i1 (Mov (dst, src))
let opr op dst src = i1 (Opr (op, dst, src))
let get dst loc = i1 (Get (dst, loc))
let set loc src = i1 (Set (loc, src))
let con dst vtb = i1 (Con (dst, vtb))
let loc dst src nam = i1 (Loc (dst, src, nam))
let cal dst fn args =
(* TODO: check if fn,args well formed *)
i1 (Cal (dst, fn, args))
let ret v = i0 (Ret v)
let if_ = function
| #arg as x -> i2 (IfT x)
| `Cmp (c, x, y) -> i2 (IfC (c, x, y))
let add = opr ADD
let sub = opr SUB
let mul = opr MUL
let div = opr DIV
let mod_= opr MOD
let not_= opr NOT
let neg = opr NEG
let ceq = opr (Cmp EQ)
let cgt = opr (Cmp GT)
let clt = opr (Cmp LT)
(* pretty printer *)
let pp_reg ppf (`R i) = ppf "R%d" i
let pp_arg ppf = function
| #reg as r -> pp_reg ppf r
| `Cst c -> Value.pp ppf c
| `Cst v -> Value.pp ppf v
let pp_loc ppf = function
| (r, (#reg as i)) -> ppf "%a[%a]" pp_reg r pp_reg i
| (r, `Ofs ofs) -> ppf "%a[%d]" pp_reg r ofs
let pp_vtable ~tbname ppf (vtb : vtable) = ppf "%s(%d){" (tbname vtb) vtb.n_slots;
let pp_vtable ppf (vtb : Value.vtable) = ppf "(%d){" vtb.n_slots;
let sep = ref "" in
(fun name -> function
@ -133,6 +188,11 @@ let pp_vtable ~tbname ppf (vtb : vtable) =
vtb.elems; ppf "}"
let string_of_cnd ~prefix = function
| EQ -> prefix ^ "eq"
| GT -> prefix ^ "gt"
| LT -> prefix ^ "lt"
let string_of_opr = function
| NOT -> "not"
| NEG -> "neg"
@ -141,85 +201,89 @@ let string_of_opr = function
| MUL -> "mul"
| DIV -> "div"
| MOD -> "mod"
| Cmp EQ -> "ceq"
| Cmp LT -> "clt"
| Cmp GT -> "cgt"
(* | Cmp NE -> "cne" *)
(* | Cmp GE -> "cge" *)
(* | Cmp LE -> "cle" *)
| Cmp c -> string_of_cnd c ~prefix:"c"
let pp_ins ~tbname ~label ppf = function
let pp_i0 ppf = function
| Ret a -> ppf "ret %a" pp_arg a
let pp_i1 ppf = function
| Mov (a, b) -> ppf "mov %a, %a" pp_reg a pp_arg b
| Opr (o, a, b) -> ppf "%s %a, %a" (string_of_opr o) pp_reg a pp_arg b
| Get (a, b) -> ppf "mov %a, %a" pp_reg a pp_loc b
| Set (a, b) -> ppf "mov %a, %a" pp_loc a pp_arg b
| Con (a, vtb) -> ppf "con %a, %a" pp_reg a (pp_vtable ~tbname) vtb
| Loc (a, b, nam) -> ppf "loc %a, %a.<%s>" pp_reg a pp_reg b nam
| Jmp b -> ppf "jmp %s" (label b)
| Ret a -> ppf "ret %a" pp_arg a
| Btr (a, b1, b2) ->
let l1 = label b1 in
let l2 = label b2 in ppf "btr %a, %s, %s" pp_arg a l1 l2
| Cal (a, f, args) -> ppf "cal %a, %a(" pp_reg a pp_loc f;
List.iteri (fun i d -> if i > 0 then ppf ","; pp_reg ppf d) args;
| Con (a, vtb) -> ppf "con %a, %a" pp_reg a pp_vtable vtb
| Cal (r, f, args) -> ppf "cal %a, %a(" pp_reg r pp_loc f;
List.iteri (fun i a -> if i > 0 then ppf ","; pp_reg ppf a) args; ppf ")"
let dump ?(recursive = true) println main_fn =
let tbqueue = ref [] in
let tbnames = ref [] in
let tbname vtb =
try List.assq vtb !tbnames
with Not_found ->
if recursive then tbqueue := !tbqueue @ [vtb];
let n = List.length !tbnames in
let l = Fmt.str "$tbl%d" n in
tbnames := (vtb, l) :: !tbnames; l
let pp_i2 ppf = function
| IfT v -> ppf "btr %a" pp_arg v
| IfC (c, a, b) ->
let name = string_of_cnd c ~prefix:"b" in ppf "%s %a, %a" name pp_reg a pp_arg b
let dump_fn fn =
let labels = ref [ fn.entry, "ENTRY" ] in
let label b =
try List.assq b !labels
with Not_found ->
let n = List.length !labels - 1 in
let l = Fmt.str "B%d" n in
labels := (b, l) :: !labels; l
let generate_labels ep =
let nl = ref 0 in
let rec go t require =
t.preds <- t.preds + 1;
if t.label = None && (t.preds > 1 || require) then begin
t.label <- Some (Fmt.str "L%d" !nl);
incr nl
if t.preds = 1 then begin
match t.edge with
| I0 _ -> ()
| I1 (_, t1) -> go t1 false
| I2 (_, t1, t2) -> go t1 false; go t2 true
ep.label <- Some "EP";
go ep false
let dump ?(margin = 8) println main =
let printf ?l fmt =
let prefix = match l with
| None -> ""
| Some l -> l ^ ":"
let pp_ins = pp_ins ~tbname ~label in
(fun b ->
(fun pfx ins ->
println (Fmt.str "%-8s%a" pfx pp_ins ins);
(label b ^ ":")
(instructions b)
|> ignore)
Fmt.kstr println ("%-*s" ^^ fmt) margin prefix
println "# fun main(0)";
dump_fn main_fn;
let rec pr_code t =
if t.preds = 0 then
pr_jmp t
else begin
t.preds <- 0;
match t.edge with
| I0 i ->
printf ?l:t.label "%a" pp_i0 i
| I1 (i, t1) ->
printf ?l:t.label "%a" pp_i1 i;
pr_code t1
| I2 (i, t1, t2) ->
printf ?l:t.label "%a" pp_i2 i;
pr_jmp t2;
pr_code t1;
maybe_pr_code t2
and pr_jmp t =
printf "jmp %s" (Option.get t.label)
and maybe_pr_code t =
if t.preds > 0 then
pr_code t
let rec loop () =
match !tbqueue with
| [] -> ()
| vtb :: rest ->
tbqueue := rest;
(fun fname -> function
| Value.Field _ -> ()
| Value.Method i ->
match vtb.mthds.(i) with
| Function fn ->
println "";
println (Fmt.str "# fun %s.%s(%d)" (tbname vtb) fname fn.n_args);
dump_fn fn
| _ -> ())
loop ()
loop ()
let pr_funct name fn =
println (Fmt.str "# fun %s(%d)" name fn.n_args);
generate_labels fn.entry;
pr_code fn.entry
pr_funct "main" main

View File

@ -57,16 +57,10 @@ module Prim = struct
runtime_error "call method of non-object"
type frame = {
rg : Value.t array;
mutable pc : Code.ins list;
mutable rv : Value.t;
type frame = Value.t array
let jmp fr b = fr.pc <- Code.instructions b
let get fr (`R a) = fr.rg.(a)
let set fr (`R a) b = fr.rg.(a) <- b
let get fr (`R a) = fr.(a)
let set fr (`R a) b = fr.(a) <- b
let arg fr = function
| #Code.reg as r -> get fr r
| `Cst v -> v
@ -87,48 +81,45 @@ let loc fr = function
| a, (#Code.reg as b) -> get fr a, get fr b
| a, (`Ofs ofs) -> get fr a, Value.of_int ofs
let rec exec fr = function
| Code.Mov (a, b) -> set fr a (arg fr b)
| Code.Opr (op, a, b) -> set fr a (opr op (get fr a) (arg fr b))
| Code.Get (a, bc) -> set fr a (Prim.get (loc fr bc))
| Code.Set (bc, a) -> Prim.set (loc fr bc) (arg fr a)
| Code.Loc (a, b, nam) -> set fr a (Prim.loc (get fr b) nam)
| Code.Con (a, vtb) -> set fr a (Value.make_obj vtb)
| Code.Jmp bl -> jmp fr bl
| Code.Btr (a, bl1, bl2) ->
jmp fr (if Value.truthy (arg fr a) then bl1 else bl2)
| Code.Ret a ->
fr.rv <- arg fr a
| Code.Cal (a, f, args) ->
let obj, mthd = Prim.mthd (loc fr f) in
let args = (arg fr) args in
set fr a (call mthd obj args)
let rec run fn self args =
let Code.{ n_args; frame_size; entry } = fn in
if List.length args <> n_args then
runtime_error "wrong number of arguments, expected %d, got %d"
n_args (List.length args);
let fr = Array.make frame_size Value.Nil in
fr.(0) <- self;
List.iteri (fun i v -> fr.(i + 1) <- v) args;
step fr entry
and step fr t =
match t.Code.edge with
| I0 (Ret a) -> arg fr a
| I1 (i, t1) ->
begin match i with
| Mov (a, b) -> set fr a (arg fr b)
| Opr (op, a, b) -> set fr a (opr op (get fr a) (arg fr b))
| Get (a, b) -> set fr a (Prim.get (loc fr b))
| Set (bc, a) -> Prim.set (loc fr bc) (arg fr a)
| Loc (a, b, nam) -> set fr a (Prim.loc (get fr b) nam)
| Con (a, vtb) -> set fr a (Value.make_obj vtb)
| Cal (a, f, args) ->
let obj, mthd = Prim.mthd (loc fr f) in
let args = (arg fr) args in
set fr a (call mthd obj args)
end; step fr t1
| I2 (i, t1, t2) ->
let cond = match i with
| IfT a -> Value.truthy (arg fr a)
| i -> Fmt.failwith "TODO: Interp.step: %a" Code.pp_i2 i
step fr (if cond then t1 else t2)
and call mthd self args =
match mthd with
| Code.Function fn -> run fn self args
| _ -> mthd self args
and step fr =
match fr.pc with
| [] -> ()
| i :: rest ->
fr.pc <- rest;
exec fr i;
step fr
and run fn self args =
let Code.{ n_args; frame_size; entry } = fn in
if List.length args <> n_args then
runtime_error "wrong number of arguments, expected %d, got %d"
n_args (List.length args);
let rg = Array.make frame_size Value.Nil in
rg.(0) <- self;
List.iteri (fun i v -> rg.(i + 1) <- v) args;
let fr = { rg; pc = []; rv = Nil } in
jmp fr entry;
step fr;