83 lines
1.7 KiB
83 lines
1.7 KiB
type slotidx = int
type mthdidx = int
type vtable = {
n_slots : int;
elems : (string, elem) Hashtbl.t;
mthds : mthd array;
and elem =
| Field of slotidx
| Method of mthdidx
and mthd = ..
type t =
| Nil
| True
| False
| Int of int64
| Obj of vtable * t array
let make_obj vtable = Obj (vtable, Array.make vtable.n_slots Nil)
let bool = function
| true -> True
| false -> False
let of_elem e =
let idx =
match e with
| Field i -> i
| Method i -> -succ i
Int (Int64.of_int idx)
let to_elem = function
| Int idx ->
let i = Int64.to_int idx in
if i >= 0 then
Field i
Method (-succ i)
| _ ->
invalid_arg "to_elem: non integer value"
let rec pp ppf = function
| Obj (vtable, slots) -> pp_obj ppf vtable slots
| Int n -> Fmt.string ppf (Int64.to_string n)
| v -> Fmt.pf ppf "%S" (to_string v)
and to_string = function
| Nil -> "nil"
| True -> "true"
| False -> "false"
| v -> Fmt.str "%a" pp v
and pp_obj ppf vtable slots =
Fmt.pf ppf "{";
let sep = ref "" in
(fun name -> function
| Method _ -> ()
| Field idx ->
Fmt.pf ppf "%s%S:%a" !sep name pp slots.(idx);
sep := ",")
Fmt.pf ppf "}"
type mthd += Native_function of (t list -> t)
let call mthd _self args =
match mthd with
| Native_function f -> f args
| _ -> raise Not_found
let native_lib fns =
let elems = Hashtbl.create (List.length fns * 4) in
List.iteri (fun i (name, _) -> Hashtbl.add elems name (Method i)) fns;
let mthds = List.map (fun (_, f) -> Native_function f) fns |> Array.of_list in
let vtable = { n_slots = 0; elems; mthds } in
Obj (vtable, [||])