
121 lines
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exception Runtime_error of string
let runtime_error f =
Fmt.kstr (fun s -> raise (Runtime_error s)) f
module Prim = struct
let intop name ( ** ) v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| Value.Int x, Value.Int y -> Value.Int (x ** y)
| _, _ -> runtime_error "cannot %s non integer values" name
let cmpop ( </> ) v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| Value.Int x, Value.Int y -> Value.of_bool (Int64.compare x y </> 0)
| _, _ -> runtime_error "cannot compare non integer values"
let add = intop "add" Int64.add
let sub = intop "sub" Int64.sub
let mul = intop "mul" Int64.mul
let lst = cmpop ( < )
let grt = cmpop ( > )
let eql v1 v2 = Value.of_bool (Value.equal v1 v2)
let not v = Value.of_bool (not (Value.truthy v))
let loc obj name =
match obj with
| Value.Obj (vtable, _) ->
Value.of_elem (Hashtbl.find vtable.elems name)
| _ ->
(* TODO: vtable of primitive types *)
raise Not_found
Not_found -> runtime_error "no such element %S" name
let get obj loc =
match obj, Value.to_elem loc with
| Value.Obj (_, s), Field i -> s.(i)
| Value.Obj (_, _), Method _ -> failwith "Interp.Prim.get: TODO: fcf"
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> runtime_error "invalid index"
| _ -> runtime_error "get field of non-object"
let set obj loc v =
match obj, Value.to_elem loc with
| Value.Obj (_, s), Field i -> s.(i) <- v
| Value.Obj (_, _), Method _ -> runtime_error "cannot reassign method"
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> runtime_error "invalid index"
| _ -> runtime_error "set field of non-object"
let mthd obj loc =
match obj, Value.to_elem loc with
| Value.Obj (vtable, _), Method i -> obj, vtable.mthds.(i)
| Value.Obj (_, _), Field _ -> failwith "Interp.Prim.mthd: TODO: fcf"
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> runtime_error "invalid index"
| _ ->
(* TODO: vtable of primitive types *)
runtime_error "call method of non-object"
type frame = {
r : Value.t array;
mutable pc : Code.ins list;
mutable rv : Value.t;
let jmp fr b = fr.pc <- Code.instructions b
let rec exec ({ r; _ } as fr) = function
| Code.LDI (R a, v) -> r.(a) <- v
| Code.LDR (R a, R b) -> r.(a) <- r.(b)
| Code.ADD (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.add r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.SUB (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.sub r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.MUL (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.mul r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.LST (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.lst r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.GRT (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.grt r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.NOT (R a, R b) -> r.(a) <- Prim.not r.(b)
| Code.EQL (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.eql r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.GET (R a, R b, R c) -> r.(a) <- Prim.get r.(b) r.(c)
| Code.SET (R a, R b, R c) -> Prim.set r.(b) r.(c) r.(a)
| Code.LOC (R a, R b, el) -> r.(a) <- Prim.loc r.(b) el
| Code.CON (R a, vtbl) -> r.(a) <- Value.make_obj vtbl
| Code.CAL (R a, R b, R c, args) ->
let obj, mthd = Prim.mthd r.(b) r.(c) in
let args = List.map (fun (Code.R i) -> r.(i)) args in
r.(a) <- call mthd obj args
| Code.JMP b -> jmp fr b
| Code.CBR (R a, b1, b2) ->
jmp fr (if Value.truthy r.(a) then b1 else b2)
| Code.RET (R a) ->
fr.rv <- r.(a);
fr.pc <- []
and call mthd self args =
match mthd with
| Code.Function fn -> run fn self args
| _ -> Value.call mthd self args
and step fr =
match fr.pc with
| [] -> ()
| i :: rest ->
fr.pc <- rest;
exec fr i;
step fr
and run fn self args =
let Code.{ n_args; frame_size; entry } = fn in
if List.length args <> n_args then
runtime_error "wrong number of arguments, expected %d, got %d"
n_args (List.length args);
let r = Array.make frame_size Value.Nil in
r.(0) <- self;
List.iteri (fun i v -> r.(i + 1) <- v) args;
let fr = { r; pc = []; rv = Nil } in
jmp fr entry;
step fr;