149 lines
3.7 KiB
149 lines
3.7 KiB
module Ast = Spice_syntax.Ast
module Code = Spice_runtime.Code
module Value = Spice_runtime.Value
exception Error of string
let compile_error f =
Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) f
let off (Code.R i) k = Code.R (i + k)
let suc r = off r 1
let undef_method =
(fun _ -> failwith "BUG: method undefined")
let rec compile_lambda (lam : Ir.lambda) =
let entrypoint = Code.make_block () in
let currb = ref entrypoint in
let emit i = Code.extend !currb i in
let enter b = currb := b in
let reg_of_id = Hashtbl.create 128 in
let set_reg id r =
if Hashtbl.mem reg_of_id id then failwith "BUG: id reassigned";
Hashtbl.add reg_of_id id r
let get_reg id =
try Hashtbl.find reg_of_id id with
Not_found -> failwith "BUG: id unassigned"
let rec emit_exp sp = function
| Ir.Var id ->
get_reg id
| Ir.Let (id, rhs, bdy) ->
emit_exp_s sp rhs;
set_reg id sp;
emit_exp (suc sp) bdy
| Ir.Seq (e1, e2) ->
emit_exp sp e1 |> ignore;
emit_exp sp e2
| ir ->
emit_exp_s sp ir;
and emit_exp_s sp = function
| Ir.Lit im ->
emit (LDI (sp, im))
| Ir.Get path ->
let obj, loc = emit_path sp path in
emit (GET (sp, obj, loc))
| Ir.Set (path, rhs) ->
let obj, loc = emit_path sp path in
let rv = emit_exp (suc sp) rhs in
emit (SET (rv, obj, loc))
| Ir.Seq (e1, e2) ->
emit_exp sp e1 |> ignore;
emit_exp_s sp e2
| Ir.If (e0, e1, e2) ->
let b1 = Code.make_block () in
let b2 = Code.make_block () in
let b3 = Code.make_block () in
let c = emit_exp sp e0 in
emit (CBR (c, b1, b2));
enter b1; emit_exp_s sp e1; emit (JMP b3);
enter b2; emit_exp_s sp e2; emit (JMP b3);
enter b3
| Ir.Uop (op, e1) ->
let r1 = emit_exp sp e1 in
emit (match op with
| Not -> NOT (sp, r1))
| Ir.Bop (op, e1, e2) ->
let r1 = emit_exp_s sp e1; sp in
let r2 = emit_exp (suc sp) e2 in
emit (match op with
| Add -> ADD (sp, r1, r2)
| Sub -> SUB (sp, r1, r2)
| Mul -> MUL (sp, r1, r2)
| Div -> failwith "Bcc.compile_exp: TODO(Bop(Div))"
| Mod -> failwith "Bcc.compile_exp: TODO(Bop(Mod))"
| Eql -> EQL (sp, r1, r2)
| Grt -> GRT (sp, r1, r2)
| Lst -> LST (sp, r1, r2))
| Ir.Call (fn, args) ->
let obj, mth = emit_path sp fn in
let args =
(fun i arg ->
let rv = off mth (i + 1) in
emit_exp_s rv arg; rv)
emit (CAL (sp, obj, mth, args))
| Ir.Obj { vals; funs } ->
let n_slots = List.length vals in
let elems = Hashtbl.create (List.length vals + List.length funs) in
let mthds = Array.make (List.length funs) undef_method in
(fun i name ->
Hashtbl.add elems name (Value.Field i))
(fun i (name, lambda) ->
Hashtbl.add elems name (Value.Method i);
mthds.(i) <- Code.Function (compile_lambda lambda))
emit (CON (sp, { n_slots; elems; mthds }))
| ir ->
let rv = emit_exp sp ir in
if rv <> sp then emit (LDR (sp, rv))
and emit_path sp (obj, fld) =
let obj = get_reg obj in
let loc = sp in
emit (LOC (loc, obj, fld));
obj, loc
set_reg lam.self (Code.R 0);
if lam.args <> [] then
failwith "Bcc.compile: TODO(lambda.args)";
(* if lam.clos <> [] then *)
(* failwith "Bcc.compile: TODO(lambda.clos)"; *)
let sp = Code.R 1 in
let rv = emit_exp sp lam.body in
emit (RET rv);
(List.length lam.args)