79 lines
1.9 KiB
79 lines
1.9 KiB
open Parser
exception Error of string
let fail msg =
raise (Error msg)
let keywords = Hashtbl.create 17
let _ = begin
Hashtbl.add keywords "true" Kw_true;
Hashtbl.add keywords "false" Kw_false;
Hashtbl.add keywords "nil" Kw_nil;
Hashtbl.add keywords "val" Kw_val;
Hashtbl.add keywords "fun" Kw_fun;
Hashtbl.add keywords "obj" Kw_obj;
Hashtbl.add keywords "if" Kw_if;
Hashtbl.add keywords "else" Kw_else;
let is_digit ch = ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'
let is_digit_or_sep ch = ch = '_' || is_digit ch
let is_integer str =
String.exists is_digit str &&
String.for_all is_digit_or_sep str
let parse_integer str =
let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
String.iter (fun ch ->
if is_digit ch then
Buffer.add_char buffer ch)
if Buffer.length buffer > 18 then
fail "integer literal is too long";
Int64.of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)
let identifier str =
match Hashtbl.find keywords str with
| kw -> kw
| exception Not_found ->
if is_integer str then
Int (parse_integer str)
Name str
let int = ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']*
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let newline = '\n'
let id = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '_']+
rule read =
| white { read lexbuf }
| newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; read lexbuf }
| id { identifier (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| "(" { LP }
| ")" { RP }
| "{" { LC }
| "}" { RC }
| "+" { Binop Add }
| "-" { Binop Sub }
| "*" { Binop Mul }
| "/" { Binop Div }
| "%" { Binop Mod }
| "==" { Binop Eql }
| "=" { Eq }
| ">" { Binop Grt }
| "<=" { Binop Lst_eql }
| "<" { Binop Lst }
| ">=" { Binop Grt_eql }
| "!=" { Binop Not_eql }
| "." { Dot }
| "," { Com }
| _ { fail "unrecognized character" }
| eof { EOF }