This commit is contained in:
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1G
# Fabric properties
#Fabric api
# Mod Properties
mod_version = 1.4.6
mod_version = 1.4.7
maven_group = org.samo_lego
archives_base_name = simpleauth
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import static org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory.bytes;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.CarpetHelper.isPlayerCarpetFake;
@ -43,9 +45,11 @@ import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.UuidConverter.convertUuid;
public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
public static SimpleAuthDatabase db = new SimpleAuthDatabase();
public static SimpleAuthDatabase DB = new SimpleAuthDatabase();
// HashMap of players that are not authenticated
public static final ExecutorService THREADPOOL = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
// HashMap of players that are not authenticated
// Rather than storing all the authenticated players, we just store ones that are not authenticated
// It stores some data as well, e.g. login tries and user password
public static HashMap<String, PlayerCache> deauthenticatedUsers = new HashMap<>();
@ -73,13 +77,13 @@ public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
|||"[SimpleAuth] This mod wouldn't exist without the awesome Fabric Community. TYSM guys!");
// Creating data directory (database and config files are stored there)
File file = new File(gameDirectory + "/mods/SimpleAuth/levelDBStore");
File file = new File(gameDirectory + "/mods/SimpleAuth/leveldbStore");
if (!file.exists() && !file.mkdirs())
throw new RuntimeException("[SimpleAuth] Error creating directory!");
// Loading config
config = AuthConfig.load(new File(gameDirectory + "/mods/SimpleAuth/config.json"));
// Connecting to db
try {
serverProp.load(new FileReader(gameDirectory + "/"));
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
private void onStopServer() {
||||"[SimpleAuth] Shutting down SimpleAuth.");
WriteBatch batch = db.getLevelDBStore().createWriteBatch();
WriteBatch batch = DB.getLevelDBStore().createWriteBatch();
// Writing coords of de-authenticated players to database
deauthenticatedUsers.forEach((uuid, playerCache) -> {
JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
@ -136,22 +140,26 @@ public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
try {
// Writing and closing batch
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("[SimpleAuth] Error saving player data! " + e.getMessage());
// Closing DB connection
// Getting some config options
private static Text notAuthenticated() {
if(SimpleAuth.config.main.enableGlobalPassword) {
return new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.loginRequired);
return new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.notAuthenticated);
// Getting not authenticated text
private static LiteralText notAuthenticated(ServerPlayerEntity player) {
final PlayerCache cache = deauthenticatedUsers.get(convertUuid(player));
if(SimpleAuth.config.main.enableGlobalPassword || cache.isRegistered)
return new LiteralText(
SimpleAuth.config.lang.notAuthenticated + "\n" + SimpleAuth.config.lang.loginRequired
return new LiteralText(
SimpleAuth.config.lang.notAuthenticated+ "\n" + SimpleAuth.config.lang.registerRequired
// Authenticates player and sends the message
@ -185,7 +193,7 @@ public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
// De-authenticates player
public static void deauthenticatePlayer(ServerPlayerEntity player) {
// Marking player as not authenticated, (re)setting login tries to zero
@ -197,7 +205,7 @@ public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
teleportPlayer(player, true);
// Player is now not authenticated
player.sendMessage(notAuthenticated(), false);
player.sendMessage(notAuthenticated(player), false);
// Setting the player to be invisible to mobs and also invulnerable
@ -206,7 +214,8 @@ public class SimpleAuth implements DedicatedServerModInitializer {
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if(!SimpleAuth.isAuthenticated(player) && player.networkHandler.getConnection().isOpen()) // Kicking player if not authenticated
// Kicking player if not authenticated
if(!SimpleAuth.isAuthenticated(player) && player.networkHandler.getConnection().isOpen())
player.networkHandler.disconnect(new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.timeExpired));
}, SimpleAuth.config.main.delay * 1000);
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.getString;
import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.word;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.argument;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.literal;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.THREADPOOL;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.config;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.UuidConverter.convertUuid;
@ -71,10 +72,10 @@ public class AccountCommand {
return 0;
// New thread to avoid lag spikes
new Thread(() -> {
// Different thread to avoid lag spikes
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
if (AuthHelper.checkPass(convertUuid(player), pass.toCharArray()) == 1) {
new LiteralText(config.lang.accountDeleted),
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ public class AccountCommand {
new LiteralText(config.lang.wrongPassword),
return 0;
@ -102,8 +103,8 @@ public class AccountCommand {
return 0;
// New thread to avoid lag spikes
new Thread(() -> {
// Different thread to avoid lag spikes
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
if (AuthHelper.checkPass(convertUuid(player), oldPass.toCharArray()) == 1) {
if (newPass.length() < config.main.minPasswordChars) {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ public class AccountCommand {
String hash = AuthHelper.hashPass(newPass.toCharArray());
playerdata.addProperty("password", hash);
SimpleAuth.db.updateUserData(convertUuid(player), playerdata.toString());
SimpleAuth.DB.updateUserData(convertUuid(player), playerdata.toString());
new LiteralText(config.lang.passwordUpdated),
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ public class AccountCommand {
new LiteralText(config.lang.wrongPassword),
return 0;
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.getString;
import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.word;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.argument;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.literal;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.config;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.db;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.*;
public class AuthCommand {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
@ -114,13 +113,13 @@ public class AuthCommand {
private static int setGlobalPassword(ServerCommandSource source, String pass) {
// Getting the player who send the command
Entity sender = source.getEntity();
// New thread to avoid lag spikes
new Thread(() -> {
// Different thread to avoid lag spikes
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
// Writing the global pass to config
config.main.globalPassword = AuthHelper.hashPass(pass.toCharArray());
config.main.enableGlobalPassword = true;
|||| File("./mods/SimpleAuth/config.json"));
if(sender != null)
((PlayerEntity) sender).sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.globalPasswordSet), false);
@ -150,10 +149,10 @@ public class AuthCommand {
// Deleting (unregistering) user's account
private static int removeAccount(ServerCommandSource source, String uuid) {
Entity sender = source.getEntity();
new Thread(() -> {
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
SimpleAuth.deauthenticatedUsers.put(uuid, new PlayerCache(uuid, null));
if(sender != null)
((PlayerEntity) sender).sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.userdataDeleted), false);
@ -167,19 +166,19 @@ public class AuthCommand {
// Getting the player who send the command
Entity sender = source.getEntity();
new Thread(() -> {
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
// JSON object holding password (may hold some other info in the future)
JsonObject playerdata = new JsonObject();
String hash = AuthHelper.hashPass(password.toCharArray());
playerdata.addProperty("password", hash);
if (db.registerUser(uuid, playerdata.toString())) {
if (DB.registerUser(uuid, playerdata.toString())) {
if (sender != null)
((PlayerEntity) sender).sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.userdataUpdated), false);
return 0;
@ -188,18 +187,18 @@ public class AuthCommand {
// Getting the player who send the command
Entity sender = source.getEntity();
new Thread(() -> {
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
// JSON object holding password (may hold some other info in the future)
JsonObject playerdata = new JsonObject();
String hash = AuthHelper.hashPass(password.toCharArray());
playerdata.addProperty("password", hash);
db.updateUserData(uuid, playerdata.toString());
DB.updateUserData(uuid, playerdata.toString());
if (sender != null)
((PlayerEntity) sender).sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.userdataUpdated), false);
return 0;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.getString;
import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.word;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.argument;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.literal;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.THREADPOOL;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.config;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.UuidConverter.convertUuid;
@ -38,8 +39,8 @@ public class LoginCommand {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.alreadyAuthenticated), false);
return 0;
// Putting rest of the command in new thread to avoid lag spikes
new Thread(() -> {
// Putting rest of the command in different thread to avoid lag spikes
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
int maxLoginTries = config.main.maxLoginTries;
int passwordResult = AuthHelper.checkPass(uuid, pass.toCharArray());
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ public class LoginCommand {
else if(passwordResult == -1) {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.notRegistered), false);
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.registerRequired), false);
// Kicking the player out
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ public class LoginCommand {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.wrongPassword), false);
// ++ the login tries
SimpleAuth.deauthenticatedUsers.get(uuid).loginTries += 1;
return 0;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.getString;
import static com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType.word;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.argument;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.literal;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.THREADPOOL;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.config;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.UuidConverter.convertUuid;
@ -48,8 +49,8 @@ public class RegisterCommand {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.matchPassword), false);
return 0;
// New thread to avoid lag spikes
new Thread(() -> {
// Different thread to avoid lag spikes
THREADPOOL.submit(() -> {
if(pass1.length() < config.main.minPasswordChars) {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(
String.format(config.lang.minPasswordChars, config.main.minPasswordChars)
@ -67,12 +68,12 @@ public class RegisterCommand {
JsonObject playerdata = new JsonObject();
playerdata.addProperty("password", hash);
if (SimpleAuth.db.registerUser(convertUuid(player), playerdata.toString())) {
if (SimpleAuth.DB.registerUser(convertUuid(player), playerdata.toString())) {
SimpleAuth.authenticatePlayer(player, new LiteralText(config.lang.registerSuccess));
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.alreadyRegistered), false);
return 0;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class AuthEventHandler {
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.loginRequired), false);
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.notRegistered), false);
player.sendMessage(new LiteralText(config.lang.registerRequired), false);
else {
@ -68,24 +68,23 @@ public class AuthConfig {
public String wrongPassword = "§4Wrong password!";
public String matchPassword = "§6Passwords must match!";
public String passwordUpdated = "§aYour password was updated successfully!";
public String loginRequired = "§cYou are not authenticated!\n§6Use /login to authenticate!";
public String loginRequired = "§6Use /login <password> to authenticate!";
public String loginTriesExceeded = "§4Too many login tries.";
public String globalPasswordSet = "§aGlobal password was successfully set!";
public String cannotChangePassword = "§cYou cannot change password!";
public String cannotUnregister = "§cYou cannot unregister this account!";
public String notAuthenticated = "§cYou are not authenticated!\n§6Try with /login or /register.";
public String notAuthenticated = "§cYou are not authenticated!";
public String alreadyAuthenticated = "§6You are already authenticated.";
public String successfullyAuthenticated = "§aYou are now authenticated.";
public String successfulLogout = "§aLogged out successfully.";
public String timeExpired = "§cTime for authentication has expired.";
public String notRegistered = "§6This account is not yet registered! Type `/register` first";
public String registerRequired = "§6Type /register <password> <password> to claim this account.";
public String alreadyRegistered = "§6This account name is already registered!";
public String registerSuccess = "§aYou are now authenticated.";
public String userdataDeleted = "§aUserdata deleted.";
public String userdataUpdated = "§aUserdata updated.";
public String accountDeleted = "§aYour account was successfully deleted!";
public String configurationReloaded = "§aConfiguration file was reloaded successfully.";
public String successfulPortalRescue = "§aYou were rescued from nether portal successfully!";
public String maxPasswordChars = "§6Password can be at most %d characters long!";
public String minPasswordChars = "§6Password needs to be at least %d characters long!";
public String disallowedUsername = "§6Invalid username characters! Allowed character regex: %s";
@ -130,7 +129,9 @@ public class AuthConfig {
public static AuthConfig load(File file) {
AuthConfig config;
if (file.exists()) {
try (FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file)) {
try (BufferedReader fileReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
)) {
config = gson.fromJson(fileReader, AuthConfig.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("[SimpleAuth] Problem occurred when trying to load config: ", e);
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.DB;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.config;
import static org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth.db;
public class PlayerCache {
public boolean isRegistered;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class PlayerCache {
public PlayerCache(String uuid, ServerPlayerEntity player) {
if(player != null) {
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ public class PlayerCache {
this.lastZ = player.getZ();
if(db.isUserRegistered(uuid)) {
String data = db.getData(uuid);
if(DB.isUserRegistered(uuid)) {
String data = DB.getData(uuid);
// Getting (hashed) password
JsonObject json = gson.fromJson(data, JsonObject.class);
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class PlayerCache {
// Removing location data from DB
db.updateUserData(uuid, json.toString());
DB.updateUserData(uuid, json.toString());
} catch (JsonSyntaxException ignored) {
// Player didn't have any coords in db to tp to
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class AuthHelper {
hashed = SimpleAuth.deauthenticatedUsers.get(uuid).password;
// Hashed password from DB
else {
JsonObject json = parser.parse(SimpleAuth.db.getData(uuid)).getAsJsonObject();
JsonObject json = parser.parse(SimpleAuth.DB.getData(uuid)).getAsJsonObject();
hashed = json.get("password").getAsString();
Reference in New Issue