Prefer the common conversion helper for little endian 16bit signed data.
The previous local implementation only worked for positive values, and
yielded incorrect results for negative temperatures.
This fixes bug #1463.
Including the `functional` header is necessary in order to use `std::function` in the definition of `LogCallbackFunction` when compiling with gcc 7.3.0.
The Ruby bindings currently don't build (at least with Ruby 2.7
and/or SWIG 4.x). Disable them as a temporary workaround until we
have a more permanent fix.
src/resource.c:414: warning: unbalanced grouping commands
conversion.c:81: warning: argument 'lo_thr' from the argument list of sr_a2l_schmitt_trigger has multiple @param documentation sections
src/analog.c:611: warning: return value 'SR_ERR_ARG' of sr_rational_div has multiple documentation sections
src/device.c:205: warning: explicit link request to 'TRUE' could not be resolved
src/device.c:205: warning: explicit link request to 'FALSE' could not be resolved
src/device.c:231: warning: explicit link request to 'TRUE' could not be resolved
src/device.c:231: warning: explicit link request to 'FALSE' could not be resolved
src/serial.c:246: warning: explicit link request to 'NULL' could not be resolved
src/strutil.c:602: warning: explicit link request to 'NULL' could not be resolved
src/device.c:94: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'sr_channel_free()' for \ref command
src/strutil.c:597: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'sr_hexdump_free()' for \ref command
src/strutil.c:622: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'sr_hexdump_new()' for \ref command
src/device.c:430: warning: The following parameters of sr_dev_inst_channel_add(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int index, int type, const char *name) are not documented: parameter 'sdi'
src/session.c:163: warning: The following parameters of fd_source_new(struct sr_session *session, void *key, gintptr fd, int events, int timeout_ms) are not documented: parameter 'events'
Since we've now seen lots of devices in the wild that come with the
"HCS-" prefix in the ID, it's probably safe to assume all of them
could have it.
This fixes bug #1530.
The previous implementation got stuck in an infinite loop when data
acquisition started, but the device got disconnected before the data
acquisition terminates. An implementation detail ignored communication
errors, and never saw the expected condition that was required to
continue in the sample download sequence. Unbreak that code path.
Even though the devices/websites/manuals usually say 0..30V, the
hardware actually accepts up to 31V, both via serial as well as by
simply rotating the knob on the device (and our driver already
reflects that).
The same is true for current, it's usually 0..5A as per docs, but many
(probably all) devices accept 5.1A via serial and knob.
Thus, set the max current of all devices to 5.1A (or 3.1A for 3A
devices). We're assuming they all have this property, and we've seen
this in practice on at least three different versions of the device.
On a recently acquired Korad KA3005P power supply, the ID supplied by the
device is not known by libsigrok.
$ sigrok-cli --driver=korad-kaxxxxp:conn=/dev/ttyACM0 --scan
sr: korad-kaxxxxp: Unknown model ID 'KORAD KA3005P V4.2' detected, aborting.
This fixes bug #1522.
Thanks to for the amperage fix.
The DMMs report as an event to which mode the user switched (by turning the
rotary switch): "*0", "*1", etc.
Most other DMMs have few modes, but the U127x DMMs have up to 11 different
modes (i.e., "*10" is a valid event).
The @brief keyword is not needed since JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF is enabled in the
Doxygen configuration. Remove a remaining "DIAG" prefix in a debug
message, the output already is filtered according to the log level, and
prefixed by the module name.
Don't clobber the user provided samplerate (specified by input module
options). This allows to re-determine the samplerate from a potentially
changed file on disk upon reload.
The list of previously created channels is kept across file reloads. We
also need to keep (or re-create) the list of channels that are used for
datafeed submission of analog data.
Release more allocated resources in the .cleanup() routine, and do reset
internal state such that a .reset() thus .cleanup() then .receive() call
sequence will work. This code path is taken for re-import of files (see
bug #1241, CSV was affected).
Slightly unobfuscate the "end of current input chunk" marker in the data
processing loop. Make the variable's identifier reflect that it's not a
temporary, but instead something worth keeping around until needed again.
Unbreak the calculation of line numbers in those situations where input
chunks (including previously accumulated unprocessed data) happens to
start with a line termination. This covers input files which start with
empty lines, as well as environments with mutli-byte line termination
sequences (CR/LF) and arbitrary distribution of bytes across chunks.
This fixes bug #968.
Accept when there is no line termination in the current input chunk. We
cannot assume that calling applications always provide file content in
large enough chunks to span complete lines. And any arbitrary chunk size
which applications happen to use can get exceeded by input files (e.g.
for generated files with wide data or long comments).
Mention the required synchronization of default option values and format
match logic in a prominent location where options are discussed.
Update the TODO list for the CSV input module. Mixed signal handling got
fixed by rearranging channel creation. Samplerate can get determined
from timestamp columns already. The double data type for analog data
The previous implementation incompletely handled arbitrary data type
oders in mixed signal input files. Rearrange the logic such that all
format specs get parsed first, then all channel creation details get
determined, then all channels get created. It appears to be essential
that all logic channels get created first, resulting in index numbers
starting at 0 and addressing the correct position in bitfields. The
analog channels get created after all logic channels exist. Adjacent
number ranges for channel types also results in more readable logic in
other locations.
This was tested with -I csv:column_formats=t,2a,l,a,x4,a,-,b3 example
data, and works as expected.
Implement .format_match() support in the CSV input module. Simple
multi-column files will automatically load without an "-I csv" spec.
Non-default option values still do require the module selection before
options can get passed to the module.
Try to balance a compact format and completeness/accuracy of content for
builtin help texts for the CSV input module's options. Assume a technical
audience (this is signal analysis software after all).
Rename a few internal identifiers which help organize the list of options
and their help texts. Too short names became obscure.
Accept 't' format specs for timestamp columns. Automatically derive the
samplerate from input data when timestamps are available and the user
did not provide a rate. Stick with a simple approach for robustness
since automatic detection is easy to override when it fails. This
feature is mostly about convenience.
The previous implementation open coded type checks by comparing an enum
value against specific constants. Which was especially ugly since there
are multiple types which all are logic, and future column types neither
get ignored nor have channels associated with them.
Improve readability and robustness by adding helpers which check classes
(ignore, logic, analog) instead of the multitude of -/x/o/b|l/a variants
within the classes.
Also comment on the order of channel creation, and how to improve it.