* Removed ``player.getPlayPauseButton().requestFocus();`` as there is no reason why it was introduced there documented
* Use the same delay to hide the controls on both players
* Removed dependency to @dimen/video_item_search_padding as it's unrelated
* Made the margins/paddings a bit smaller
* Put the checkboxes inside a layout
* Removed some useless attributes (maxLine)
PR 7061 reverted by mistake PR 6824 (it was a rebase issue). This commit unreverts this change and uses custom TextViews correctly in the file changed by PR 6824.
Do not open the setting for a specific notification channel (Settings.ACTION_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS), but the settings for all notifications by the app (Settings.ACTION_APP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS)
The backup-list has to be created at all cost (even when current list size <= 2). Otherwise it's not possible to enter shuffle-mode (as ``isShuffled()`` always returns false)!
A new class has been added in the util package: NewPipeTextViewHelper.
It shares the selected text of a TextView with ShareUtils#shareText (with the created shareSelectedTextWithShareUtils static method).
Only this static method can be used by other classes, other methods are private.
This EditText class extends the AppCompatEditText class from androidx.
These changes (only in XML ressources) allow us to share the selected text by using ShareUtils.shareText, which opens the Android system chooser instead of the Huawei system chooser on EMUI devices.
This TextView class extends the AppCompatTextView class from androidx.
These changes (only in XML ressources) allow us to share the selected text by using ShareUtils.shareText, which opens the Android system chooser instead of the Huawei system chooser on EMUI devices.
When the service is started from the Application class, the app might be still in the background. This is definetly not the case when MainActivity.onCreate() is called.
Currently translated at 98.8% (614 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 17.2% (10 of 58 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 79.3% (46 of 58 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 53.4% (31 of 58 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 48.2% (28 of 58 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Edward <edwardchirita@mailbox.org>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MS-PC <MSPCtranslator@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: zmni <zmni@outlook.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fa/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 73.7% (458 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 66.6% (38 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 78.9% (45 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 78.9% (45 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 97.7% (607 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Boros Zsombor <zsombor2626@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ButterflyOfFire <ButterflyOfFire@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eduardo Caron <eduardocaron10@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Edward <edwardchirita@mailbox.org>
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Krysa Czech <krysaczek@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Milo Ivir <mail@milotype.de>
Co-authored-by: Priit Jõerüüt <hwlate@joeruut.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: San Kang <devrivmt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergio Varela <sergitroll9@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sérgio Marques <smarquespt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Terry Louwers <t.louwers@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ToldYouThat <itoldyouthat@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <nzghafoss.ldxwe@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: translator <yasinoc375@advew.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/hu/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
* Built on top of Redirons changes
* MediaSessionManager-Metadata get's only update when metadata changes - not every second as it only changes when the metadata changes
* Reworked mediasessionmanager
Currently translated at 10.5% (6 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 89.9% (557 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (618 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Javanese)
Currently translated at 10.5% (6 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Javanese)
Currently translated at 9.8% (61 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Nepali)
Currently translated at 77.8% (482 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Ahmad Firdaus <rin.hikaru@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ButterflyOfFire <ButterflyOfFire@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Edward <edwardchirita@mailbox.org>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GnuPGを使うべきだ <dieeeazpnnqbpddh@cock.email>
Co-authored-by: Gontzal Manuel Pujana Onaindia <thadahdenyse@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Marian Hanzel <marulinko@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MohammedSR Vevo <mohammednajmidin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Prajwol Pradhan <076bei023.prajwol@pcampus.edu.np>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/jv/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/lt/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 10.5% (6 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 89.9% (557 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (618 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Javanese)
Currently translated at 10.5% (6 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Javanese)
Currently translated at 9.8% (61 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Nepali)
Currently translated at 77.8% (482 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Ahmad Firdaus <rin.hikaru@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ButterflyOfFire <ButterflyOfFire@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Edward <edwardchirita@mailbox.org>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GnuPGを使うべきだ <dieeeazpnnqbpddh@cock.email>
Co-authored-by: Gontzal Manuel Pujana Onaindia <thadahdenyse@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Marian Hanzel <marulinko@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MohammedSR Vevo <mohammednajmidin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Prajwol Pradhan <076bei023.prajwol@pcampus.edu.np>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/jv/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/lt/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
This commit calls getStreamInfo causing a full network fetch of stream
info (I believe only if required) when adding a stream item to the
queue. This should prevent UI issues of missing metadata when queueing
videos that have been fast-loaded and are missing metadata.
* added mvp play next button in long press menu; new intent handling, new long press dialog entry, new dialog functions, new strings
* changed line length for checkstyle pass
* cleaned comments, moved strings
* Update app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
to make long press entry more descriptive
Co-authored-by: opusforlife2 <53176348+opusforlife2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* replace redundant nextOnVideoPlayer methods
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* add enqueueNextOnPlayer and enqueueOnPlayer without selectOnAppend and RESUME_PLAYBACK/ deprecate enqueueNextOn*Player and enqueueOn*Player methods
add getPlayerIntent, getPlayerEnqueueIntent and getPlayerEnqueueNextIntent without selectOnAppend and RESUME_PLAYBACK/ deprecate those with
add section comments
* removed deprecated methods
removed redundant methods
* removed deprecated methods
removed redundant methods
* replaced APPEND_ONLY, removed SELECT_ON_APPEND / replaced remaining enqueueOn*Player methods
* now works with playlists
* renamed dialog entry
* checking for >1 items in the queue using the PlayerHolder
* making enqueue*OnPlayer safe to call when no video is playing (defaulting to audio)
* corrected strings
* improve getQueueSize in PlayerHolder
* long press to enqueue only if queue isnt empty
* add Whitespace
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* clarify comments / add spaces
* PlayerType as parameter of the enqueueOnPlayer method
add Helper method
* using the helper function everywhere (except for the background and popup long-press actions (also on playlists, history, ...)), so basically nowhere
/ passing checkstyle
* assimilated the enqueue*OnPlayer methods
* removed redundant comment, variable
* simplify code line
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* move if
* replace workaround for isPlayerOpen()
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* replaced workarounds (getType), corrected static access with getInstance
* remove unused imports
* changed method call to original, new method doesnt exist yet.
* Use getter method instead of property access syntax.
* improve conditional for play next entry
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* show play next btn in feed fragment
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* add play next to local playlist and statistics fragment
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* formating
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* correcting logic
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* remove 2 year old unused string, formating
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
* correct enqueue (next) conditionals, default to background if no player is open. Dont generally default to background play.
* remove player open checks from button long press enqueue actions
* improve log msg
* Rename next to enqueue_next
* Refactor kotlin
Co-authored-by: opusforlife2 <53176348+opusforlife2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Stypox <stypox@pm.me>
Currently translated at 56.1% (32 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (618 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.5% (616 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 77.1% (44 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 94.9% (588 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96.2% (596 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 52.6% (30 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 47.3% (27 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 61.4% (35 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99.6% (617 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (57 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 15.7% (9 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 54.3% (31 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Jakub <online.reg1@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Priit Jõerüüt <hwlate@joeruut.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: WB <web0nst@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <nzghafoss.ldxwe@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/es/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fa/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 56.1% (32 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (618 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.5% (616 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 77.1% (44 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 94.9% (588 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96.2% (596 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 52.6% (30 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 47.3% (27 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 61.4% (35 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99.6% (617 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (57 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 15.7% (9 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 54.3% (31 of 57 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Jakub <online.reg1@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Priit Jõerüüt <hwlate@joeruut.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: WB <web0nst@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <nzghafoss.ldxwe@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/es/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fa/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Just like in the issue 7062, https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues/7062, this doesn't affect UI as it updates every one second anyway, but reduces very heavy android widget progress bar high cpu usage. With every 500s there is 6% cpu usage and with 1s only 4%. However further changes will have to be made to disable updating of player progress bar when screen is off to further reduce power consumption. With this, total power savings would be 20% in mAh consumption.
Currently translated at 12.5% (7 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 55.3% (31 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (682 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (681 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.8% (682 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.1% (677 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 95.9% (655 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål)
Currently translated at 97.0% (663 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 10.7% (6 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål)
Currently translated at 97.0% (663 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (683 of 683 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Oğuz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Priit Jõerüüt <hwlate@joeruut.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Sergio Varela <sergitroll9@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: WB <web0nst@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bomzhellino <adm.bomzh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <nzghafoss.ldxwe@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Co-authored-by: translator <yasinoc375@advew.com>
Co-authored-by: zeritti <woodenmo@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: Éfrit <efrit@posteo.net>
Co-authored-by: Óscar Fernández Díaz <oscfdezdz@tuta.io>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/es/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fa/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fr/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 67.8% (464 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 75.5% (517 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 67.3% (461 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 67.3% (461 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.1% (678 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.5% (681 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Malayalam)
Currently translated at 7.1% (4 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Malayalam)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 98.5% (674 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 10.7% (6 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (683 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 39.2% (22 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 12.5% (7 of 56 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Guerreiro <american.jesus.pt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dayongdo <dayongdo@protonmail.ch>
Co-authored-by: Deleted User <noreply+23276@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Joel A <joeax910@student.liu.se>
Co-authored-by: Kaantaja <ufdbvgoljrjkrkyyub@ianvvn.com>
Co-authored-by: Karl Tammik <karltammik@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Lavin Tom K Abraham <lavintom007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Lim Jia Ming <jiaminglimjm@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MohammedSR Vevo <mohammednajmidin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nadir Nour <dudethatwascool2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Oğuz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rehaz Feddit <rehafa8425@fxseller.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Terry Louwers <t.louwers@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Thien Bui <thien.bui.84436@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Co-authored-by: tch69 <ifa26417@outlook.com.vn>
Co-authored-by: Éfrit <efrit@posteo.net>
Co-authored-by: Óscar Fernández Díaz <oscfdezdz@tuta.io>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/de/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fi/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/lt/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ml/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/vi/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
* All element on the error panel are now hidden by default (expect for the ``errorTextView``) as they are only optional shown
* Added a method to ensure the above
* This deduplicates a lot of code
* Fixed format of some LoC
* Added new method: ``showAndSetErrorButtonAction``
* Fixed ``showTextError``
* Named buttons more logically: ``errorButtonAction`` -> ``errorActionButton``
* Set ``KeyProgressIncrement`` manually to the value of the seek duration in the settings so that it works when using the DPad
* consolidated code inside a new method to avoid duplication
Currently translated at 10.7% (6 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 51.7% (29 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.5% (675 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.5% (675 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.5% (675 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 93.6% (635 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (677 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (677 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (658 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (658 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 3.5% (2 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 98.0% (665 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (677 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 96.7% (656 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.1% (659 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 48.2% (27 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 94.2% (640 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (641 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (677 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (677 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 36.6% (248 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 26.4% (14 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.4% (660 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 76.0% (515 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 28.3% (15 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (657 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 3.7% (2 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 67.9% (36 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.3% (659 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.3% (659 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 94.5% (640 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 24.5% (13 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 91.5% (620 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali (Bangladesh))
Currently translated at 59.6% (404 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål)
Currently translated at 97.1% (658 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 93.0% (626 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 3.7% (2 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 90.3% (608 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 87.9% (592 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 1.8% (1 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.8% (389 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.8% (389 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.8% (389 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.4% (386 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.4% (386 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Gujarati)
Currently translated at 15.3% (103 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hindi)
Currently translated at 81.6% (549 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Added translation using Weblate (Gujarati)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: AntonAkovP <anton.akov@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anxhelo Lushka <anxhelo1995@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ashune <ashune@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Blaise Pascal <blaisepcl00@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ButterflyOfFire <ButterflyOfFire@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Cerins <cerins4141@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Christian Draxl <draxl.koever@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Christian Eichert <c@zp1.net>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Deleted User <noreply+34051@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Eduardo Caron <eduardocaron10@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Evo <weblate@verahawk.com>
Co-authored-by: Garden Hose <maxmammath@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GnuPGを使うべきだ <dieeeazpnnqbpddh@cock.email>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Isak Holmström <isak@kajko.se>
Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <j.lavoie@net-c.ca>
Co-authored-by: JY3 <GeeyunJY3@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesus Cass <cjesusenrique1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Joel A <joeax910@student.liu.se>
Co-authored-by: Jonatan Nyberg <jonatan@autistici.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaantaja <ufdbvgoljrjkrkyyub@ianvvn.com>
Co-authored-by: Kristjan Räts <kristjanrats@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Laszlo Almasi <almalaci@posteo.net>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Constantino–Bodin <martin.bodin@ens-lyon.org>
Co-authored-by: Matyas-Cerny <matyas.c.404@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MohammedSR Vevo <mohammednajmidin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nadir Nour <dudethatwascool2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nikita Epifanov <nikgreens@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ordtrogen Översättning <johan@ordtrogen.se>
Co-authored-by: Rahul Dev Sharma <sci94tune@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Ricardo <contatorms7@tutamail.com>
Co-authored-by: S3aBreeze <paperwork@evilcorp.ltd>
Co-authored-by: Saravanan Selvaraju <saravanan036@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergio Varela <sergitroll9@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: SomeRetardedThatTranslatesStuff <the.eumitosis@simplelogin.fr>
Co-authored-by: Thiago Carmona Monteiro <Guarakami1807@protonmail.ch>
Co-authored-by: TiA4f8R <avdivers84@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: TobiGr <tobigr@mail.de>
Co-authored-by: ToldYouThat <itoldyouthat@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: WB <web0nst@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: WaldiS <sto@tutanota.de>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bomzhellino <adm.bomzh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: brokenPipe <ythunar@btcminers.tk>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: michaloM <michalsvoboda2004@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <nzghafoss.ldxwe@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <osmshrn21.upogs@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: random r <epsilin@yopmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Co-authored-by: thami simo <simo.azad@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: translator <yasinoc375@advew.com>
Co-authored-by: zeritti <woodenmo@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: zmni <zmni@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Ács Zoltán <acszoltan111@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ákos Surányi <akosuranyi@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: Андрей Станков <astankov84@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: мачко <martinpeev@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: 정주찬 <ju1801@outlook.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/bg/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ckb/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/es/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fi/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt_BR/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt_PT/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/sv/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 10.7% (6 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 51.7% (29 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.5% (675 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.5% (675 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 99.5% (675 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 93.6% (635 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (677 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (677 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (658 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (658 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 3.5% (2 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 98.0% (665 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (677 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 96.7% (656 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.1% (659 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (678 of 678 strings)
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 53.5% (30 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 48.2% (27 of 56 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
Currently translated at 94.2% (640 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (641 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (677 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (677 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.8% (678 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (679 of 679 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 36.6% (248 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 26.4% (14 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.4% (660 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 76.0% (515 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 28.3% (15 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (657 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.6% (580 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 3.7% (2 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 67.9% (36 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.3% (659 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 97.3% (659 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 94.5% (640 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 24.5% (13 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 91.5% (620 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali (Bangladesh))
Currently translated at 59.6% (404 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål)
Currently translated at 97.1% (658 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (677 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (676 of 677 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 93.0% (626 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 3.7% (2 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 90.3% (608 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 87.9% (592 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 1.8% (1 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.8% (389 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.8% (389 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.8% (389 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.4% (386 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 57.4% (386 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Gujarati)
Currently translated at 15.3% (103 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hindi)
Currently translated at 81.6% (549 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Added translation using Weblate (Gujarati)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: AntonAkovP <anton.akov@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anxhelo Lushka <anxhelo1995@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ashune <ashune@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Blaise Pascal <blaisepcl00@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ButterflyOfFire <ButterflyOfFire@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Cerins <cerins4141@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Christian Draxl <draxl.koever@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Christian Eichert <c@zp1.net>
Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>
Co-authored-by: Deleted User <noreply+34051@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Eduardo Caron <eduardocaron10@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Evo <weblate@verahawk.com>
Co-authored-by: Garden Hose <maxmammath@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GnuPGを使うべきだ <dieeeazpnnqbpddh@cock.email>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Isak Holmström <isak@kajko.se>
Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <j.lavoie@net-c.ca>
Co-authored-by: JY3 <GeeyunJY3@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesus Cass <cjesusenrique1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Joel A <joeax910@student.liu.se>
Co-authored-by: Jonatan Nyberg <jonatan@autistici.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaantaja <ufdbvgoljrjkrkyyub@ianvvn.com>
Co-authored-by: Kristjan Räts <kristjanrats@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Laszlo Almasi <almalaci@posteo.net>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Constantino–Bodin <martin.bodin@ens-lyon.org>
Co-authored-by: Matyas-Cerny <matyas.c.404@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MohammedSR Vevo <mohammednajmidin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nadir Nour <dudethatwascool2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nikita Epifanov <nikgreens@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ordtrogen Översättning <johan@ordtrogen.se>
Co-authored-by: Rahul Dev Sharma <sci94tune@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Ricardo <contatorms7@tutamail.com>
Co-authored-by: S3aBreeze <paperwork@evilcorp.ltd>
Co-authored-by: Saravanan Selvaraju <saravanan036@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergio Varela <sergitroll9@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: SomeRetardedThatTranslatesStuff <the.eumitosis@simplelogin.fr>
Co-authored-by: Thiago Carmona Monteiro <Guarakami1807@protonmail.ch>
Co-authored-by: TiA4f8R <avdivers84@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: TobiGr <tobigr@mail.de>
Co-authored-by: ToldYouThat <itoldyouthat@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: WB <web0nst@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: WaldiS <sto@tutanota.de>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bomzhellino <adm.bomzh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: brokenPipe <ythunar@btcminers.tk>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: michaloM <michalsvoboda2004@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <nzghafoss.ldxwe@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: nzgha <osmshrn21.upogs@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: random r <epsilin@yopmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Co-authored-by: thami simo <simo.azad@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: translator <yasinoc375@advew.com>
Co-authored-by: zeritti <woodenmo@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: zmni <zmni@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Ács Zoltán <acszoltan111@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ákos Surányi <akosuranyi@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: Андрей Станков <astankov84@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: мачко <martinpeev@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: 정주찬 <ju1801@outlook.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/bg/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ckb/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/es/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fi/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt_BR/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt_PT/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/sv/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
From #4562: Disable player stream preloading only if the current stream is going to be replaced for sure (see this). equals() was implemented for PlayQueueItems, so that (only) the url is compared when checking them.
We don't need to call ``updateRelativeTimeViews`` when the activity is paused, because the user likely won't notice it.
Despite that onResume already calls ``updateRelativeTimeViews`` so there is no need to do that twice.
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.8% (671 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.8% (671 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bavarian)
Currently translated at 8.7% (59 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bavarian)
Currently translated at 1.8% (1 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Bert <robert@it-aicher.de>
Co-authored-by: Evo <weblate@verahawk.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/bar/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Nadir Nour <dudethatwascool2@gmail.com>
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bavarian)
Currently translated at 6.6% (45 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Added translation using Weblate (Bavarian)
Translated using Weblate (Somali)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 67.9% (36 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 49.0% (26 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 52.8% (28 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 18.8% (10 of 53 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Bert <robert@it-aicher.de>
Co-authored-by: Evo <weblate@verahawk.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Nadir Nour <dudethatwascool2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Terry Louwers <t.louwers@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: Weblate <noreply@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: translator <yasinoc375@advew.com>
Co-authored-by: webweblate <webweblate@riseup.net>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
See https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues/6577#issuecomment-876095378
java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.ImageButton cannot be cast to androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton
at org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player.onRepeatModeChanged(Player.java:2263)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImpl.lambda$setRepeatMode$2(ExoPlayerImpl.java:564)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.-$$Lambda$ExoPlayerImpl$rgrcbaqP9Y8LgzdByBnAfUO4ydU.invokeListener(lambda)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.BasePlayer$ListenerHolder.invoke(BasePlayer.java:279)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImpl.invokeAll(ExoPlayerImpl.java:1498)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImpl.lambda$notifyListeners$6(ExoPlayerImpl.java:1318)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.-$$Lambda$ExoPlayerImpl$b59raXxaB-trjwE5bgpZInm1QnU.run(lambda)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImpl.notifyListeners(ExoPlayerImpl.java:1328)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImpl.notifyListeners(ExoPlayerImpl.java:1318)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImpl.setRepeatMode(ExoPlayerImpl.java:564)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.SimpleExoPlayer.setRepeatMode(SimpleExoPlayer.java:1636)
at org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player.setRepeatMode(Player.java:2253)
at org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player.onRepeatClicked(Player.java:2232)
at org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player.onBroadcastReceived(Player.java:1123)
at org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player.access$200(Player.java:190)
at org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player$3.onReceive(Player.java:1060)
at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:1185)
... 7 more
Playing a video in VideoDetailFragment and rotating the screen to landscape (back and forth more often)
can trigger this error message. Especially if rotation for whatever reason takes long or
playing a high resolution (1080p) video.
The underlying logcat error messages:
05-12 16:38:38.251 24920 26037 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x923fc810
05-12 16:38:38.251 24920 26037 W ACodec : [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] can not return buffer 35 to native window
The problem is that that Exoplayer is trying to write to our -- during rotation -- no longer existant
(VideoDetailFragment) SurfaceView.
Implementing SurfaceHolder.Callback and using DummySurface we can now handle the lifecycle of the Surface.
How?: In case we are no longer able to write to the Surface eg. through rotation/putting in
background we can set a DummySurface. Although it only works on API >= 23.
Result: we get a little video interruption (audio is still fine) but we won't get the
'Unrecoverable player error occurred' error message.
This implementation is based on and more background information:
'ExoPlayer stuck in buffering after re-adding the surface view a few time 2703'
-> exoplayer fix suggestion link
- bugfix: have ServiceConnection created only once!
- select the context within the PlayerHolder to start, stop, bind or unbind the service
-> we have to make sure the Service is started AND stopped within the same context
-> so let PlayerHolder be the one to select the context
- remove removeListener() and replace the call with setListener(null)
- Compatibility: use ContextCompat.startForegroundService instead of startService()
Currently translated at 22.6% (12 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali)
Currently translated at 92.4% (621 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.2% (667 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.2% (667 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.1% (666 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 85.8% (577 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 20.7% (11 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 7.5% (4 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 90.6% (609 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 82.7% (556 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 98.3% (661 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 98.3% (661 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (53 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 49.0% (26 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 5.6% (3 of 53 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (671 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.4% (668 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.7% (670 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.8% (671 of 672 strings)
Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Braz <davidbrazps2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GM <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gontzal Manuel Pujana Onaindia <thadahdenyse@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: JY3 <GeeyunJY3@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Josu <bi000@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Oymate <dhruboadittya96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Web0nst <web0nst@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: tdayris-perso <tdayris@tutanota.de>
Co-authored-by: Ács Zoltán <acszoltan111@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Слободан Симић(Slobodan Simić) <slsimic@gmail.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/bn/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/lt/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/sr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 48.0% (25 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 40.9% (275 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 20.9% (141 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 19.2% (10 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 51.9% (27 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 96.1% (646 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (671 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 82.2% (553 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 97.0% (652 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 98.8% (664 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 48.0% (25 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali)
Currently translated at 21.1% (11 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 95.3% (641 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 57.6% (30 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.8% (671 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.7% (670 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.5% (669 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (672 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 99.4% (668 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 99.4% (668 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 98.9% (665 of 672 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 98.9% (665 of 672 strings)
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Babul Hossain <babulssf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Igor Nedoboy <i.nedoboy@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <j.lavoie@net-c.ca>
Co-authored-by: JY3 <GeeyunJY3@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Karl Tammik <karltammik@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MS-PC <MSPCtranslator@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Michal L <michalrmsmi@wp.pl>
Co-authored-by: Rama Devi <nramadevini@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Software In Interlingua <softinterlingua@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Volk VDolgu <volkvdolg@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: WaldiS <sto@tutanota.de>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bruh <quangtrung02hn16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
Co-authored-by: tdayris-perso <tdayris@tutanota.de>
Co-authored-by: whenwesober <naomi16i_1298q@cikuh.com>
Co-authored-by: zeritti <woodenmo@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: zmni <zamani.karmana@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Слободан Симић(Slobodan Simić) <slsimic@gmail.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/bn/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/de/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/id/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pl/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/sr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
instead use service.stopService() which inturn calls stopSelf() and
triggers hopefully onDestroy() to be called. Eventually we have to make
sure that all ServiceConnections are closed to successfully stop the service
Cleanup within stopService() and not only onDestroy()
So we make sure that all listeners can react to onServiceStopped()
and close their ServiceConnections. Afterwards the android framework
is ready to stop the Service.
This patch changes click handlers for feed (Whats new) so that they do
nothing while the feed is refreshing and the items being clicked are not
It seems due to #6394 updating the FragmentX library there was a
change to the order of lifecycle calls, as such onResume() was no longer
before onCreateOptionsMenu() creating a null pointer exception when
using service in onCreateOptionsMenu() as it is only set in onResume().
By moving the initialization of service to onStart() which still happens
before onCreateOptionsMenu() this crash can be avoided. This commit also
adds a check for a null service to prevent future crashes for similar
System is now not restarted with `System.exit(0)`.
Instead it is done properly by finishing the activity and restarting the activity. This allows preference changes which are queued up asynchronously through `apply` to be applied.
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish)
Currently translated at 1.9% (1 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central))
Currently translated at 87.8% (586 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 92.2% (615 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (666 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Punjabi)
Currently translated at 3.9% (2 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 31.3% (16 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali)
Currently translated at 89.6% (598 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali (India))
Currently translated at 54.1% (361 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 41.0% (274 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Punjabi)
Currently translated at 98.9% (660 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 31.3% (16 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 47.0% (24 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 39.8% (266 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 27.4% (14 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.8% (666 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 99.4% (663 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98.3% (656 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.2% (662 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Santali)
Currently translated at 14.2% (95 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 66.6% (34 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.7% (665 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.8% (666 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 98.9% (660 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Co-authored-by: AioiLight <info@aioilight.space>
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: C. Rüdinger <Mail-an-CR@web.de>
Co-authored-by: David Braz <davidbrazps2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Digiwizkid <subhadiplayek@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: JY3 <GeeyunJY3@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Karl Tammik <karltammik@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Marian Hanzel <marulinko@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Michal L <michalrmsmi@wp.pl>
Co-authored-by: MohammedSR Vevo <mohammednajmidin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Prasanta-Hembram <Prasantahembram720@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: Santiago <abridgement_phasiron@aleeas.com>
Co-authored-by: Software In Interlingua <softinterlingua@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: SomeRetardedThatTranslatesStuff <the.eumitosis@simplelogin.fr>
Co-authored-by: THANOS SIOURDAKIS <siourdakisthanos@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tari <tumbleweed@tuta.io>
Co-authored-by: TobiGr <tobigr@mail.de>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: WaldiS <sto@tutanota.de>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yngvar Skjaldulfsson <irrorate_browns@slmail.me>
Co-authored-by: bomzhellino <adm.bomzh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: gnu-ewm <gnu.ewm@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: pjammo <adrianoghr@hotmail.it>
Co-authored-by: thami simo <simo.azad@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: zeritti <woodenmo@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: zmni <zmni@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Обилић <mudo2233@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: Слободан Симић(Slobodan Simić) <slsimic@gmail.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ar/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/el/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/es/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/he/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ku/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pa/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 98.9% (660 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.8% (666 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 99.4% (663 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (667 of 667 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali)
Currently translated at 93.1% (621 of 667 strings)
E/WindowManager: android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity org.schabi.newpipe.RouterActivity has leaked window DecorView@d99fe3b[] that was originally added here
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.<init>(ViewRootImpl.java:418)
Fix the error due to the rebase on the dev branch of this branch
Add a shareText method in the ShareUtils class which has 3 parameters and calls
the original shareText method with an empty string for the
imagePreviewUrl param.
This commit adds supports for opening hashtags in plain text descriptions, using the same logic as timestamps.
Every hashtag opens a search on the current service with the text in the hashtag.
Also use a better regular expression for parsing timestamps.
Rename URLHandler and KoreUtil classes to InternalUrlsHandler and KoreUtils.
Move InternalUrlsHandler, KoreUtils, TextLinkfier, ShareUtils classes to external_communication subpackage.
Remove unused param showPreviewText in shareText method of ShareUtils class.
Add initial work to be able to display an image preview of the content shared (not for downloads).
Use a better regular expression to parse timestamps in plain text descriptions.
Rename URLHandler and KoreUtil classes to InternalUrlsHandler and KoreUtils.
Move InternalUrlsHandler, KoreUtils, TextLinkfier, ShareUtils classes to external_communication subpackage.
Remove unused param showPreviewText in shareText method of ShareUtils class.
Add initial work to be able to display an image preview of the content shared (not for downloads).
Use a better regular expression to parse timestamps in plain text descriptions.
This commit tries to change the title of the system chooser shown, which is from Android System ("Open links with"), when no defaut browser is present, for the update notification.
Add a boolean param, showToast, in ShareUtils.openIntentInApp and only show toast "No app on your device can open this" if this boolean is true.
Fix the action of play with Kodi button by applying the fix provided in #5599 (adding the flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to the intent in NavigationHelper.playWithKore method).
Do also some cleanup in viewWithFileProvider and shareFile methods of MissionAdapter class.
This commit adds support for opening plain text timestamps by parsing the description text using a regular expression, add a click listener for each timestamp which opens the popup player at the indicated time in the timestamp.
In order to do this, playOnPopup method of the URLHandler class. Also, handleUrl method of this class has been renamed to canHandleUrl.
This commit adds support of opening recognized timestamps in the popup
player instead of starting an intent which opens the YouTube website with
the video timestamp.
Revert "Annotate methode parameters as NonNull"
This reverts commit 004907d306.
Revert "Commit path immediately when import backup"
This reverts commit 05eb0d0fbe.
Revert "Set ImportExportDataPath only on successful import"
This reverts commit f13a1b04e6.
Revert "Set ImportExportDataPath only on successful export"
This reverts commit fd4408e572.
Revert "Invert if condition in ContentSettingsFragment.setImportExportDataPath for better readability"
This reverts commit 92ab9cae27.
Revert "Move ContentSettingsFragment.isValidPath to helpers and add unit test for it."
This reverts commit fa2b11b768.
Revert "Save backup import/export location for feature import/exports"
This reverts commit 82f43ac6a6.
Remove FilePathHelperTest file
Currently translated at 100.0% (51 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Co-authored-by: Emin Tufan Çetin <etcetin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: bomzhellino <adm.bomzh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: whenwesober <naomi16i_1298q@cikuh.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/id/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 100.0% (51 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 56.8% (29 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.6% (655 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 56.8% (29 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Sardinian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (51 of 51 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 40.1% (264 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (656 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Co-authored-by: Ajeje Brazorf <lmelonimamo@yahoo.it>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <j.lavoie@net-c.ca>
Co-authored-by: Michal L <michalrmsmi@wp.pl>
Co-authored-by: Software In Interlingua <softinterlingua@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: TiA4f8R <avdivers84@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: TobiGr <tobigr@mail.de>
Co-authored-by: VfBFan <drop0815@posteo.de>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/de/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
Currently translated at 56.0% (28 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 40.0% (263 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.8% (656 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 98.9% (650 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.8% (656 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 98.9% (650 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 100.0% (657 of 657 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 34.6% (222 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 16.0% (8 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Odia)
Currently translated at 4.2% (27 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Odia)
Currently translated at 2.0% (1 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Dutch (Belgium))
Currently translated at 99.3% (637 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 87.3% (560 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 100.0% (50 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 70.0% (35 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (50 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 8.0% (4 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 4.0% (2 of 50 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Bengali)
Currently translated at 93.7% (601 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Interlingua)
Currently translated at 34.3% (220 of 641 strings)
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 8.0% (4 of 50 strings)
Co-authored-by: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Braz <davidbrazps2@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric <spice2wolf@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org>
Co-authored-by: Hritik R <hpujhari7@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: JY3 <GeeyunJY3@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacque Fresco <aidter@use.startmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Juraj Timko <timko@netrix.sk>
Co-authored-by: Kristoffer Grundström <swedishsailfishosuser@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Louis Morel <louismorel03@outlook.fr>
Co-authored-by: Oymate <dhruboadittya96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rex_sa <rex.sa@pm.me>
Co-authored-by: S3aBreeze <paperwork@evilcorp.ltd>
Co-authored-by: Software In Interlingua <softinterlingua@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Terry Louwers <t.louwers@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: TobiGr <tobigr@mail.de>
Co-authored-by: Vasilis K <skyhirules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zhiheng Xu <xeric.2002@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bomzhellino <adm.bomzh@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: chr56 <chr0056@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: gymka <gymka@archlinux.lt>
Co-authored-by: jul-debug <jul333666@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>
Co-authored-by: random r <epsilin@yopmail.com>
Co-authored-by: whenwesober <naomi16i_1298q@cikuh.com>
Co-authored-by: Обилић <mudo2233@tutanota.com>
Co-authored-by: Слободан Симић(Slobodan Simić) <slsimic@gmail.com>
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/de/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/fr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/id/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/lt/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/or/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/sr/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/uk/
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/zh_Hans/
Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
- Add early return for invalid sizes to shuffle
- Rename variables to be more descriptive
- Refactor moving list element, removing unnecessary operations
- Unwrap if clause for adding to history because the condition is
guaranteed by the guard clause
- Inline the value 0 for the ReorderEvent
- Update documentation to reflect new changes