Move util code to util.rkt

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2020-04-11 00:32:34 -04:00
parent 76207c5326
commit b8f0cc5179
2 changed files with 110 additions and 58 deletions

private/util.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#lang racket
(require xml)
(provide debug-mode? printf-debug print-progress print-complete
current-cookie-jar update-cookie-jar! cookie-jar->header
find-flags find-hrefs)
;; scheme is bad and it should feel bad
(define member? member)
;; Debug prints
;; Parameter for debug mode
(define debug-mode? (make-parameter #f))
;; ... ->
;; Prints the arguments as with printf, but only when debug mode is on
(define (printf-debug . args)
(when (debug-mode?) (apply printf args)))
;; Int Int Int Int ->
;; Prints progress to the console, only when debug mode is on
(define (print-progress total-pages in-flight crawled-pages num-flags)
(when (debug-mode?)
(printf "\r\x1b[KStatus: ~a/~a (~a in flight) | Flags: ~a"
crawled-pages total-pages in-flight num-flags)
(flush-output (current-output-port))))
;; ->
;; Prints a completion message to the console, only when debug mode is on
(define (print-complete)
(when (debug-mode?)
(printf "\r\x1b[KCrawl complete\n")))
;; Cookie jar
(struct cj [jar cache sema] #:transparent)
;; -> CookieJar
;; Creates empty cookie jar
(define (make-cookie-jar)
(cj (make-hash) (box (cons 'cookie "")) (make-semaphore 1)))
;; Parameter for current cookie jar
(define current-cookie-jar (make-parameter (make-cookie-jar)))
;; CookieJar [List-of (cons Symbol String)] ->
;; For a response with the given headers, finds any set-cookie headers and updates the jar
(define (update-cookie-jar! jar hdrs)
(cj-sema jar)
(lambda ()
(for ([hdr (in-list hdrs)])
(when (symbol=? 'set-cookie (car hdr))
(define kv (string-trim (first (string-split (cdr hdr) ";"))))
(match-define (list k v) (string-split kv "="))
(hash-set! (cj-jar jar) k v)))
(cj-cache jar)
(cons 'cookie
(for/list ([(k v) (in-hash jar)])
(format "~a=~a" k v)) "; "))))))
;; CookieJar -> (cons Symbol String)
;; Converts this cookie jar into a cookie header for requests
(define (cookie-jar->header jar)
(call-with-semaphore (cj-sema jar) (curry unbox (cj-cache jar))))
;; HTML (XML) handling
;; String -> xexpr
;; Parses the given string as xml
(define (string->xexpr str)
(xml->xexpr (document-element (read-xml (open-input-string str)))))
;; xexpr -> [List-of String]
;; Finds all flags in the given xexpr
(define (find-flags xexpr)
(match xexpr
[(list _ (? (curry member? '(class "secret_flag"))) str)
(list str)]
[(list tag params rst ...)
(foldl (lambda (x r) (append r (find-flags x))) '() rst)]
[_ '()]))
;; xexpr -> [List-of String]
;; Finds all <a> tag hrefs in the given xexpr
(define (find-hrefs xexpr)
(define (sub-find rst)
(foldl (lambda (x r) (append r (find-hrefs x))) '() rst))
(match xexpr
[(list 'a params rst ...)
(for/list ([param (in-list params)]
#:when (symbol=? 'href (first param)))
(second param))
(sub-find rst))]
[(list tag params rst ...)
(sub-find rst)]
[_ '()]))

View File

@ -1,70 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
; vim: ft=racket
(require xml)
(require smol-http)
;; scheme is bad and it should feel bad
(define member? member)
; __ __ __
; __/ // /_/ /___ _____ ____ _ __ ___ ____ __
; /_ _ __/ / __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / / | /| / / / / /
; /_ _ __/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ /| |/ |/ / /_/ /
; /_//_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, / \__,_/ |__/|__/\__,_/
; /____/
(require smol-http)
(require "private/util.rkt")
(define DEFAULT-HDRS '((user-agent . "🦈 hash-lang-uwu crawler v1.0")
;; christo pls do not track thanks
(dnt . "1")))
(struct cj [jar cache sema] #:transparent)
(define (make-cookie-jar)
(cj (make-hash) (box (cons 'cookie "")) (make-semaphore 1)))
(define (update-cookie-jar! jar hdrs)
(cj-sema jar)
(lambda ()
(for ([hdr (in-list hdrs)])
(when (symbol=? 'set-cookie (car hdr))
(define kv (string-trim (first (string-split (cdr hdr) ";"))))
(match-define (list k v) (string-split kv "="))
(hash-set! (cj-jar jar) k v)))
(cj-cache jar)
(cons 'cookie
(for/list ([(k v) (in-hash jar)])
(format "~a=~a" k v)) "; "))))))
(define (cookie-jar->header jar)
(call-with-semaphore (cj-sema jar) (curry unbox (cj-cache jar))))
(define test-data
(read-xml (open-input-string
"<doc><bold>hi<h2 class='secret_flag' style='color:red'>FLAG: 64-characters-of-random-alphanumerics</h2></bold> there!</doc>")))))
(define (find-flag xexpr)
(match xexpr
[(list _ (? (curry member? '(class "secret_flag"))) str)
[(list tag params rst ...)
(ormap find-flag rst)]
[_ #f]))
(find-flag test-data)
(define debug-mode? (make-parameter #f))
(define current-cookie-jar (make-parameter (make-cookie-jar)))
(define (printf-debug . args)
(when (debug-mode?) (apply printf args)))
(define (print-progress total-pages in-flight crawled-pages num-flags)
(when (debug-mode?)
(printf "\r\x1b[KStatus: ~a/~a (~a in flight) | Flags: ~a"
crawled-pages total-pages in-flight num-flags)
(flush-output (current-output-port))))
(define (print-complete)
(when (debug-mode?)
(printf "\r\x1b[KCrawl complete\n")))
(define req
(make-http-req 'GET "/hello-world" DEFAULT-HDRS))