Implement login

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2020-04-11 01:46:34 -04:00
parent 66ca83ded6
commit e39b9addfe
1 changed files with 38 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -19,15 +19,46 @@
;; christo pls do not track thanks ;; christo pls do not track thanks
(dnt . "1"))) (dnt . "1")))
(define (run-webcrawler username password) (define (crawler-fetch/noclose req)
(printf-debug "the credentials are: ~s ~s\n" username password) (define sock (http-connect HOST
(define req #:headers (cons (cookie-jar->header (current-cookie-jar))
(define sock (http-connect HOST #:headers DEFAULT-HDRS))
(define rsp (http-request sock req)) (define rsp (http-request sock req))
(update-cookie-jar! (current-cookie-jar) (http-msg-headers rsp)) (update-cookie-jar! (current-cookie-jar) (http-msg-headers rsp))
(displayln (current-cookie-jar)) (values rsp sock))
(http-close sock))
(define (crawler-fetch req)
(define-values [rsp sock] (crawler-fetch/noclose req))
(http-close sock)
(define (crawler-fetch/xexpr req)
(define-values [rsp sock] (crawler-fetch/noclose req))
(define xe (string->xexpr
(for/fold ([res #""])
([chunk (in-http-body-chunks (http-msg-body rsp))])
(bytes-append res chunk)))))
(http-close sock)
(define (crawler-login username password)
(crawler-fetch (make-http-req 'GET LOGIN-PATH))
(define form-body
(format "username=~a&password=~a&csrfmiddlewaretoken=~a&next="
username password (cookie-jar-ref (current-cookie-jar) "csrftoken")))
(crawler-fetch (http-set-body (make-http-req 'POST LOGIN-PATH)
(string->bytes/utf-8 form-body)))
(define (run-webcrawler username password)
(printf-debug "the credentials are: ~s ~s\n" username password)
(printf-debug "logging in...\n")
(crawler-login username password)
(printf-debug "logged in\n")
(define xe (crawler-fetch/xexpr (make-http-req 'GET ROOT-PATH)))
(displayln (find-flags xe))
(displayln (find-hrefs xe)))
(module+ main (module+ main
(command-line (command-line