Add a reset button that will only show up if the user
edits the JSON configuration for grids. This is a temporary
measure until we have a real grid editor GUI in V7.
Each symbol unit in eeschema has a unique identifier. But we don't have
a unique identifier for the entire symbol. So changing which symbol
instance was unit A (our default base for matching), changed the UUID
that we were using to match the footprints.
This commit adds all UUIDs to the netlist, allowing us to match symbol
to footprint without worrying about which unit is referenced.
This still does not handle changing different units on different sheets.
First issue: the C++ action plugins list should be cleared so that any
plugins that fail to reload do not hang around on the toolbar.
This is fixed on the C++ side.
Second issue: inner dependencies of plugins that are modules were not
reloaded before, which broke reloading for many plugin examples out there.
This is fixed on the Python side by keeping track of dependencies and
clearing them out before reloading a module (unfortunately there doesn't
seem to be a way to do this in the standard library)
This change is mainly due to the fact Modal dialogs do not work when our
current tool is the tool used to create new item (text, zone, graphic).
If when this tool is active, one try to edit the properties of the new item
being created (or being placed) the modal dialog does not capture the event tool
and hangs (cannot be dismissed)
Our quasi modal dialogs have their own event loop and work.
CHANGED: If the user made a selection and then tried dragging it, the
drag would only succeed if the selection contained at least one
footprint. Selections with only tracks and vias would instead make
KiCad drag a new selection box.
This MR allows routing of selections of a single track or via, while moving
selections containing more than one item, whether or not they also contain
a footprint.
- Make DIALOG_SHIM::SetPosition working)
- rename PCB_BASE_FRAME::SelectLayer() to PCB_BASE_FRAME::SelectOneLayer()
- PCB_BASE_FRAME::SelectOneLayer(): make dismiss dialog by escape key working.