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Setting up local switches

UTop comes from a dune-workspace.dev file to test it across all supported versions.

Run make create-switches to create all the required switches.

Now you can run dune with the --workspace dev-workspace.dev flag to run the same command across all the workspaces. The make all-supported-ocaml-versions command will build the project with this setup.

Compatibility Across Versions

Some code will be different from one version of OCaml to the next. If you find some that does, please abstract it away using the UTop_compat module.

For example, the Load_path.get_paths () function has changed recently to return a record with shape { visible: string list; hidden: string list }, but this function used to return a single string list.

Defining this function using pre-processor macros allows us to give the same function two different bodies on different version of the language.

let get_load_path () =
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (5, 2, 0)
  Load_path.((get_paths ()).visible)
  Load_path.get_paths ()