
160 lines
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2024-01-06 20:49:50 +00:00
type t = {
prefix : string option;
command : string;
params : string list;
trailing : bool;
} [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let rec is_params_trailing = function
| [] -> false
| [tr] -> String.contains tr ' '
| _ :: tl -> is_params_trailing tl
let make ?prefix ?(always_trailing = false) command params =
let trailing = always_trailing || is_params_trailing params in
{ prefix; command; params; trailing }
let write buf t =
(fun pre ->
Buffer.add_char buf ':';
Buffer.add_string buf pre;
Buffer.add_char buf ' ')
Buffer.add_string buf t.command;
let rec add_params = function
| [] -> ()
| [tr] when t.trailing ->
Buffer.add_string buf " :";
Buffer.add_string buf tr
| hd::tl ->
Buffer.add_char buf ' ';
Buffer.add_string buf hd;
add_params tl
add_params t.params;
Buffer.add_string buf "\r\n"
exception Empty_message of int
exception Incomplete
let crlf = function '\r' | '\n' -> true | _ -> false
let cl = function ':' -> true | _ -> false
let sp = function ' ' -> true | _ -> false
let nocrlf = function '\r' | '\n' -> false | _ -> true
let nospcrlf = function ' ' | '\r' | '\n' -> false | _ -> true
let startswith str f i =
if i >= String.length str then
raise_notrace Incomplete;
f str.[i]
let rec skip str f i =
if i < String.length str && f str.[i] then
skip str f (i + 1)
let span str f i =
let e = skip str f i in
e, String.sub str i (e - i)
let parse str =
let parse_prefix i =
if startswith str cl i then
let i, pfx = span str nospcrlf (i + 1) in
i, Some pfx
i, None
let parse_command i =
let i = skip str sp i in
if startswith str crlf i then
raise_notrace (Empty_message (skip str crlf i));
let i, cmd = span str nospcrlf i in
i, String.uppercase_ascii cmd
let rec parse_params acc i =
let i = skip str sp i in
if startswith str crlf i then
let i = skip str crlf i in
i, List.rev acc, false
else if startswith str cl i then
let i, par = span str nocrlf (i + 1) in
i, List.rev (par :: acc), true
let i, par = span str nospcrlf i in
parse_params (par :: acc) i
let parse_msg i =
let i, prefix = parse_prefix i in
let i, command = parse_command i in
let i, params, always_trailing = parse_params [] i in
let msg = make command params ?prefix ~always_trailing in
i, msg
let rec parse_all acc i =
match parse_msg i with
| i, msg -> parse_all (msg :: acc) i
| exception Empty_message i -> parse_all acc i
| exception Incomplete -> i, List.rev acc
let i, msgs = parse_all [] 0 in
let rest = if i = 0 then str else String.sub str i (String.length str - i) in
msgs, rest
let%expect_test _ =
let print_msg_nl m =
let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
write buf m;
Printf.printf "%S\n" (Buffer.contents buf)
let print_parsed_msgs (msgs, rest) =
(fun m -> Format.kasprintf print_string "%a\n" pp m)
Format.printf "%S\n" rest
make "NICK" ["tali"] |> print_msg_nl;
[%expect {| "NICK tali\r\n" |}];
make "USER" ["milo"; "0"; "*"; "milo"] ~always_trailing:true |> print_msg_nl;
[%expect {| "USER milo 0 * :milo\r\n" |}];
make "001" ["tali"; "Welcome to the IRC Network"] ~prefix:"localhost" |> print_msg_nl;
[%expect {| ":localhost 001 tali :Welcome to the IRC Network\r\n" |}];
parse ":source usEr tali 0 * iitalics\r\n" |> print_parsed_msgs;
[%expect {|
{ prefix = (Some "source"); command = "USER";
params = ["tali"; "0"; "*"; "iitalics"]; trailing = false }
parse "PRIVMSG #lol :Hello world\r\nPRIVMSG #lol :meow\r\nPRIVM" |> print_parsed_msgs;
[%expect {|
{ prefix = None; command = "PRIVMSG"; params = ["#lol"; "Hello world"];
trailing = true }
{ prefix = None; command = "PRIVMSG"; params = ["#lol"; "meow"];
trailing = true }
parse " \r\n" |> print_parsed_msgs;
[%expect {| "" |}];
parse ":ignore-me \r\nFOO\r\n" |> print_parsed_msgs;
[%expect {|
{ prefix = None; command = "FOO"; params = []; trailing = false }