create wheel data structure for implementing pings

This commit is contained in:
tali 2024-01-30 22:24:24 -05:00
parent 8348f2dc1f
commit 277af4202f
2 changed files with 65 additions and 0 deletions

lib/server/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
let%expect_test _ =
let print_list print_ele xs =
let rec iter pre post = function
| [] -> print_string post
| x :: xs ->
print_string pre;
print_ele x;
iter ";" "]" xs
iter "[" "[]" xs
let print_ints_nl xs = print_list print_int xs; print_newline () in
let wh = Wheel.make 4 in
(* t=0 *)
Wheel.add wh 1 |> ignore;
Wheel.add wh 2 |> ignore;
Wheel.add wh 3 |> ignore;
(* t=1 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [] |}];
Wheel.add wh 4 |> ignore;
Wheel.add wh 5 |> ignore;
(* t=2 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [] |}];
Wheel.add wh 6 |> ignore;
(* t=3 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [] |}];
(* t=0 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [1;2;3] |}];
(* t=1 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [4;5] |}];
(* t=2 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [6] |}];
(* t=3 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [] |}];
(* t=0 *)
print_ints_nl (Wheel.tick wh); [%expect {| [] |}];

lib/server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
open Import
include (val Logging.sublogs logger "Wheel")
type 'a t = {
entries : 'a Dllist.t array;
mutable index : int;
let make n = {
entries = Array.init n (fun _ -> Dllist.create ());
index = 0;
let queue t =
let add t v =
Dllist.add_r v (queue t) |> ignore
let[@tail_mod_cons] rec empty t =
match Dllist.take_l (queue t) with
| x -> x :: empty t
| exception Dllist.Empty -> []
let tick t =
t.index <- (t.index + 1) mod Array.length t.entries;
empty t