add KICK command and clean up KICK/PART/QUIT reason param
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ type reply = string * string list
type 'a result = ('a, reply) Result.t
let ( >>= ) = Result.bind
let list_of_errors = function
| Ok () -> []
| Error e -> [e]
@ -433,18 +435,23 @@ let on_msg_join t name =
Ok ()
let leave t user chan ~why =
let mem = Router.membership chan user in
let leave t (mem : membership) ~from ~why =
let user = mem.mem_user in
let chan = mem.mem_chan in
begin match why with
(* TODO: KICK *)
| `quit ->
(* if called from [quit], then we already relayed the QUIT message *)
(* assume QUIT message has already been relayed *)
| `part reason ->
let always_trailing = Option.is_some reason in
let reason = Option.to_list reason in
let msg = Msg.make "PART" ( chan :: reason) ~always_trailing in
Router.relay msg ~from:user [`to_chan chan; `to_self]
let params = chan :: Option.to_list reason in
let msg = Msg.make "PART" params ~always_trailing in
Router.relay msg ~from [`to_chan chan; `to_self]
| `kick comment ->
let always_trailing = Option.is_some comment in
let params = chan :: User.nick user :: Option.to_list comment in
let msg = Msg.make "KICK" params ~always_trailing in
Router.relay msg ~from [`to_chan chan; `to_self]
Router.part mem;
if Chan.is_empty chan then
@ -454,10 +461,6 @@ let leave t user chan ~why =
let on_msg_part t name reason =
let reason = match reason with
| [] -> None
| xs -> Some (String.concat " " xs)
let* me = require_registered t in
let* chan =
@ -467,18 +470,43 @@ let on_msg_part t name reason =
with Not_found ->
Error (nosuchchannel name)
leave t me chan ~why:(`part reason);
let* mem = try Ok (Router.membership chan me)
with Not_found -> Error (notonchannel name) in
leave t mem ~from:me ~why:(`part reason);
Ok ()
let on_msg_kick t name nick comment =
let* me = require_registered t in
let* chan =
match name_type name with
| `chan -> Ok (Router.find_chan t.router name)
| `nick | `invalid -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
Error (notonchannel name)
Error (nosuchchannel name)
let* () = require_membership chan me >>= require_chan_op in
let* user =
match name_type nick with
| `nick -> Ok (Router.find_user t.router nick)
| `chan | `invalid -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
Error (nosuchnick name)
let* mem = try Ok (Router.membership chan user)
with Not_found ->
Error (usernotinchannel (User.nick user) ( chan))
leave t mem ~from:me ~why:(`kick comment);
Ok ()
let on_msg_join_0 t =
(* "JOIN 0" actually means part from all joined channels *)
let* me = require_registered t in
(leave t me ~why:(`part None))
(User.channels me);
(leave t ~from:me ~why:(`part None))
(User.membership me);
Ok ()
@ -523,8 +551,8 @@ let quit t me ~reason =
Router.relay msg ~from:me [`to_interested];
(leave t me ~why:`quit)
(User.channels me);
(leave t ~from:me ~why:`quit)
(User.membership me);
User.unregister me ~router:t.router;
t.user <- None
@ -536,8 +564,8 @@ let close ?(reason = "Client closed") t =
let on_msg_quit t reason =
let reason = match reason with
| [] -> "Quit"
| xs -> String.concat " " ("Quit:" :: xs)
| None -> "Quit"
| Some x -> "Quit: " ^ x
close t ~reason;
Ok ()
@ -602,11 +630,15 @@ let on_msg_user t username realname =
(* message parsing *)
let concat_args = function
| [] -> None
| xs -> Some (String.concat " " xs)
let dispatch t = function
| "NICK", nick :: _ when nick <> "" -> on_msg_nick t nick
| "NICK", _ -> Error nonicknamegiven
| "USER", unm :: _ :: _ :: rnm :: _ -> on_msg_user t unm rnm
| "QUIT", reason -> on_msg_quit t reason
| "QUIT", reason -> on_msg_quit t (concat_args reason)
| "MOTD", _ -> on_msg_motd t
| "PRIVMSG", ([] | "" :: _) -> Error norecipient
| "PRIVMSG", ([_] | _ :: "" :: _) -> Error notexttosend
@ -615,9 +647,11 @@ let dispatch t = function
| "JOIN 0", _ -> (* hack; see split_command_params *) on_msg_join_0 t
| "NAMES", tgt :: _ when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_names t tgt
| "TOPIC", tgt :: args when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_topic t tgt args
| "PART", tgt :: reason when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_part t tgt reason
| "PART", tgt :: reason when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_part t tgt (concat_args reason)
| "KICK", chn :: tgt :: comment when chn <> "" && tgt <> "" ->
on_msg_kick t chn tgt (concat_args comment)
| "MODE", tgt :: args when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_mode t tgt args
| ("USER" | "JOIN" | "NAMES" | "PART" | "MODE") as cmd, _ ->
| ("USER" | "JOIN" | "NAMES" | "PART" | "KICK" | "MODE") as cmd, _ ->
Error (needmoreparams cmd)
| cmd, _ ->
Error (unknowncommand cmd)
@ -638,6 +672,12 @@ let split_command_params cmd params =
(* TODO: "JOIN" should be handled specially *)
String.split_on_char ',' tgts |>
|||| (fun tgt -> cmd, tgt :: rest)
| "KICK", chan :: tgts :: rest
when String.contains tgts ',' ->
String.split_on_char ',' tgts |>
|||| (fun tgt -> "KICK", chan :: tgt :: rest)
| _ ->
[cmd, params]
@ -31,5 +31,8 @@ let is_registered t ~router = Hashtbl.mem router.users t.nick_key
let prefix t =
Irc.Msg.User_prefix (t.nick, Some t.userinfo)
let membership t =
Dllist.fold_r (fun m xs -> m :: xs) t.membership []
let channels t =
Dllist.fold_r (fun m xs -> m.mem_chan :: xs) t.membership []
Reference in New Issue