add algorithm parsing user mode strings

This commit is contained in:
tali 2024-01-14 12:03:55 -05:00
parent b46d808e1f
commit de6ff7abf6
2 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -109,6 +109,49 @@ module Set = struct
end end
module Parse = struct
exception Error
let fail fmt =
Format.kasprintf (fun _ -> raise Error) fmt
type user_mode_set = {
add : Set.t;
rem : Set.t;
let pp_user_mode_set ppf { add; rem } = match add, rem with
| _, 0 -> Format.fprintf ppf "+%a" Set.pp add
| 0, _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "-%a" Set.pp rem
| _, _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "+%a-%a" Set.pp add Set.pp rem
let parse_mode_set str ~of_char ~add ~rem ~init =
let rec loop dir acc i =
if i >= String.length str then acc
else match str.[i] with
| '+' -> loop `add acc (i + 1)
| '-' -> loop `rem acc (i + 1)
| _ ->
let mode = try of_char str.[i]
with Invalid_argument _ ->
fail "unrecognized mode char"
match dir with
| `add -> loop dir (add acc mode) (i + 1)
| `rem -> loop dir (rem acc mode) (i + 1)
| `none -> fail "mode must start with + or -"
loop `none init 0
let user str =
parse_mode_set str
~init:{ add = Set.empty; rem = Set.empty }
~add:(fun ms m -> { add = Set.add m ms.add; rem = Set.remove m ms.rem })
~rem:(fun ms m -> { add = Set.remove m ms.add; rem = Set.add m ms.rem })
let%expect_test _ = let%expect_test _ =
let roundtrip of_char_x m = let roundtrip of_char_x m =
match of_char_x (to_char m) with match of_char_x (to_char m) with
@ -143,3 +186,22 @@ let%expect_test _ =
print_bool_nl (Set.(mem `w (of_string "ins"))); [%expect "false"]; print_bool_nl (Set.(mem `w (of_string "ins"))); [%expect "false"];
print_bool_nl (Set.(mem `w (of_string "wwww"))); [%expect "true"]; print_bool_nl (Set.(mem `w (of_string "wwww"))); [%expect "true"];
print_bool_nl (Set.(mem `t (of_string "imnosw"))); [%expect "false"]; print_bool_nl (Set.(mem `t (of_string "imnosw"))); [%expect "false"];
let print_user_mode_set_nl um =
Format.printf "%a\n" Parse.pp_user_mode_set um
let expect_parse_error f =
try f () |> ignore; print_endline "no error"
with Parse.Error -> ()
| e -> print_endline (Printexc.to_string e)
print_user_mode_set_nl (Parse.user "+iw"); [%expect {| +iw |}];
print_user_mode_set_nl (Parse.user "-wo"); [%expect {| -ow |}];
print_user_mode_set_nl (Parse.user "+i-w"); [%expect {| +i-w |}];
print_user_mode_set_nl (Parse.user "-i+w"); [%expect {| +w-i |}];
print_user_mode_set_nl (Parse.user "+i-i"); [%expect {| -i |}];
print_user_mode_set_nl (Parse.user "-o+o"); [%expect {| +o |}];
expect_parse_error (fun () -> Parse.user "+b");
expect_parse_error (fun () -> Parse.user "w");

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@ -57,3 +57,24 @@ module Set : sig
val to_list : t -> elt list val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : [< elt] list -> t val of_list : [< elt] list -> t
end end
module Parse : sig
exception Error
type user_mode_set = {
add : Set.t;
rem : Set.t;
val pp_user_mode_set : Format.formatter -> user_mode_set -> unit
val user : string -> user_mode_set
(* type ('a, 'b) add_rem = Add of 'a | Rem of 'b *)
(* type chan_mode_set = *)
(* | A of chan_a * (string, string option) add_rem *)
(* | B of chan_b * (string, string) add_rem *)
(* | C of chan_c * (string, unit) add_rem *)
(* | D of chan_d * (unit, unit) add_rem *)
(* val chan : string -> chan_mode_set list *)