create irc user modes module Irc.Mode

This commit is contained in:
tali 2024-01-07 16:30:22 -05:00
parent 3d4f9a987e
commit f46522ba65
2 changed files with 129 additions and 0 deletions

lib/irc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
type t = int
let _o = 1
let _a = 2
let _w = 4
let _i = 8
let _r = 16
let _O = 32
let _s = 64
let all ts = List.fold_left (lor) 0 ts
let filter t u = t land u
let of_bitmask_string ?(allowed = 12) s =
(* This parameter is a bitmask, with only 2 bits having any signification: if the bit 2
is set, the user mode 'w' will be set and if the bit 3 is set, the user mode 'i' will
be set. *)
try filter (int_of_string s) allowed
with Failure _ -> 0
let of_char = function
| 'o' -> _o
| 'a' -> _a
| 'w' -> _w
| 'i' -> _i
| 'r' -> _r
| 'O' -> _O
| 's' -> _s
| _ -> 0
let pp ppf t =
let f ch =
if t land (of_char ch) <> 0 then
Format.pp_print_char ppf ch
String.iter f "aiwroOs"
let rec of_string_rec s acc i =
if i >= String.length s then
of_string_rec s (acc lor of_char s.[i]) (i + 1)
let of_string s =
of_string_rec s 0 0
type diff = int
let pp_diff ppf d =
if d < 0 then
(Format.pp_print_string ppf "-"; pp ppf (-d))
(Format.pp_print_string ppf "+"; pp ppf d)
let ( ~+ ) m = Int.abs m
let ( ~- ) m = Int.neg (~+ m)
let ( ^ ) t d =
if d < 0 then
Int.logand (Int.neg d |> Int.lognot) t
Int.logor d t
let diff_of_string s =
if String.starts_with s ~prefix:"-" then
- of_string_rec s 0 1
+ of_string s
let%expect_test _ =
let print_mode_nl m =
Format.kasprintf print_string "%a\n" pp m
print_mode_nl (_O); [%expect {| O |}];
print_mode_nl (all [_o; _a]); [%expect {| ao |}];
print_mode_nl (all [_i; _w; _i]); [%expect {| iw |}];
print_mode_nl (all [_o; _a]); [%expect {| ao |}];
print_mode_nl (all [_o; _a] ^ +_w); [%expect {| awo |}];
print_mode_nl (all [_o; _a; _i] ^ -_o); [%expect {| ai |}];
print_mode_nl (of_string "awrO"); [%expect {| awrO |}];
print_mode_nl (of_string "is"); [%expect {| is |}];
print_mode_nl (of_bitmask_string "0"); [%expect {| |}];
print_mode_nl (of_bitmask_string "4"); [%expect {| w |}];
print_mode_nl (of_bitmask_string "8"); [%expect {| i |}];
print_mode_nl (of_bitmask_string "12"); [%expect {| iw |}];

lib/irc/mode.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
type t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val _a : t
(** a - user is flagged as away **)
val _i : t
(** i - marks a users as invisible **)
val _w : t
(** w - user receives wallops **)
val _r : t
(** r - restricted user connection **)
val _o : t
(** o - operator flag **)
val _O : t
(** O - local operator flag **)
val _s : t
(** s - marks a user for receipt of server notices **)
val all : t list -> t
val filter : t -> t -> t
val of_char : char -> t
val of_string : string -> t
val of_bitmask_string : ?allowed:t -> string -> t
type diff
val pp_diff : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val ( ~+ ) : t -> diff
val ( ~- ) : t -> diff
val ( ^ ) : t -> diff -> t
val diff_of_string : string -> t