use result monad for Connection
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open! Import
open! Import
open Result_syntax
module User = Router.User
module User = Router.User
module Chan = Router.Chan
module Chan = Router.Chan
@ -23,179 +24,11 @@ let shutdown ?reason t =
let reason = Option.value reason ~default:"Goot bye" in
let reason = Option.value reason ~default:"Goot bye" in
Router.relay (Irc.Msg.make "QUIT" [reason]) ~from:me (`to_interested me);
Router.relay (Irc.Msg.make "QUIT" [reason]) ~from:me (`to_interested me);
User.part_all me;
User.part_all me;
(* TODO: BUG: unregister empty channels *)
User.unregister me ~router:t.router)
User.unregister me ~router:t.router)
Outbox.close t.outbox
Outbox.close t.outbox
(* > user registration *)
let require_registered t f =
match t.user with
| Some me -> f me
| None -> `notregistered
let attempt_to_register t =
match t.pending_nick, t.pending_userinfo with
| Some nick, Some userinfo ->
t.pending_nick <- None;
let me = User.make ~userinfo ~outbox:t.outbox in
begin match User.set_nick me nick ~router:t.router with
| `nick_in_use -> `nicknameinuse nick
| `nick_set ->
t.user <- Some me;
(* TODO: this sucks, fix it *)
let mode_msg = Irc.Msg.make "MODE" [nick; "+iw"] in
defer (fun () -> Router.relay mode_msg ~from:me `to_self);
`welcome me
| _, _ -> `ok
let on_msg_nick t nick =
if Irc.name_type nick <> `nick then
(if nick = "" then `nonicknamegiven else `erroneusnickname nick)
else match t.user with
| Some me ->
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "NICK" [nick] in
User.set_nick me nick
~success_callback:(fun () -> Router.relay msg ~from:me (`to_interested me))
| `nick_in_use -> `nicknameinuse nick
| `nick_set -> `ok
| None ->
t.pending_nick <- Some nick;
attempt_to_register t
let on_msg_user t username realname =
match t.user with
| Some _me -> `alreadyregistered
| None ->
(* TODO: configure hiding hostnames *)
let hostname = match t.addr with
| ADDR_INET (ia, _) -> Unix.string_of_inet_addr ia
| ADDR_UNIX path -> path
t.pending_userinfo <- Some { username; realname; hostname };
attempt_to_register t
(* > messages and channels *)
let on_msg_privmsg t tgt txt me =
(* TODO: comma-separated list of targets *)
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "PRIVMSG" [tgt; txt] ~always_trailing:true in
let dst =
match Irc.name_type tgt with
| `chan -> `to_chan (Router.find_chan t.router tgt)
| `nick -> `to_user (Router.find_user t.router tgt)
| `invalid -> `not_found
with Not_found -> `not_found
match dst with
| `not_found -> `nosuchnick tgt
| (`to_user _ | `to_chan _) as dst ->
(* TODO: check if user is away *)
(* TODO: check if channel is +n and user is not a member *)
(* TODO: check if channel is +m and user is not priviledged *)
(* TODO: check if channel is +b <user> *)
Router.relay msg ~from:me dst;
let list_names chan =
let names =
(fun u -> "", User.nick u)
(Chan.members chan)
`names ("@", chan, names)
let on_msg_names t name _me =
(* TODO: comma-separated list of channels *)
match Irc.name_type name with
| `nick | `invalid ->
if name = "" then `needmoreparams else `nosuchchannel name
| `chan ->
let chan = try Some (Router.find_chan t.router name)
with Not_found -> None
(* TODO: check if channel is +s and user is not a member *)
(* TODO: check if user in channel is +i and user is not a member *)
match chan with
| None -> `nosuchchannel name
| Some chan -> list_names chan
let on_msg_join t name me =
(* TODO: comma-separated list of channels *)
(* TODO: "0" parameter means part from all channels *)
match Irc.name_type name with
| `nick | `invalid ->
if name = "" then `needmoreparams else `nosuchchannel name
| `chan ->
let chan = try Router.find_chan t.router name
with Not_found ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "making new channel %S" name);
let chan = Chan.make ~name in
(* TODO: make user +o *)
Chan.register chan ~router:t.router;
if Chan.is_member chan me then
else begin
(* TODO: check if channel is +k, get associated key from parameters *)
Chan.join chan me;
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "JOIN" [name] in
Router.relay msg ~from:me `to_self;
Router.relay msg ~from:me (`to_chan chan);
list_names chan
let on_msg_part t name me =
(* TODO: comma-separated list of channels *)
(* TODO: part reason *)
match Irc.name_type name with
| `nick | `invalid ->
if name = "" then `needmoreparams else `nosuchchannel name
| `chan ->
let chan = try Some (Router.find_chan t.router name)
with Not_found -> None
(* TODO: check if allowed to list names *)
match chan with
| None -> `nosuchchannel name
| Some chan ->
if not (Chan.is_member chan me) then `notonchannel name
else begin
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "PART" [name] in
Router.relay msg ~from:me `to_self;
Router.relay msg ~from:me (`to_chan chan);
Chan.part chan me;
if Chan.no_members chan then
Chan.unregister chan ~router:t.router;
let on_msg_privmsg t tgt msg = require_registered t (on_msg_privmsg t tgt msg)
let on_msg_names t name = require_registered t (on_msg_names t name)
let on_msg_join t name = require_registered t (on_msg_join t name)
let on_msg_part t name = require_registered t (on_msg_part t name)
(* > misc *)
let on_msg_quit t reason =
(* TODO: '''When connections are terminated by a client-sent QUIT command, servers
SHOULD prepend <reason> with the ASCII string "Quit: " when sending QUIT messages to
other clients''' *)
let reason = String.concat " " reason in
shutdown t ~reason;
(* message sending *)
(* TODO: configure these *)
(* TODO: configure these *)
let srv_host = ""
let srv_host = ""
@ -207,57 +40,227 @@ let srv_motd_lines = [
let rpl t cmd params =
(* numeric replies *)
type reply = string * string list
let reply t (num, params) =
let prefix = Irc.Msg.Server_prefix srv_host in
let prefix = Irc.Msg.Server_prefix srv_host in
let target = match t.user with
let target = match t.user with
| Some me -> User.nick me
| Some me -> User.nick me
| None -> "*"
| None -> "*"
Outbox.send t.outbox (Irc.Msg.make ~prefix cmd (target :: params))
Outbox.send t.outbox
(Irc.Msg.make ~prefix num (target :: params))
let rpl_tryagain t cmd = rpl t "263" [cmd; "Please wait a while and try again."]
let welcome t me =
let rpl_welcome t me =
let isupport = [
] in
rpl t "001" ["Welcome to the tali IRC network %s"
reply t ("001", ["Welcome to the tali IRC network %s" ^ Irc.Msg.prefix_string (User.prefix me)]);
^ Irc.Msg.prefix_string (User.prefix me)];
reply t ("002", [Fmt.str "Your host is %s, running version %s" srv_host srv_ver]);
rpl t "002" [Fmt.str "Your host is %s, running version %s" srv_host srv_ver];
reply t ("003", [Fmt.str "This server was created %s" srv_created]);
rpl t "003" [Fmt.str "This server was created %s" srv_created];
reply t ("004", [srv_host; srv_ver; "iow"; "imnst"; "bklov"]);
rpl t "004" [srv_host; srv_ver; "iow"; "imnst"; "bklov"];
reply t ("005", ["CASEMAPPING=ascii";
rpl t "005" (isupport @ ["are supported by this server"]);
"are supported by this server"]);
let rpl_motd t =
let motd t =
rpl t "375" [Fmt.str "- %s Message of the day - " srv_host];
reply t ("375", [Fmt.str "- %s Message of the day - " srv_host]);
List.iter (fun ln -> rpl t "372" ["- " ^ ln]) srv_motd_lines;
List.iter (fun ln -> reply t ("372", ["- " ^ ln])) srv_motd_lines;
rpl t "376" ["End of /MOTD command"];
reply t ("376", ["End of /MOTD command"]);
let rpl_names t chan_prefix chan users =
(* errors *)
let nosuchnick tgt = "401", [tgt; "No such nick/channel"]
let nosuchchannel tgt = "403", [tgt; "No such channel"]
let norecipient = "411", ["No recipient given (PRIVMSG)"]
let notexttosend = "412", ["No text to send"]
let unknowncommand cmd = "421", [cmd; "Unknown command"]
let nonicknamegiven = "431", ["No nickname given"]
let erroneusnickname nick = "432", [nick; "Erroneus nickname"]
let nicknameinuse nick = "433", [nick; "Nickname is already in use"]
let notonchannel chan = "442", [chan; "You're not on that channel"]
let notregistered = "451", ["You have not registered"]
let needmoreparams cmd = "461", [cmd; "Not enough parameters"]
let alreadyregistered = "462", ["Unauthorized command (already registered)"]
(* user registration *)
let require_registered t =
match t.user with
| Some me -> Ok me
| None -> Error notregistered
let attempt_to_register t =
match t.pending_nick, t.pending_userinfo with
| Some nick, Some userinfo ->
t.pending_nick <- None;
let me = User.make ~userinfo ~outbox:t.outbox in
begin match User.set_nick me nick ~router:t.router with
| `nick_in_use -> Error (nicknameinuse nick)
| `nick_set ->
t.user <- Some me;
welcome t me;
motd t;
(* TODO: get "actual" user mode *)
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "MODE" [nick; "+iw"] in
Router.relay msg ~from:me `to_self;
Ok ()
| _, _ ->
Ok ()
let on_msg_nick t nick =
let* () =
match Irc.name_type nick with
| `nick -> Ok ()
| `chan | `invalid -> Error (erroneusnickname nick)
match t.user with
| Some me ->
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "NICK" [nick] in
User.set_nick me nick
~success_callback:(fun () -> Router.relay msg ~from:me (`to_interested me))
| `nick_in_use -> Error (nicknameinuse nick)
| `nick_set -> Ok ()
| None ->
t.pending_nick <- Some nick;
attempt_to_register t
let on_msg_user t username realname =
match t.user with
| Some _me -> Error alreadyregistered
| None ->
(* TODO: configure hiding hostnames *)
let hostname = match t.addr with
| ADDR_INET (ia, _) -> Unix.string_of_inet_addr ia
| ADDR_UNIX path -> path
t.pending_userinfo <- Some { username; realname; hostname };
attempt_to_register t
(* messages and channels *)
let on_msg_privmsg t tgt txt =
let* me = require_registered t in
(* TODO: comma-separated list of targets *)
let* dst =
match Irc.name_type tgt with
| `chan -> Ok (`to_chan (Router.find_chan t.router tgt))
| _ -> Ok (`to_user (Router.find_user t.router tgt))
with Not_found ->
Error (nosuchnick tgt)
(* TODO: check if user is away *)
(* TODO: check if channel is +n and user is not a member *)
(* TODO: check if channel is +m and user is not priviledged *)
(* TODO: check if channel is +b <user> *)
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "PRIVMSG" [tgt; txt] ~always_trailing:true in
Router.relay msg ~from:me dst;
Ok ()
let list_names t chan =
List.iter (fun (up, u) -> rpl t "353" [chan_prefix; chan; up ^ u]) users;
rpl t "366" [chan; "End of NAMES list"]
(fun user ->
(* TODO: check if user is +i and not in channel with them *)
reply t ("353", ["@"; chan; User.nick user]))
(Chan.members chan);
reply t ("366", [ chan; "End of NAMES list"])
let err_nosuchnick t tgt = rpl t "401" [tgt; "No such nick/channel"]
let on_msg_names t name =
let err_nosuchchannel t tgt = rpl t "403" [tgt; "No such channel"]
let* _me = require_registered t in
let err_norecipient t cmd = rpl t "411" [Fmt.str "No recipient given (%s)" cmd]
(* TODO: comma-separated list of channels *)
let err_notexttosend t = rpl t "412" ["No text to send"]
let* chan =
let err_unknowncommand t cmd = rpl t "421" [cmd; "Unknown command"]
let err_nonicknamegiven t = rpl t "431" ["No nickname given"]
match Irc.name_type name with
let err_erroneousnickname t nick = rpl t "432" [nick; "Erroneus nickname"]
| `chan -> Ok (Router.find_chan t.router name)
let err_nicknameinuse t nick = rpl t "433" [nick; "Nickname is already in use"]
| _ -> Error (nosuchchannel name)
let err_notonchannel t chan = rpl t "442" [chan; "You're not on that channel"]
with Not_found ->
let err_notregistered t = rpl t "451" ["You have not registered"]
Error (nosuchchannel name)
let err_needmoreparams t cmd = rpl t "461" [cmd; "Not enough parameters"]
let err_alreadyregistered t = rpl t "462" ["Unauthorized command (already registered)"]
(* TODO: check if channel is +s and user not member of channel *)
list_names t chan;
Ok ()
let on_msg_join t name =
let* me = require_registered t in
(* TODO: comma-separated list of channels *)
(* TODO: "0" parameter means part from all channels *)
let* chan =
match Irc.name_type name with
| `chan -> Ok (Router.find_chan t.router name)
| _ -> Error (nosuchchannel name)
with Not_found ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "making new channel %S" name);
let chan = Chan.make ~name in
Chan.register chan ~router:t.router;
(* TODO: make user +o *)
Ok chan
(* TODO: check if channel is +k, get associated key from parameters *)
Chan.join chan me;
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "JOIN" [name] in
Router.relay msg ~from:me `to_self;
Router.relay msg ~from:me (`to_chan chan);
(* TODO: send channel topic *)
list_names t chan;
Ok ()
let on_msg_part t name =
let* me = require_registered t in
(* TODO: comma-separated list of channels *)
(* TODO: part reason *)
let* chan =
match Irc.name_type name with
| `chan -> Ok (Router.find_chan t.router name)
| `nick | `invalid -> Error (nosuchchannel name)
with Not_found ->
Error (nosuchchannel name)
let* () = if Chan.is_member chan me then Ok () else Error (notonchannel name) in
let msg = Irc.Msg.make "PART" [name] in
Router.relay msg ~from:me `to_self;
Router.relay msg ~from:me (`to_chan chan);
Chan.part chan me;
if Chan.no_members chan then begin
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "recycling channel %S" name);
Chan.unregister chan ~router:t.router;
Ok ()
(* misc *)
let on_msg_motd t =
let* _me = require_registered t in
motd t;
Ok ()
let on_msg_quit t reason =
(* TODO: '''When connections are terminated by a client-sent QUIT command, servers
SHOULD prepend <reason> with the ASCII string "Quit: " when sending QUIT messages to
other clients''' *)
let reason = String.concat " " reason in
shutdown t ~reason;
Ok ()
(* message parsing *)
(* message parsing *)
@ -265,37 +268,20 @@ let on_msg t (msg : Irc.Msg.t) : unit =
(* Logs.debug (fun m -> m "%a: %a" pp_sockaddr t.addr Irc.Msg.pp msg); *)
(* Logs.debug (fun m -> m "%a: %a" pp_sockaddr t.addr Irc.Msg.pp msg); *)
let result =
let result =
match msg.command, msg.params with
match msg.command, msg.params with
| "NICK", new_nick :: _ -> on_msg_nick t new_nick
| "NICK", nick :: _ when nick <> "" -> on_msg_nick t nick
| "NICK", [] -> `nonicknamegiven
| "NICK", _ -> Error nonicknamegiven
| "USER", unm :: _ :: _ :: rnm :: _ -> on_msg_user t unm rnm
| "USER", unm :: _ :: _ :: rnm :: _ -> on_msg_user t unm rnm
| "USER", _ -> `needmoreparams
| "QUIT", why -> on_msg_quit t why
| "QUIT", why -> on_msg_quit t why
| "MOTD", _ -> `motd
| "MOTD", _ -> on_msg_motd t
| "PRIVMSG", tgt :: msg :: _ -> on_msg_privmsg t tgt msg
| "PRIVMSG", tgt :: msg :: _ -> on_msg_privmsg t tgt msg
| "PRIVMSG", [_] -> `notexttosend | "PRIVMSG", [] -> `norecipient
| "PRIVMSG", [_] -> Error notexttosend | "PRIVMSG", [] -> Error norecipient
| "JOIN", tgt :: _ -> on_msg_join t tgt
| "JOIN", tgt :: _ when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_join t tgt
| "JOIN", _ -> `needmoreparams
| "NAMES", tgt :: _ when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_names t tgt
| "NAMES", tgt :: _ -> on_msg_names t tgt
| "PART", tgt :: _ when tgt <> "" -> on_msg_part t tgt
| "NAMES", _ -> `needmoreparams
| "USER", _ | "JOIN", _ | "NAMES", _ | "PART", _ ->
| "PART", tgt :: _ -> on_msg_part t tgt
Error (needmoreparams msg.command)
| "PART", _ -> `needmoreparams
| _, _ -> Error (unknowncommand msg.command)
| _, _ -> `unknowncommand
match result with
match result with
| `ok -> ()
| Ok () -> ()
| `welcome usr -> rpl_welcome t usr; rpl_motd t
| Error err -> reply t err
| `motd -> rpl_motd t
| `names (cp, ch, us) -> rpl_names t cp ch us
| `tryagain -> rpl_tryagain t msg.command
| `alreadyregistered -> err_alreadyregistered t
| `erroneusnickname n -> err_erroneousnickname t n
| `needmoreparams -> err_needmoreparams t msg.command
| `nicknameinuse n -> err_nicknameinuse t n
| `nonicknamegiven -> err_nonicknamegiven t
| `norecipient -> err_norecipient t msg.command
| `nosuchchannel c -> err_nosuchchannel t c
| `nosuchnick n -> err_nosuchnick t n
| `notexttosend -> err_notexttosend t
| `notonchannel c -> err_notonchannel t c
| `notregistered -> err_notregistered t
| `unknowncommand -> err_unknowncommand t msg.command
@ -14,3 +14,8 @@ let empty_string_ci = Case_insensitive ""
let defer f =
let defer f =
Lwt.on_success (Lwt.pause ()) f
Lwt.on_success (Lwt.pause ()) f
module Result_syntax = struct
let ( let* ) = Result.bind
let ( let+ ) r f = f r
Reference in New Issue