add rotating cache data structure
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
open! Import
include (val Logging.sublogs logger "Wheel")
type ('k, 'v) t = {
mutable index : int;
entries : ('k, 'v) entry array;
lookup : ('k, int Dllist.t) Hashtbl.t;
and ('k, 'v) entry =
| Empty
| Entry of 'k * 'v
let make n = {
index = 0;
entries = Array.make n Empty;
lookup = Hashtbl.create (n * 2);
let find_all t k =
match Hashtbl.find t.lookup k with
| hist ->
(fun i vs ->
match t.entries.(i) with
| Empty -> failwith "Cache.find: BUG! empty entry"
| Entry (_, v) -> v :: vs)
hist []
| exception Not_found ->
let evict t =
match t.entries.(t.index) with
| Empty -> ()
| Entry (k, _) ->
let hist = Hashtbl.find t.lookup k in
let i = Dllist.take_r hist in
assert (i = t.index);
if Dllist.is_empty hist then Hashtbl.remove t.lookup k;
t.entries.(i) <- Empty
let add t k v =
evict t;
let i = t.index in
let hist = try Hashtbl.find t.lookup k
with Not_found ->
let l = Dllist.create () in
Hashtbl.replace t.lookup k l;
Dllist.add_l i hist |> ignore;
t.entries.(i) <- Entry (k, v);
t.index <- succ i mod Array.length t.entries
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
let%expect_test _ =
let print_list print_ele xs =
let rec iter pre post = function
| [] -> print_string post
| x :: xs ->
print_string pre;
print_ele x;
iter ";" "]" xs
iter "[" "[]" xs
let print_history_nl ch k =
print_list print_int (Cache.find_all ch k);
print_newline ()
let ch = Cache.make 4 in
Cache.add ch "x" 1;
Cache.add ch "y" 2;
Cache.add ch "y" 3;
Cache.add ch "z" 4;
print_history_nl ch "x"; [%expect {| [1] |}];
print_history_nl ch "y"; [%expect {| [3;2] |}];
print_history_nl ch "z"; [%expect {| [4] |}];
print_history_nl ch "w"; [%expect {| [] |}];
Cache.add ch "w" 5; (* evict "x:=1" *)
print_history_nl ch "x"; [%expect {| [] |}];
print_history_nl ch "y"; [%expect {| [3;2] |}];
print_history_nl ch "z"; [%expect {| [4] |}];
print_history_nl ch "w"; [%expect {| [5] |}];
Cache.add ch "w" 6; (* evict "y:=2" *)
print_history_nl ch "x"; [%expect {| [] |}];
print_history_nl ch "y"; [%expect {| [3] |}];
print_history_nl ch "z"; [%expect {| [4] |}];
print_history_nl ch "w"; [%expect {| [6;5] |}];
Cache.add ch "x" 7; (* evict "y:=3" *)
Cache.add ch "w" 8; (* evict "z:=4" *)
print_history_nl ch "x"; [%expect {| [7] |}];
print_history_nl ch "y"; [%expect {| [] |}];
print_history_nl ch "z"; [%expect {| [] |}];
print_history_nl ch "w"; [%expect {| [8;6;5] |}];
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