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open! Import
(* include (val Logging.sublogs logger "Outbox") *)
type t = {
stream : Msg.t Lwt_stream.t;
push : Msg.t option -> unit;
mutable bcc_incl : bool;
let make () =
let stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
{ stream; push; bcc_incl = false }
let stream t = t.stream
let send t msg = try t.push (Some msg) with Lwt_stream.Closed -> ()
let close t = try t.push None with Lwt_stream.Closed -> ()
module Bcc = struct
(** this module is used to send a message to a number of outboxes at once without sending
to the same destination twice. it uses a global linked list of recipients with an
intrusive bool ([outbox.bcc_incl]) to prevent enqueuing the same destination twice.
[Bcc.add a; Bcc.add b; Bcc.send_all msg;
(* sends [msg] to [a] and [b]. *)]
let _recipients = Dllist.create ()
let add obx =
if not obx.bcc_incl then
let _ = Dllist.add_r obx _recipients in
obx.bcc_incl <- true
let rec send_all msg =
match Dllist.take_l _recipients with
| obx -> obx.bcc_incl <- false; send obx msg; send_all msg
| exception Dllist.Empty -> ()