smol-http package, with http-msg implementation

This commit is contained in:
Milo Turner 2020-04-10 16:36:38 -04:00
parent 5fd0b3c679
commit 4e7b8b74a3
6 changed files with 197 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
all: .setup all: .setup
raco setup smol-http
raco make webcrawler raco make webcrawler
test: .setup
raco test -p smol-http
.setup: .setup:
raco pkg install smol-http/
@touch $@ @touch $@

smol-http/http-msg.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide http-msg?
http-req? make-http-req
http-res? make-http-res
(require racket/match
(module+ test
(require rackunit racket/port))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; HTTP messages
(struct http-msg [start-line headers body] #:transparent)
(struct http-start-line:req [method path] #:transparent)
(struct http-start-line:res [code] #:transparent)
;; any? -> boolean?
(define (http-req? h)
(and (http-msg? h) (http-start-line:req? (http-msg-start-line h))))
(define (http-res? h)
(and (http-msg? h) (http-start-line:res? (http-msg-start-line h))))
(define (make-msg sln hdrs)
(http-set-headers (http-msg sln (hasheq) empty-http-body) hdrs))
;; (make-http-req method path [hdrs]) -> http-req?
;; method : http-request-method?
;; path : path-string?
;; hdrs : (listof (cons/c symbol? any?))
(define (make-http-req method path [hdrs '()])
(make-msg (http-start-line:req method (build-path path)) hdrs))
;; (make-http-res code [hdrs]) -> http-res?
;; code : http-response-code?
;; hdrs : (listof (cons/c symbol? any?))
(define (make-http-res code [hdrs '()])
(make-msg (http-start-line:res code) hdrs))
;; (http-set-headers msg hdrs) -> http-msg?
;; msg : http-msg?
;; hdrs : (listof (cons/c symbol? any?))
(define (http-set-headers msg hdrs)
(struct-copy http-msg msg
[headers (for/fold ([hdrs (http-msg-headers msg)])
([kv (in-list hdrs)])
(if (cdr kv)
(hash-set hdrs (car kv) (->bytes (cdr kv)))
(hash-remove hdrs (car kv))))]))
;; (http-set-body msg how) -> http-msg?
;; msg : http-msg?
;; how : (or/c http-body? (http-body? . -> . http-body?))
(define (http-set-body msg how)
(define remove-old-headers
(for/list ([kv (in-list (http-body-additional-headers (http-msg-body msg)))])
(cons (car kv) #f)))
(define bdy*
(match how
[(? http-body? bdy*) bdy*]
[(? procedure? f) (f (http-msg-body msg))]))
(http-set-headers (struct-copy http-msg msg [body bdy*])
(append remove-old-headers
(http-body-additional-headers bdy*))))
;; (write-http-msg msg [port]) -> void?
;; msg : http-msg?
;; port : output-port?
(define (write-http-msg msg [port (current-output-port)])
(match-define (http-msg sln hdrs body) msg)
(match sln
[(http-start-line:req mthd path)
(fprintf port "~a ~a HTTP/1.1\r\n" mthd path)]
[(http-start-line:res code)
(fprintf port "HTTP/1.1 ~a ~a\r\n" code (http-response-code-name code))])
(for ([k (in-list (sort (hash-keys hdrs) symbol<?))])
(fprintf port "~a: ~a\r\n" k (hash-ref hdrs k)))
(write-bytes #"\r\n" port)
(write-http-body body port))
;; ==========================================
(module+ test
(define ex-req-/ (make-http-req 'GET "/" '([Host . "localhost"])))
(define ex-res-ok (http-set-body (make-http-res 200) #"Hello world"))
(check-pred http-req? ex-req-/)
(check-pred http-res? ex-res-ok)
(check-equal? (hash-ref (http-msg-headers ex-req-/) 'Host) #"localhost")
(check-equal? (hash-ref (http-msg-headers ex-res-ok) 'Content-Length) #"11")
(define-syntax-rule (check-http-msg->bytes msg bs ...)
(check-equal? (let ([p (open-output-bytes)])
(write-http-msg msg p)
(get-output-bytes p))
(bytes-append bs ...)))
(check-http-msg->bytes ex-req-/
#"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
#"Host: localhost\r\n"
(check-http-msg->bytes ex-res-ok
#"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
#"Content-Length: 11\r\n"
#"Hello world")
(check-http-msg->bytes (http-set-body ex-res-ok empty-http-body)
#"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Message bodies
(define (http-body? x)
(or (eq? x #f)
(bytes? x)))
(define empty-http-body #f)
(define (http-body-additional-headers bdy)
(match bdy
[#f '()]
[(? bytes? bs) `([Content-Length . ,(bytes-length bs)])]))
(define (write-http-body bdy [port (current-output-port)])
(when bdy (write-bytes bdy port)))

smol-http/info.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang info
(define collection "smol-http")
(define deps '("base"))
(define test-omit-paths '("info.rkt"))

smol-http/main.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "./util.rkt"
(provide (all-from-out "./http-msg.rkt")
(except-out (all-from-out "./util.rkt") ->bytes))
(module+ test)

smol-http/util.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide http-request-method?
(module+ test (require rackunit))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; any? -> boolean?
(define (http-request-method? x)
(memq x '(GET POST)))
(define http-status-codes
#hasheqv([200 . "OK"]
[301 . "Moved Permanently"]
[403 . "Forbidden"]
[404 . "Not Found"]
[500 . "Internal Server Error"]))
;; any? -> boolean?
(define (http-response-code? x)
(hash-has-key? http-status-codes x))
;; http-status-code? -> string?
(define (http-response-code-name c)
(hash-ref http-status-codes c))
;; any? -> bytes?
(define (->bytes x)
(if (bytes? x)
(string->bytes/latin-1 (format "~a" x))))
(module+ test
(let ([b #"hello"]) (check-eq? (->bytes b) b))
(check-equal? (->bytes 5) #"5"))

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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env racket #!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base #lang racket/base
(require smol-http)
(define req
(make-http-req 'GET "/hello-world"))
(module+ main (module+ main
(displayln "Hello world.")) (write-http-msg req))