* fix(SDP): Move all SDP related files to a different dir. SDP utility classes are spread across RTC and XMPP directories now, moving these class files to a 'sdp' directory.
* fix(stats): Return promise for getStats. Switch to returning a Promise for getStats. Reset frame rate stat to 0 when video is suspended as a result of endpoint falling out of last-n.
* Fix: sysMessageHandler not deleted (#1590)
* task(e2ee): switch back to GCM
* fix(quality-control): Send the new constraint on join. Fixes the case where the old format height constraint is sent on join for a jvb media session.
* fix(quality-control): Switch to new receiver constraints by default. Use the new receiver constraints unless it is explicitly disabled through config.js.
* feat: Exposes a hook to mod_external_services data.
The hook can be used to get turn servers and credentials from another module.
* feat: JiConOp2 pushes a message with some info to clients.
* feat: JiConOp adds config for shard name feature.
* squash: Changes message type to service-info.
* squash: Drops the event in external_services.
* fix(authentication) login dialog now closes when connection is established
* fix(authentication) fixed shibboleth auth
* fix(authentication) renamed authenticateExternal func to authenticate and updated its logic
* fix(authentication)removed logindialog.js and created actions.any
* fix(authentication) removed focus from externalauthwindow
* fix(authentication) removed private sign from some actions and added openLoginDialog to actions.any
* fix(authentication) exported all from actions.any
* fix(authentication) reverted change regarding externalAuth
* fix(authentication) fixed indentation
* fix(JingleSession): Increase the ICE candidate gathering timeout to 150ms. This will reduce the numbers of transport-info IQs sent by the client.
* fix(TPC): Fix error handling for getStats.
* fix(stats): Use promise-based getStats on all browsers. Get rid of the browser specific keys and use the standard spec-compliant fields for stats. Get the resolution/fps for remote streams from 'inbound-rtp' stats. Use the 'track' stats for the local resolution/fps since these take the active simulcast streams into account.