This is so builders with multiple out of source build trees can all use
the same common boost install directory. And the build system will not
vascillate between the fuller and lesser subsets of boost.
This response file is not expanded under mingw3 2 (mingw/gcc bug?), and the list of include paths, found in this file, is not taken in account.
Now, under mingw32+msys, when not cross-compiling, the response file is disabled.
Cvpcb, Pcbnew: fix a list of libs which should be added only when cross-compiling:
Previously, they were always added, which creates an issue with mingw/msy/ gcc 2.8.
Now they are added only when cross-compiling (this issue was noticeable only with msys+mingw version 2.8)
* Replace all occurrences of the word "part" with "unit" when referring to
multiple unit components for improved consistency.
* Replace "shared by" with "common to" when referring to objects (lines, arcs,
pins, etc.) that are common to all units.
* Improve wording in library component properties dialog.
Mingw, all: remove static link of libgcc, which can create issues when using dll version of wxWidgets.
Therefore libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll should be in the paths for executables.
Eagle plugin: filter and replace not allowed chars in FPID(-':' and '/') by _ or -, if they are used in Eagle footprint names (otherwise, boards converted and saved under kicad_pcb format are not readable by Pcbnew).
pass into an HTML rendering panel and otherwise look goofey.
*) Implement BOARD::Move() can call it from EAGLE_PLUGIN::Load().
*) When USE_FP_LIB_TABLE, tolerate blank nicknames in FPIDs coming from eeschema.
See the switch for this in pcbnew/netlist.cpp as ALLOW_PARTIAL_FPID.
*) Add an assert and a try catch block to figure out that View does not
like some eagle pcb board. bitset::set() is getting a -1 value and firing
an exception.
* Fix replace bug to handle case sensitivity properly.
* Fix replace bug where the item index was getting updated incorrectly.
* Fix replace infinite loop bug on replace all.
* Make find/replace view update code a separate function.
* Rearrange find/replace trace string to add tracing to EDA_ITEM::Replace().
* Add IsComplexHierarchy method to SCH_SHEET_LIST for future find/replace