change renderer API to enable batched sprite rendering
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
(L 64 0)
(L 64 -32))))
; TODO: put hold/next/icons in the same (sprites) group
(object "hold"
(transform (tx -272) (ty -272))
(sprites hud hold))
@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ module Sprite_graph = struct
and node =
| Sprite of {
| Sprites of {
tf : mat2a;
pos : vec2;
sprite : Sprite.t;
map :;
(* mutable *)sprites : (Sprite.t * vec2) array;
(* tint : color *)
| Label of {
@ -109,15 +109,13 @@ module Sprite_graph = struct
let register_font t name font =
Hashtbl.replace t.fonts name font
let get_sprite t map_name sprite_name =
let map = try Hashtbl.find t.sprite_maps map_name
with Not_found -> Format.kasprintf failwith "no sprite map %S" map_name
Sprite.get map sprite_name
let get_sprite_map t name =
try Hashtbl.find t.sprite_maps name with
Not_found -> Format.kasprintf failwith "no sprite map %S" name
let get_font t name =
try Hashtbl.find t.fonts name
with Not_found -> Format.kasprintf failwith "no font %S" name
try Hashtbl.find t.fonts name with
Not_found -> Format.kasprintf failwith "no font %S" name
let push t node =
@ -125,8 +123,8 @@ module Sprite_graph = struct
t.list <- [];
let add_sprite t ~tf ~pos ~sprite =
let node = Sprite { tf; pos; sprite } in
let add_sprites t ~tf ~map ~sprites =
let node = Sprites { tf; map; sprites } in
push t node;
@ -137,8 +135,8 @@ module Sprite_graph = struct
let rec render_rec ren = function
| [] -> ()
| Sprite { tf; pos; sprite } :: nodes ->
Renderer.draw_sprite ren sprite ~tf ~pos;
| Sprites { tf; map; sprites } :: nodes ->
Renderer.draw_sprites ren map sprites ~tf;
render_rec ren nodes
| Label { tf; font; text; fg } :: nodes ->
Renderer.draw_text ren font text ~tf ~fg;
@ -211,21 +209,22 @@ module Scene = struct
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error "bad argument to transform" sexp
let parse_sprite_arg ~sg ~tf ~map = function
let parse_sprite_arg ~map = function
| Sexp.List [Atom sprite; x; y] ->
let sprite = Sprite_graph.get_sprite sg map sprite in
let sprite = Sprite.get map sprite in
let pos = vec2 (float_of_sexp x) (float_of_sexp y) in
Sprite_graph.add_sprite sg ~tf ~pos ~sprite |> ignore
| Sexp.List [Atom sprite] | Atom sprite ->
let sprite = Sprite_graph.get_sprite sg map sprite in
let pos = vec2 0.0 0.0 in
Sprite_graph.add_sprite sg ~tf ~pos ~sprite |> ignore
sprite, pos
| Atom sprite ->
let sprite = Sprite.get map sprite in
sprite, vec2 0.0 0.0
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error "bad sprite argument" sexp
let parse_sprites ~sg ~tf = function
| Sexp.List (Atom "sprites" :: Atom map :: args) ->
List.iter (parse_sprite_arg ~sg ~tf ~map) args;
let map = Sprite_graph.get_sprite_map sg map in
let sprites = (parse_sprite_arg ~map) args |> Array.of_list in
Sprite_graph.add_sprites sg ~tf ~map ~sprites |> ignore
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error "invalid sprites" sexp
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module Renderer : sig
val post_draw : t -> unit
val clear : t -> color -> unit
val draw_rect : t -> tf:mat2a -> fill:color -> aabb -> unit
val draw_sprite : t -> tf:mat2a -> ?tint:color -> ?pos:vec2 -> Sprite.t -> unit
val draw_sprites : t -> tf:mat2a -> ?tint:color -> -> (Sprite.t * vec2) array -> unit
val draw_text : t -> tf:mat2a -> fg:color -> Font.t -> string -> unit
@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ include (val Ohlog.sublogs logger "Sprite")
(* TODO: spritemap has one texture shared by all the sprites *)
type t = {
texture : Texture.t;
clip : aabb;
offs : aabb;
let make ~texture ~pdf ~x ~y ~w ~h ~ox ~oy =
let make ~pdf ~x ~y ~w ~h ~ox ~oy =
let x0 = Float.of_int x *. pdf
and y0 = Float.of_int y *. pdf
and x1 = Float.of_int (x + w) *. pdf
@ -19,55 +18,61 @@ let make ~texture ~pdf ~x ~y ~w ~h ~ox ~oy =
and ox1 = Float.of_int (x - ox + w)
and oy1 = Float.of_int (y - oy + h)
in {
clip = aabb x0 y0 x1 y1;
offs = aabb ox0 oy0 ox1 oy1;
type map = {
texture : Texture.t;
frames : (string, t) Hashtbl.t;
let make_map ~texture ~frames = {
frames = Hashtbl.of_seq frames;
let get map name =
try Hashtbl.find map.frames name
with Not_found ->
Format.ksprintf failwith "no sprite %S in sprite map" name
module Renderer = struct
let _white = Color.white ()
let _zero = vec2 0.0 0.0
let rect = aabb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
let draw_sprite ren ~tf ?(tint = _white) ?(pos = _zero) { texture; clip; offs } =
rect.x0 <- offs.x0 +. pos.x;
rect.y0 <- offs.y0 +. pos.y;
rect.x1 <- offs.x1 +. pos.x;
rect.y1 <- offs.y1 +. pos.y;
Renderer.draw_texture ren ~tf ~rect ~clip ~tint texture
let draw_sprites ren ~tf ?(tint = _white) {texture; _} frames =
for i = 0 to Array.length frames - 1 do
let { clip; offs }, (pos : vec2) = frames.(i) in
rect.x0 <- offs.x0 +. pos.x;
rect.y0 <- offs.y0 +. pos.y;
rect.x1 <- offs.x1 +. pos.x;
rect.y1 <- offs.y1 +. pos.y;
Renderer.draw_texture ren ~tf ~rect ~clip ~tint texture
type map = (string, t) Hashtbl.t
let get (map : map) name : t =
try Hashtbl.find map name
with Not_found ->
Format.ksprintf failwith "no sprite %S in sprite map" name
let parse_sprite ~map ~texture ~pdf = function
let sprite_of_sexp ~pdf = function
| Sexp.List [Atom name; x; y; w; h; ox; oy] ->
let sprite =
make ~texture ~pdf
~x:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp x)
~y:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp y)
~w:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp w)
~h:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp h)
~ox:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp ox)
~oy:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp oy)
Hashtbl.replace map name sprite
name, make ~pdf
~x:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp x)
~y:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp y)
~w:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp w)
~h:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp h)
~ox:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp ox)
~oy:(Sexp_conv.int_of_sexp oy)
| sexp ->
Sexp_conv.of_sexp_error "invalid sprite" sexp
let of_sexp ~texture ?dpi = function
| Sexp.List (Atom "map" :: sprite_args) ->
let map = Hashtbl.create (List.length sprite_args * 2) in
| Sexp.List (Atom "map" :: args) ->
let pdf = match dpi with
| Some dpi -> Float.of_int dpi /. 96.0
| None -> 1.0
List.iter (parse_sprite ~map ~texture ~pdf) sprite_args;
make_map ~texture
~frames:(List.to_seq args |> (sprite_of_sexp ~pdf))
| sexp ->
Sexp_conv.of_sexp_error "invalid sprite map" sexp
@ -78,8 +83,5 @@ module Asset = struct
let texture = Texture.Asset.load_texture tex_path in
let spritemap = Asset.load_sexp_conv map_path (of_sexp ~texture ?dpi) in
debug (fun m -> m "loaded sprite map %S" name);
trace (fun m -> Hashtbl.iter
(fun name s -> m " %S %a %a" name AABB.pp s.clip AABB.pp s.offs)
Reference in New Issue