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2 Commits

7 changed files with 134 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#version 150 core
uniform sampler2D Texture;
uniform vec4 Tint;
in vec2 TextureCoord;
out vec4 FragColor;
void main() {
FragColor = texture2D(Texture, TextureCoord) * Tint;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#version 150 core
uniform ivec2 Viewport;
uniform mat3 Transform;
uniform vec4 BoundingBox;
in vec2 Vert;
/* TODO: instances */
// in vec4 Rect;
// in vec4 Clip;
out vec2 TextureCoord;
void main() {
vec2 vert = mix(BoundingBox.xy,, Vert);
vec3 pos = Transform * vec3(vert, 1.0);
// TextureCoord = mix(, Clip.pq, Vert) / textureSize(T, 0);
TextureCoord = Vert;
gl_Position.xy = pos.xy * vec2(2.0, -2.0) / Viewport + vec2(-1.0, 1.0);
gl_Position.z = 0.0;
gl_Position.w = 1.0;

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ let main () =
let ren = Renderer.make ~wnd in
info (fun m -> m "renderer initialized");
let cat = Asset.load_texture "catthumbsup.png" in
info (fun m -> m "%dx%d" (Texture.width cat) (Texture.height cat));
let tex_cat = Asset.load_texture "catthumbsup.png" in
let tex_otters = Asset.load_texture "otters.jpg" in
debug (fun m -> m "loaded assets");
let tg = TG.make () in
@ -45,6 +45,14 @@ let main () =
TG.update tg;
SG.render sg ~ren;
Renderer.draw_texture ren tex_otters
~bb:(aabb 0.0 (-200.0) (300.0) (200.0));
Renderer.draw_texture ren tex_cat
~bb:(aabb (-200.0) (-100.0) 0.0 (100.0));
Renderer.post_draw ren;
Gc.minor ();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
include Adam
module Array1 = Bigarray.Array1
include Bigarray
include (val Ohlog.logs "S2")

View File

@ -201,20 +201,26 @@ type texture = {
type pixel_array = (float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Array1.t
let make_texture ~size ~format (pixels : pixel_array) =
let make_texture width height fmt (pixels : pixel_array) =
Gl.gen_textures 1 Gl._i32;
let tid = Int32.to_int Gl._i32.{0} in
let width, height = size in
Gl.bind_texture Gl.texture_2d tid;
(* TODO: configurable *)
Gl.tex_parameteri Gl.texture_2d Gl.texture_wrap_s Gl.clamp_to_edge;
Gl.tex_parameteri Gl.texture_2d Gl.texture_wrap_t Gl.clamp_to_edge;
Gl.tex_parameteri Gl.texture_2d Gl.texture_min_filter Gl.linear_mipmap_linear;
Gl.tex_parameteri Gl.texture_2d Gl.texture_mag_filter Gl.linear;
Gl.tex_image2d Gl.texture_2d 0 format width height 0 format Gl.float (`Data pixels);
Gl.tex_image2d Gl.texture_2d 0 fmt width height 0 fmt Gl.float (`Data pixels);
Gl.generate_mipmap Gl.texture_2d;
Gl.bind_texture Gl.texture_2d 0;
{ tid; tsize = size }
{ tid; tsize = width, height }
let set_tex : texture set_fn =
fun (U l) { tid; _ } ->
(* TODO: in order to allow multiple textures, there should something like a LRU cache of
which texture unit each is bound to. *)
Gl.bind_texture Gl.texture_2d tid;
Gl.uniform1i l 0
(* Renderer *)
@ -224,7 +230,11 @@ type t = {
gl_ctx : Sdl.gl_context;
polygon : shader;
rect : geometry;
polygon_rect : geometry;
sprite : shader;
sprite_rect : geometry;
(* sprite_instances : vertex_buffer; *)
let unit_square =
@ -269,12 +279,8 @@ let make ~(wnd : Sdl.window) : t =
Gl.blend_func Gl.one_minus_src_alpha;
Gl.check_error "setup";
let polygon =
let rect =
let polygon = load_shader ~name:"polygon" in
let polygon_rect =
make_geometry [
make_static_vertex_buffer unit_square_with_norm [
attr polygon "Vert" `float 2;
@ -285,11 +291,25 @@ let make ~(wnd : Sdl.window) : t =
~index:(`count 4)
let sprite = load_shader ~name:"sprite" in
let sprite_rect =
make_geometry [
make_static_vertex_buffer unit_square [
attr polygon "Vert" `float 2;
(* sprite_instances *)
~index:(`count 4)
window = wnd;
let destroy t =
@ -299,7 +319,8 @@ let pre_draw t =
let viewport = Sdl.get_window_size t.window in
Sdl.gl_make_current_exn t.window t.gl_ctx;
set_ivec2 (uniform t.polygon "Viewport") viewport;
use t.polygon; set_ivec2 (uniform t.polygon "Viewport") viewport;
use t.sprite; set_ivec2 (uniform t.sprite "Viewport") viewport;
let post_draw t =
@ -313,7 +334,7 @@ let clear _t (bg : color) =
Gl.clear Gl.color_buffer_bit;
let draw_rect t ~(tf : mat2a) ~(bb : aabb) ~(fill : color) =
let draw_rect t ~tf ~bb ~fill =
let sh = t.polygon in
(* TODO: cache/store uniform locations in some way *)
@ -322,5 +343,19 @@ let draw_rect t ~(tf : mat2a) ~(bb : aabb) ~(fill : color) =
set_aabb (uniform sh "BoundingBox") bb;
set_int (uniform sh "Border") 0;
set_color (uniform sh "Fill") fill;
draw_geometry t.rect;
draw_geometry t.polygon_rect;
let _white = Color.white ()
let draw_texture t ~tf ~bb ?(tint = _white) tex =
let sh = t.sprite in
(* TODO: cache/store uniform locations in some way *)
use sh;
set_mat2a (uniform sh "Transform") tf;
set_aabb (uniform sh "BoundingBox") bb;
set_tex (uniform sh "Texture") tex;
set_color (uniform sh "Tint") tint;
draw_geometry t.sprite_rect;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Renderer : sig
val post_draw : t -> unit
val clear : t -> color -> unit
val draw_rect : t -> tf:mat2a -> bb:aabb -> fill:color -> unit
(* val draw_texture : t -> tf:mat2a -> bb:aabb -> tex:Texture.t -> unit *)
val draw_texture : t -> tf:mat2a -> bb:aabb -> ?tint:color -> Texture.t -> unit
module Asset : sig

View File

@ -6,60 +6,55 @@ type t = texture
let width t = fst t.tsize
let height t = snd t.tsize
let conv_alpha_premultiply ~size ~pitch ~stride src ofs_r ofs_g ofs_b ofs_a =
trace (fun m -> m "premultiply alpha: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d"
(fst size) (snd size) pitch stride ofs_r ofs_g ofs_b ofs_a);
let width, height = size in
let dst = Array1.create Float32 C_layout (width * height * 4) in
let conv_alpha_premultiply ofs_r ofs_g ofs_b ofs_a src width height =
let dst = Array3.create Float32 C_layout height width 4 in
for y = 0 to height - 1 do
for x = 0 to width - 1 do
let idx = y * pitch + x * stride in
let sr = src.{idx + ofs_r} in
let sg = src.{idx + ofs_g} in
let sb = src.{idx + ofs_b} in
let sa = src.{idx + ofs_a} in
let i = (y * width + x) * 4 in
dst.{i + 0} <- Float.of_int (sr * sa) /. 65025.;
dst.{i + 1} <- Float.of_int (sg * sa) /. 65025.;
dst.{i + 2} <- Float.of_int (sb * sa) /. 65025.;
dst.{i + 3} <- Float.of_int sa /. 255.;
let sr = src.{y, x, ofs_r} in
let sg = src.{y, x, ofs_g} in
let sb = src.{y, x, ofs_b} in
let sa = src.{y, x, ofs_a} in
dst.{y, x, 0} <- Float.of_int (sr * sa) /. 65025.;
dst.{y, x, 1} <- Float.of_int (sg * sa) /. 65025.;
dst.{y, x, 2} <- Float.of_int (sb * sa) /. 65025.;
dst.{y, x, 3} <- Float.of_int sa /. 255.;
make_texture dst ~size ~format:Gl.rgba
reshape_1 (genarray_of_array3 dst) (height * width * 4), Gl.rgba
let conv_noalpha ~size ~pitch ~stride src ofs_r ofs_g ofs_b =
trace (fun m -> m "no alpha: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d"
(fst size) (snd size) pitch stride ofs_r ofs_g ofs_b);
let width, height = size in
let dst = Array1.create Float32 C_layout (width * height * 3) in
let conv_noalpha ofs_r ofs_g ofs_b src width height =
let dst = Array3.create Float32 C_layout height width 3 in
for y = 0 to height - 1 do
for x = 0 to width - 1 do
let idx = (y * pitch) + (x * stride) in
let sr = src.{idx + ofs_r} in
let sg = src.{idx + ofs_g} in
let sb = src.{idx + ofs_b} in
let i = (y * width + x) * 3 in
dst.{i + 0} <- Float.of_int sr /. 255.;
dst.{i + 1} <- Float.of_int sg /. 255.;
dst.{i + 2} <- Float.of_int sb /. 255.;
let sr = src.{y, x, ofs_r} in
let sg = src.{y, x, ofs_g} in
let sb = src.{y, x, ofs_b} in
dst.{y, x, 0} <- Float.of_int sr /. 255.;
dst.{y, x, 1} <- Float.of_int sg /. 255.;
dst.{y, x, 2} <- Float.of_int sb /. 255.;
make_texture dst ~size ~format:Gl.rgb
reshape_1 (genarray_of_array3 dst) (height * width * 3), Gl.rgb
let pp_pixfmt ppf x = Format.pp_print_string ppf (Sdl.get_pixel_format_name x)
let of_surface srf =
let pixfmt = Sdl.get_surface_format_enum srf in
let size = Sdl.get_surface_size srf in
let width, height = Sdl.get_surface_size srf in
trace (fun m -> m "converting %dx%d texture from %a" width height pp_pixfmt pixfmt);
let pitch = Sdl.get_surface_pitch srf in
let stride, conv =
if Sdl.Pixel.eq pixfmt Sdl.Pixel.format_abgr8888 then
4, conv_alpha_premultiply 0 1 2 3
else if Sdl.Pixel.eq pixfmt Sdl.Pixel.format_rgb24 then
3, conv_noalpha 0 1 2
0, Format.kasprintf failwith "unsupported pixel format %a" pp_pixfmt pixfmt
let data = Sdl.get_surface_pixels srf Int8_unsigned in
trace (fun m -> m "converting texture from %a" pp_pixfmt pixfmt);
if Sdl.Pixel.eq pixfmt Sdl.Pixel.format_abgr8888 then
conv_alpha_premultiply data ~size ~pitch ~stride:4 0 1 2 3
else if Sdl.Pixel.eq pixfmt Sdl.Pixel.format_rgb24 then
conv_noalpha data ~size ~pitch ~stride:3 0 1 2
Format.kasprintf failwith "unsupported pixel format %a" pp_pixfmt pixfmt
let src = reshape_3 (genarray_of_array1 data) height (pitch / stride) stride in
let dst, fmt = conv src width height in
make_texture width height fmt dst
let of_surface_free srf =
@ -75,10 +70,8 @@ module Asset = struct
trace (fun m -> m "open image %S" path);
match Sdl.Image.load (absolute_path path) with
| Ok srf ->
of_surface_free srf
| Error (`Msg msg) ->
failwith msg
| Ok srf -> of_surface_free srf
| Error (`Msg msg) -> failwith msg
Failure msg -> raise (Error (path, msg))